practice 3 questions revised, answers posted Mon Feb 17
The Week of Welcome (WOW) team is recruiting volunteers for the 2025 Week of Welcome and New Student Orientation! We’re looking for enthusiastic students to help create a welcoming and supportive environment for new and returning students for their journey at the University of Alberta. Your experiences can make a real difference in helping students navigate campus life, connect with the community, and start the year off strong.
The deadline to apply for volunteer positions is February 14th, 2025, and we highly encourage all students to get involved!
Apply now here.
Questions? email us at or reach out via Instagram and Facebook (@UASUevents). We’d love to have you on the team!
Please note: Graduating students are welcome to join, so long as they will be in Edmonton by the end of August.
closed book (no devices, no notes, no cheatsheet, no anything)
will cover all lectures, practice questions, and quiz questions
as a representative example of what kinds of questions you might expect, here are some of my old finals (I do not give solutions). course content changes from year to year: content corresponding to some of these questions might not be covered this year. 2022w 2018 2016
since 2016
inspired by the success of AlphaGo
introduces math/algorithms of computer programs that
play 2-player games (tic-tac-toe, nim, hex, go, rock-paper-scissors)
solve 1-player puzzles (maze, sliding tile)
intended for general science students but open to anyone
first course in two-course stream 355-455, but neither is required for the other
labs or seminars? no
coding? we will read code and discuss how to make changes
what are quizzes like? some/all questions will be similar to practice quiz questions
what is the final like? based on lectures and (practice) quiz questions, likely some question(s) you have not yet seen
is there a class text? no
lectures follow these webnotes
plan is to live-stream lectures on zoom
recorded lectures saved on eclass, under reference materials
maze traversal puzzle bfs, dfs (preorder, postorder)
sliding tile puzzle bfs (3x3), intermediate goals, A* (intro)
2-player games minimax, αβ
tic-tac-toe game αβ-negamax, trans.table
nim game dynamic programming, nim formula
solving go linear go, 2x2, 3x3 with knowledge
hex game solving: virtual connections, inferior cells, captured cells
monte carlo tree search mcts hex player, ews (expected work search)
rock-paper-scissors Von Neumann equilibrium, linear programming, sagemath
AlphaGo Clarke-Storkey neural net, AG neural net