nim game

nim   tips   alg?   dag   equiv   memo   trace   time   demo   checkers   form   cgt   sol  

nim game

your move: who wins ?
     *   *
 *   *   *
 a   b   c
nim game
  • k piles of stones

  • on a move, player selects pile, removes any number stones from there

  • last player to move wins

  • nim wiki

algorithm tips

  • use recursion     ?     pros/cons … at least consider it as an option

  • avoid code duplication (e.g. negamax)

  • avoid recomputation (e.g. memoization)

memoization example
def fib(n):
  if n<=1: return n
  return fib(n-2)+fib(n-1)

for j in range(40):
  print(j, fib(j))

how long does this take to execute?

memoize, don't recompute

def dpfib(n):
  F = [0,1]
  for j in range(2,n+1):
    F.append(F[j-1] + F[j-2])
  return F[n]

alg to solve nim (10 10 10 10 10) ?

  • so far, tic-tac-toe, with simple minimax,alphabeta,negamax

  • does this work for nim ?

  • consider game state search tree for nim (10 10 10 10 10)

  • move from root state (10 10 10 10 10)?

    • 1-10 from 1st pile or 2nd pile or … or 5th pile

  • so root state has 50 children

  • among its 50 children, 5 have lost 1 stone, 5 have lost 2, …, 5 have lost 10, so the number of grandchildren is 5*(49 + 48 + ... 40)

  • this tree is too big … what can we do ?

  • answer: exploit isomorphisms and memoize

  • as with tic-tac-toe, use a transposition table, generate only one node per equivalence class (set of isomorphic states)

  • eg. nim (1 2 3)

    • x remove 1 from pile a, y remove 1 from pile b

    • x remove 1 from pile b, y remove 1 from pile a

    • tree: these 2 paths lead to different nodes, but same state

  • eg. tictactoe

    • x a1, o a2, x a3

    • x a3, o a2, x a1

    • again, tree: these 2 paths lead to different nodes, but same state

solve nim(1 3 3) by hand, bottom-up
* sort each position in non-decreasing order
* here are all possible sorted positions:
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 2
0 0 3
0 1 1
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 2 2
0 2 3
0 3 3
1 1 1
1 1 2
1 1 3
1 2 2
1 2 3
1 3 3

0 0 0  L
0 0 1  ?
0 0 2  ?
0 0 3  ?
0 1 1  ?

next: states that get to losing state win
0 0 0  L
0 0 1  W
0 0 2  W
0 0 3  W
0 1 1  ?

next: states that get only to winning states lose
0 0 0  L
0 0 1  W
0 0 2  W
0 0 3  W
0 1 1  L   <-

next: states that get to losing state win
0 0 0  L
0 0 1  W
0 0 2  W
0 0 3  W
0 1 1  L
0 1 2  W   <-
0 1 3  W   <-
0 2 2
0 2 3

next: states that get only to winning states lose
0 0 0  L
0 0 1  W
0 0 2  W
0 0 3  W
0 1 1  L
0 1 2  W
0 1 3  W
0 2 2  L   <-
0 2 3


0 0 0   L    000
0 0 1   W                001
0 0 2   W                      002
0 0 3   W                            003
0 1 1   L    011
0 1 2   W                012
0 1 3   W                      013
0 2 2   L    022
0 2 3   W                023
0 3 3   L    033
1 1 1   W                111
1 1 2   W                      112
1 1 3   W                            113
1 2 2   W                122
1 2 3   L    123
1 3 3   W                133

game space search: dag vs tree

  • dag: directed acyclic graph

  • instead of search tree, use search dag

  • ie. different paths from root can lead to same child

    • above tictactoe example: the 2 paths lead to same node

    • above nim example: the 2 paths lead to same node

  • pro: fewer nodes in dag than tree, so less time to examine all nodes

  • con: dag code usually more complicated than tree code, especially if information from child is backed up to parent

    • tree: each child has 1 parent

    • dag: each child can have many parents

state equivalence

  • compress search space by grouping nodes into equivalence classes

  • eg. nim: put isomorphic states in same class

    • eg. (1 2 3) ≡ (1 3 2) ≡ (2 1 3) ≡ (2 3 1) ≡ (3 1 2) ≡ (3 2 1)

eg. nim (1 2 3)
number states ?
  (1+1)*(2+1)*(3+1) =  24

number non-isomorphic states ?

  000 001 002 003
011 012 013 022 023
111 112 113 122 123
nim (2 2 2) dag

pic of nim (2 2 2) dag

  • root node (222)

  • all arcs go from right to left, eg. 222 has children 122, 022

  • exercise: put an x under each losing state, put an arrow on each winning edge


  • recompute? no, compute once, then write and lookup

  • memoization effective if states can be ordered so that value of a state depends only on values of previous states

dp nim algorithm
  • order states by number of stones

    • so each move results in state with fewer stones

  • in order, fewest stones to most,

    • compute win/loss value for each state

algorithm to compute nim values


  • position is losing if every move from that position is to a winning position

  • vacuously: any position with no moves is losing

  • position is winning if is not losing, ie. if some move from that position is to a losing position


  • value[ 0 0 ... 0 ] <- Loss     (state with no stones is losing)

  • (consider states by increasing number of total stones)

  • for j in range[1 .. max possible number of stones]:

    • for each state k with j stones:

    • if value[ k ] not yet defined:

      • for each state w that can move to k: value[ w ] <- win

correctness?     because we consider states by increasing number of stones, if the value of a state is not yet defined by the time we get to it, it must be the case that every move from that state is to a state whose value we have already seen, and (since we would have set the value otherwise) all those values must be wins, so the value of the undefined state must be a loss

dynamic program nim solver
for each state:
  value(state) = False

for k in range(1, sum_pilesizes):
  for each k-stone state:
    if not value(state):
      for each state t reachable by adding stones to a pile of s:
        value(t) = True

trace dpsolve (3 3 3)

showing sorted equiv classes only

 0 stones: 000 F, update 001 002 003 T

 1 stones: 001 T, no update

 2 stones: 002 T
           011 F  012 013 111 112 113 T

 3 stones: 003 T
           012 T
           111 T

 [exercise: show trace output for 4 stones]



dp nim solver runtime
  • each state causes an update at most one time

  • number of states at most product_pilesizes

  • each update takes time at most sum_pilesizes

  • total time O(product_pilesizes * sum_pilesizes)

demo dp nim solver

- simple/nim/

solving checkers

solving games/puzzles: when dp works well ?
  • when number of positions (or equivalence classes) eventually drops to a manageable number

  • eg. solving checkers

  • 1994 (1996): Schaeffer's checkers program Chinook first bot to be world champion of some game

  • 2007: Schaeffer's program solves checkers (a draw)

  • key idea to solving checkers: endgame databases (dp on steroids)

  • see picture of checkers search space in above paper

  • quote from above paper:

Using retrograde analysis, subsets of a game with a small number of pieces on the board can be exhaustively enumerated to compute which positions are wins, losses or draws. Whenever a search reaches a database position, instead of using an inexact heuristic evaluation function, the exact value of the position can be retrieved.

nim formula

theorem a nim position losing if and only if xorsum of pile sizes is 0

eg: xorsum(1 2 3) = 01 ^ 10 ^ 11 = 00, so (1 2 3) is losing.

eg: xorsum(3 5 3) = 011 ^ 101 ^ 111 = 001, so (3 5 7) is winning.

how to find a winning move? from (3 5 7) can move to

(0 5 7) xorsum 010 winning, no

(1 5 7) xorsum 011 winning, no

(2 5 7) xorsum 000 losing, yes

exercise: find all other winning moves from (3 5 7)

sketch of proof

show for each state P with xorsum 0, each move is to state with xorsum nonzero

  • consider move from pile j with p_j > 0

  • xorsum(rest of piles) xorsum(p_j) = 0, so xorsum(rest of piles) = p_j

  • so if we change p_j to some other value q_j, we have xorsum(rest of piles) not equal to q_j, so xorsum(rest of piles) xorsum(q_j) is not 0

show for each state P with xorsum nonzero, some move is to state with xorsum 0

  • let c_j be column of leftmost 1 in binrep xorsum(P)

  • let p_x be any pile with 1 in c_j

  • z = xorsum(P ^ p_x) has 0 in all columns c_1 … c_j, so z < p_x, so can reduce p_x to z, leaves state with xorsum zero

all winning moves
def nimreport(P): # all nim winmoves from P, use formula
  total = xorsum(P)  # xor all elements of P
  if total==0:
    print(' loss')
  for j in P:
    tj = total ^ j  # xor
    if j >= tj:
      print(' win: take',j - tj,'from pile with',j)

[ code: simple/nim/ ]
nim formula example
find all winning moves with nim-theorem?

example:  all win-moves from (1 2 6)?
is there a win-move from pile 1?

  what we have          what we want

  1      0 0 1           ? ? ?
  2      0 1 0           0 1 0
  6      1 1 0           1 1 0
  xsum   1 0 1           0 0 0

  unique solution: replace pile 1 with

                    (pile 1 xor+ xsum)
                  = (0 0 1 xor+ 1 0 1)
                  =  1 0 0

  can we change pile 1
    from 001=1 stone to 100=4 stones?
  no, not a legal nim-move :(

  so no win-move from pile 1
similarly, no win-move from pile 2 (exercise)
is there a win-move from pile 3?

  what we have          what we want
  1      0 0 1           0 0 1
  2      0 1 0           0 1 0
  6      1 1 0           ? ? ?
  xsum   1 0 1           0 0 0

  unique solution: replace pile 3 with

         (pile 3 xor+ xsum)
       = (1 1 0 xor+ 1 0 1)
       =  0 1 1

  is this a legal move?
    change pile 3 from 110=6 stones to 011=3 stones?

   unique win-move from pile 3: remove 6-3 = 3 stones
equivalent method
all winmoves from (1 2 6)

  * j <- in xor-total, leftmost column with a 1
  * for each pile with a 1 in column n:
      change the pile-size p <- p xor xor-total

       1    0 0 1
       2    0 1 0
       6    1 1 0
xor-total   1 0 1   <-- nonzero, so exists winmove


1-pile winmove?
  no:  1-pile has 0 in column j

  after move, need new total xorsum 0, so
  need to leave k = (xorsum of all other piles) stones
  (xorsum of all other piles) = 110 ^ 010 = 100 = 4
  remove 4 stones from 1-pile?  4 > 1  *no*

2-pile winmove?
  no: 2-pile has 0 in column j

  remove 001 ^ 110 = 7 stones?  7 > 2  *no*

6-pile winmove?
  yes: 6-pile has 1 in column j

  change 6-pile to 110 xor xor-total
           ...  to 110 xor 101 = 011 = 3  *yes*

after remove 3 from 6-pile:
  1    0 0 1
  2    0 1 0
  3    0 1 1
sum    0 0 0  <--- losing state, as desired

- exercise: find all winmoves from (3 5 6 7)
another nim formula example
all winmoves from (11 14 37 43)

      11        1 0 1 1
      14        1 1 1 0
      37    1 0 0 1 0 1
      43    1 0 1 0 1 1

xor-total   0 0 1 0 1 1      <-- non-zero, so winning move exists
* leftmost column with xor-sum 1

* for each row with a 1 in that column,
      set the new pilesize to be old-size xor xor-total

e.g. 11-pile: p <- p xor xor-total = 11 xor 11 = 0
     by removing 11 stones

e.g. 14-pile: p <- 14 xor 11 = 5
     by removing 9 stones

e.g. 43-pile: p <- 43 xor 11 = 32
     by removing 11 stones

e.g. 37-pile: column j not 0, no winning move

combinatorial game theory

  • nim is one of the games whose math gave rise to combinatorial game theory

  • combinatorial game:

    • includes games where whoever cannot move loses

    • variant: whoever cannot move wins

  • math of cgt is essential to solving go endgame puzzles

  • some cgt games

    • amazons

    • breakthrough

    • clobber

    • dots and boxes

exercise solutions

nim (1 2 6): who wins?
         *      only win:
         *     take 3 from
     *   *    pile c, leave
 *   *   *       (1 2 3)
 a   b   c
nim dp trace
 4 stones: 013 T
           022 F   023 122 222 223 T
           112 T
nim (3 5 6 7): all winning moves ?
  3   0 1 1
  5   1 0 1
  6   1 1 0
  7   1 1 1

method: leftmost column with xorsum 1?

sum   1 1 1  here, first column ...  piles 5,6,7
             have 1 in this column, so these three
	     columns each give winning move

  3   0 1 1          0 1 1
  5   1 0 1    ->    0 1 0   change 5-pile to 2-pile:
  6   1 1 0          1 1 0            remove 3 stones
  7   1 1 1          1 1 1

sum   1 1 1          0 0 0

  3   0 1 1          0 1 1
  5   1 0 1          1 0 1
  6   1 1 0    ->    0 0 1   change 6 pile to 1-pile:
  7   1 1 1          1 1 1             remove 1 stone

sum   1 1 1          0 0 0

  3   0 1 1          0 1 1
  5   1 0 1          1 0 1
  6   1 1 0          1 1 0
  7   1 1 1    ->    0 0 0    change 7-pile to 0-pile:
                                       remove 7 stones

sum   1 1 1          0 0 0
nim (2 2 2) dag

pic of nim (2 2 2) exercise solution