alphago (movie)
AlphaGo UAlberta connection
David Silver (Sutton, Mueller)
Aja Huang (Mueller, Hayward)
Alphastar UAlberta connection: Timo Ewalds (Hayward, Schaeffer)
UAlberta games experts
checkers: Schaeffer
chinese checkers: Sturtevant
go: Mueller
hex: Hayward
lines of action: Bjornsson
poker: Bowling et al.
reversi: Buro
puzzles: mazes, sliding tile
games: tic-tac-toe, hex, go, nim, rock-paper-scissors
math: discrete/recreational, combinatorial game theory, Von Neumann equilibria
algorithms: breadth-first search, depth-first search, dynamic programming, minimax search (negamax, alpha-beta), monte carlo tree search, convolutional neural networks
weiqi (China), baduk (Korea), go (Japan)
weiqi played from around 1000 BCE
around 2000 professional players
originated in China, played by upper-class (xianqi – chinese chess – played by masses)
building superhuman go-bot longstanding AI challenge
2016 AlphaGo
played from around 100 BCE in Rome terni lapilli (3 pebbles at a time)
who wins? can you write a program to play perfectly?
played from 1942 Denmark, 1950 USA
who wins? can you write a program to play perfectly?
does AlphaGo play perfectly?
what about small boards: can you write a program to play perfectly?