Sait Akturk, Justin Valentine, Martin Jagersand: Immersive Human-in-the-Loop Control: Real-Time 3D Surface Meshing and Physics Simulation. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (IROS), 2024

Chen Jiang, Yuchen Yang, Martin Jägersand: CLIPUNetr: Assisting Human-robot Interface for Uncalibrated Visual Servoing Control with CLIP-driven Referring Expression Segmentation. ICRA 2024: 6620-6626


Michael Przystupa, Kerrick Johnstonbaugh, Zichen Zhang, Laura Petrich, Masood Dehghan, Faezeh Haghverd, Martin Jägersand: Learning State Conditioned Linear Mappings for Low-Dimensional Control of Robotic Manipulators. ICRA 2023: 857-863

Amirmohammad Karimi, Jun Jin, Jun Luo, A. Rupam Mahmood, Martin Jägersand, Samuele Tosatto: Dynamic Decision Frequency with Continuous Options. IROS 2023: 7545-7552

Michael Przystupa, Faezeh Haghverd, Martin Jägersand, Samuele Tosatto: Deep Probabilistic Movement Primitives with a Bayesian Aggregator. IROS 2023: 3704-3711


Jun Jin, Daniel Graves, Cameron Haigh, Jun Luo, Martin Jägersand: Offline Learning of Counterfactual Predictions for Real-World Robotic Reinforcement Learning. ICRA 2022: 3616-3623

Jun Jin, Martin Jägersand: Generalizable task representation learning from human demonstration videos: a geometric approach. ICRA 2022: 2504-2510

Laura Petrich, Jun Jin, Masood Dehghan, Martin Jägersand: A Quantitative Analysis of Activities of Daily Living: Insights into Improving Functional Independence with Assistive Robotics. ICRA 2022: 6999-7006

Zichen Zhang, Jun Jin, Martin Jägersand, Jun Luo, Dale Schuurmans: A Simple Decentralized Cross-Entropy Method. NeurIPS 2022


Yongxin Ge, Xiaolei Qin, Dan Yang, Martin Jägersand: Deep snippet selective network for weakly supervised temporal action localization. Pattern Recognit. 110: 107686 (2021)

Mennatullah Siam, Alex Kendall, Martin Jägersand: Video Class Agnostic Segmentation Benchmark for Autonomous Driving. CVPR Workshops 2021: 2825-2834

Bowen Xie, Mingjie Han, Jun Jin, Martin Barczyk, Martin Jägersand: A Generative Model-Based Predictive Display for Robotic Teleoperation. ICRA 2021: 2407-2413

Michael Przystupa, Masood Dehghan, Martin Jägersand, A. Rupam Mahmood: Analyzing Neural Jacobian Methods in Applications of Visual Servoing and Kinematic Control. ICRA 2021: 14276-14283

Atefeh Shahroudnejad, Xuebin Qin, Sharanya Balachandran, Masood Dehghan, Dornoosh Zonoobi, Jacob L. Jaremko, Jeevesh Kapur, Martin Jägersand, Michelle Noga, Kumaradevan Punithakumar: TUN-Det: A Novel Network for Thyroid Ultrasound Nodule Detection. MICCAI (1) 2021: 656-667 2020


Xuebin Qin, Zichen Vincent Zhang, Chenyang Huang, Masood Dehghan, Osmar R. Zaïane, Martin Jägersand: U2-Net: Going deeper with nested U-structure for salient object detection. Pattern Recognit. 106: 107404 (2020)

Chen Jiang, Martin Jägersand: Bridging Visual Perception with Contextual Semantics for Understanding Robot Manipulation Tasks. CASE 2020: 1447-1452

Jun Jin, Nhat M. Nguyen, Nazmus Sakib, Daniel Graves, Hengshuai Yao, Martin Jägersand: Mapless Navigation among Dynamics with Social-safety-awareness: a reinforcement learning approach from 2D laser scans. ICRA 2020: 6979-6985

Jun Jin, Laura Petrich, Zichen Vincent Zhang, Masood Dehghan, Martin Jägersand: Visual Geometric Skill Inference by Watching Human Demonstration. ICRA 2020: 8985-8991

Mennatullah Siam, Naren Doraiswamy, Boris N. Oreshkin, Hengshuai Yao, Martin Jägersand: Weakly Supervised Few-shot Object Segmentation using Co-Attention with Visual and Semantic Embeddings. IJCAI 2020: 860-867

Jun Jin, Laura Petrich, Masood Dehghan, Martin Jägersand: A Geometric Perspective on Visual Imitation Learning. IROS 2020: 5194-5200

Chen Jiang, Masood Dehghan, Martin Jägersand: Understanding Contexts Inside Robot and Human Manipulation Tasks through Vision-Language Model and Ontology System in Video Streams. IROS 2020: 8366-8372


Xuebin Qin, Zichen Zhang, Chenyang Huang, Chao Gao, Masood Dehghan, Martin Jägersand: BASNet: Boundary-Aware Salient Object Detection. CVPR 2019: 7479-7489

Mennatullah Siam, Boris N. Oreshkin, Martin Jägersand: AMP: Adaptive Masked Proxies for Few-Shot Segmentation. ICCV 2019: 5248-5257

Masood Dehghan, Zichen Zhang, Mennatullah Siam, Jun Jin, Laura Petrich, Martin Jägersand: Online Object and Task Learning via Human Robot Interaction. ICRA 2019: 2132-2138

Jun Jin, Laura Petrich, Masood Dehghan, Zichen Zhang, Martin Jägersand: Robot eye-hand coordination learning by watching human demonstrations: a task function approximation approach. ICRA 2019: 6624-6630

Mennatullah Siam, Chen Jiang, Steven Weikai Lu, Laura Petrich, Mahmoud Gamal, Mohamed Elhoseiny, Martin Jägersand: Video Object Segmentation using Teacher-Student Adaptation in a Human Robot Interaction (HRI) Setting. ICRA 2019: 50-56


Shida He, Xuebin Qin, Zichen Zhang, Martin Jagersand Incremental 3D Line Segment Extraction from Semi-dense SLAM , accepted at International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), August 2018. [web]

End-to-end detection-segmentation network with ROI convolution, Zichen Zhang, Min Tang, Dana Cobzas, Dornoosh Zonoobi, Martin Jagersand, Jacob L. Jaremko, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), April 2018.

Segmentation-by-Detection: A Cascade Network for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation, Min Tang, Zichen Zhang, Dana Cobzas, Martin Jagersand, Jacob L. Jaremko., IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), April 2018.

Siam, Mennatullah, et al. "A Comparative Study of Real-time Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving". 13th IEEE Embedded Vision Workshop (EVW) in conjunction with CVPR'18


Siam, Mennatullah, et al. "Motion and Appearance Based Multi-Task Learning Network for Autonomous Driving." NIPS'17 workshop on Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems(MLITs)

Sepehr Valipour, Cam ilo Perez, and Martin Jägersand. Incremental Learning for Robot Perception through HRI. Venue: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).

Quintero, Camilo Perez, Masood Dehghan, Oscar Ramirez, Marcelo H. Ang, and Martin Jagersand Flexible virtual fixture interface for path specification in tele-manipulation , In Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 5363-5368. IEEE, 2017 [video]

Abhineet Singh and Martin Jagersand Modular Tracking Framework: A Fast Library for to High Precision Tracking , accepted in the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), September 2017 [video]

Xuebin Qin, Shida He, Camilo Alfonso Perez Quintero, Abhineet Singh, Masood Dehghan, Martin Jagersand Real-Time Salient Closed Boundary Tracking via Line Segments Perceptual Grouping , accepted in the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), September 2017 [video]

Abhineet Singh, Mennatullah Siam and Martin Jagersand Unifying Registration based Tracking: A Case Study with Structural Similarity , the Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), March 2017 [supplementary] [ppt] [poster]

Mennatullah Siam, Sara Elkerdawy, Martin Jagersand, Senthil Yogamani Deep Semantic Segmentation for Automated Driving: Taxonomy, Roadmap and Challenges , accepted in ITSC 2017

Mennatullah Siam, Sepehr Valipour, Martin Jagersand, Nilanjan Ray Convolutional Gated Recurrent Networks for Video Segmentation , accepted in ICIP'17

Sepehr Valipour, Mennatullah Siam, Martin Jägersand, Nilanjan Ray: Recurrent Fully Convolutional Networks for Video Segmentation. WACV 2017: 29-36

Mennatullah Siam, Abhineet Singh, Camilo Perez Quintero, Martin Jägersand: 4-DoF Tracking for Robot Fine Manipulation Tasks. CoRR abs/1703.01698 (2017)

Min Tang, Sepehr Valipour, Zichen Vincent Zhang, Dana Cobzas, Martin Jägersand: A deep level set method for image segmentation. CoRR abs/1705.06260 (2017)


Mona Gridseth, Oscar Ramirez, Camilo Perez Quintero, Martin Jagersand ViTa: Visual task specification interface for manipulation with uncalibrated visual servoing , Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016 IEEE International Conference on

Camilo Perez Quintero, Masood Dehghan, Oscar Ramirez, Marcelo H. Ang, and Martin Jagersand Vision-force interface for path specification in tele-manipulation , In Human-Robot Interfaces for Enhanced Physical Interactions Workshop, ICRA, 2016. [video]

Abhineet Singh, Ankush Roy, Xi Zhang and Martin Jagersand Modular Decomposition and Analysis of Registration based Trackers , 13th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), 2016, pp.85-92, June 2016 [ppt]

Hui Xie, Alan F. Lynch, Martin Jägersand: Dynamic IBVS of a rotary wing UAV using line features. Robotica 34(9): 2009-2026 (2016)

Hui Xie, Geoff Fink, Alan F. Lynch, Martin Jägersand: Adaptive visual servoing of UAVs using a virtual camera. IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems 52(5): 2529-2538 (2016)

Karteek Popuri, Dana Cobzas, Nina Esfandiari, Vickie Baracos, Martin Jägersand: Body Composition Assessment in Axial CT Images Using FEM-Based Automatic Segmentation of Skeletal Muscle. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 35(2): 512-520 (2016)

Oscar A. Ramirez, Martin Jägersand: Practical Considerations of Uncalibrated Visual Servoing. CRV 2016: 164-169

Xuebin Qin, Martin Jägersand, Xiucheng Yang, Jun Wang: Building facade recognition from aerial images using Delaunay Triangulation induced feature perceptual grouping. ICPR 2016: 3368-3373

Sepehr Valipour, Mennatullah Siam, Eleni Stroulia, Martin Jägersand: Parking-stall vacancy indicator system, based on deep convolutional neural networks. WF-IoT 2016: 655-660

Abhineet Singh, Martin Jägersand: Modular Tracking Framework: A Unified Approach to Registration based Tracking. CoRR abs/1602.09130 (2016)

Sepehr Valipour, Mennatullah Siam, Martin Jägersand, Nilanjan Ray: Recurrent Fully Convolutional Networks for Video Segmentation. CoRR abs/1606.00487 (2016)

Sepehr Valipour, Mennatullah Siam, Eleni Stroulia, Martin Jägersand: Parking Stall Vacancy Indicator System Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. CoRR abs/1606.09367 (2016)

Abhineet Singh, Martin Jägersand: Registration based Tracking with Structural Similarity : A Unifying Formulation. CoRR abs/1607.04673 (2016)

Mennatullah Siam, Sepehr Valipour, Martin Jägersand, Nilanjan Ray: Convolutional Gated Recurrent Networks for Video Segmentation. CoRR abs/1611.05435 (2016)

Geoff Fink, Hui Xie, Alan Lynch, and Martin Jägersand. Dynamic Visual Servoing for a Quadrotor using a New Virtual Camera. Venue: Unmanned Systems Canada (2016)

Huan Wendy Hu, Cam ilo Perez, Hanxu Sun, and Martin Jägersand. Performance of predictive display teleoperation under different delays w ith different degree of freedoms. Venue: IEEE International Conference on Information System and Artificial Intelligence (ISAI) 2016


Abhineet Singh Hessian after Convergence: A New Perspective on Lucas Kanade Tracking , Report, November 2015

Xi Zhang, Abhineet Singh and Martin Jagersand RKLT: 8 DOF Real-Time Robust Video Tracking Combing Coarse Ransac Features and Accurate Fast Template Registration , 12th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), 2015, pp.70-77

Quintero, Camilo Perez, Romeo Tatsambon, Mona Gridseth, and Martin Jägersand Visual pointing gestures for bi-directional human robot interaction in a pick-and-place task , In Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2015 24th IEEE International Symposium on, pp. 349-354. IEEE, 2015 [video]

Quintero, Camilo Perez, Oscar Ramirez, and Martin Jägersand Vibi: Assistive vision-based interface for robot manipulation , In Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 4458-4463. IEEE, 2015. [video]

Mona Gridseth, Katharina Hertkorn, Martin Jägersand: On Visual Servoing to Improve Performance of Robotic Grasping. CRV 2015: 245-252

Ankush Roy, Xi Zhang, Nina Wolleb, Camilo Perez Quintero, Martin Jägersand: Tracking benchmark and evaluation for manipulation tasks. ICRA 2015: 2448-2453

Huan Hu, Camilo Perez Quintero, Hanxu Sun, Martin Jägersand: On-line reconstruction based predictive display in unknown environment. ICRA 2015: 4446-4451

Yongxin Ge, Chen Min, Martin Jägersand, Dan Yang: Active appearance model search using partial least squares regression. VCIP 2015: 1-4

Mona Gridseth, Katharina Hertkorn, Martin Jagersand ViTa: Visual task specification interface for manipulation with uncalibrated visual servoing , Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), 2015 12th Conference on


Quintero, Camilo Perez, Romeo Tatsambon Fomena, Azad Shademan, Oscar Ramirez, and Martin Jagersand “Interactive Teleoperation Interface for Semi-autonomous Control of Robot Arms , In Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), 2014 Canadian Conference on, pp. 357-363. IEEE, 2014 [video]

Quintero, Camilo Perez, Oscar Ramirez, Mona Gridseth, and Martin Jägersand Small object manipulation in 3d perception robotic systems using visual servoing , IROS, 2014

Hui Xie, Alan F. Lynch, Martin Jägersand: IBVS of a rotary wing UAV using line features. CCECE 2014: 1-6

Ryan Kiros, Karteek Popuri, Dana Cobzas, Martin Jägersand: Stacked Multiscale Feature Learning for Domain Independent Medical Image Segmentation. MLMI 2014: 25-32


Mona Gridseth, Camilo Perez Quintero, Romeo Tatsambon Fomena, Oscar Ramirez and Martin Jagersand Bringing Visual Servoing into Real World Applications. Human-Robot Collaboration , Human-Robot Collaboration workshop at Robotics Science and Systems, RSS, 2013

Quintero, Camilo Perez, et al. Sepo: Selecting by pointing as an intuitive human-robot command interface. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2013.

Camilo Perez Quintero and Martin Jagersand, Robot making pizza , In 3rd place in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) SAC Video contest, 2013

Popuri, K., Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M., Esfandiari, N., and Baracos, V. FEM-Based Automatic Segmentation of Muscle and Fat Tissues From Thoracic CT Images , International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2013

Popuri, K., Cobzas, D., and Jagersand, M. A FEM Deformable Mesh for Active Region Segmentation , International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2013

Romeo Tatsambon Fomena, Camilo Perez Quintero, Mona Gridseth, Martin Jägersand: Towards Practical Visual Servoing in Robotics. CRV 2013: 303-310

Karteek Popuri, Dana Cobzas, Martin Jägersand: A Variational Formulation for Discrete Registration. MICCAI (3) 2013: 187-194

Travis Dick, Camilo Perez Quintero, Martin Jägersand, Azad Shademan: Realtime Registration-Based Tracking via Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search. Robotics: Science and Systems 2013


Karteek Popuri, Dana Cobzas, Albert Murtha, Martin Jägersand: 3D variational brain tumor segmentation using Dirichlet priors on a clustered feature set. Int. J. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 7(4): 493-506 (2012)

Parisa Mosayebi, Dana Cobzas, Albert Murtha, Martin Jägersand: Tumor invasion margin on the Riemannian space of brain fibers. Medical Image Analysis 16(2): 361-373 (2012)

Azad Shademan, Martin Jägersand: Robust sampling-based planning for uncalibrated visual servoing. IROS 2012: 2663-2669

Alejandro Hernandez Herdocia, Azad Shademan, Martin Jägersand: Unimodal asymmetric interface for teleoperation of mobile manipulators: A user study. IROS 2012: 5214-5219


Mosayebi, P., Cobzas, D., Mutrtha A., and Jagersand Tumor Invasion Margin on the Riemannian Space of Brain Fibers , Medical Image Analysis, 2011

Popuri, K., Cobzas, D., Mutrtha A., and Jagersand 3D Variational Brain Tumor Segmentation using Dirichlet Priors on a Clustered Feature Set , International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2011

Cobzas, D. and Sen, A. Random Walks For Deformable Image Registration International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2011

Birkbeck, N., Cobzas D., Sen A. and Jagersand, M. Basis constrained 3D scene flow on a dynamic proxy International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2011

A Shademan and M Jagersand Three-View Uncalibrated Visual Servoing In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots Syst (IROS) 2011

M Jagersand, A Rachmielowski, D Lovi, N Birkbeck, A Hernandez-Herdocia, A Shademan, D Cobzas and K Yerex Predictive Display from Computer Vision Models In i-SAIRAS 2011, Biannual conference of the international space agencies CSA, NASA, ESA, DLR and JAXA.

A Shademan, A-M Farahmand and M Jagersand Robust Uncalibrated Visual Servoing for Autonomous On-Orbit Servicing In i-SAIRAS, 2011

A Hernandez-Herdocia, A Shademan and M Jagersand Modular and Flexible Bimanipulation System for Space-Analogue Experiments In i-SAIRAS, 2011


Cobzas,D., Upright, C., Jagersand, M. : Wavelet-Based Inverse Light and Reflectance from Images, chapter in Image and Geometry Processing for 3D Cinematography , Ronfard, R. and Taubin, T. editors, Springer-Verlag 2010

Jagersand, M., Birkbeck, N. and Cobzas, D. : View-Dependent Texturing using Linear Basis , chapter in Image and Geometry Processing for 3D Cinematography , Ronfard, R. and Taubin, T. editors, Springer-Verlag 2010

Mosayebi P., Cobzas D., Jagersand M. and Murtha A. Stability effects of finite difference methods on a mathematical tumor growth model Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA 2010), in conjunction with CVPR

Popuri, K., Cobzas D. and Jagersand, M. Fast FEM-based non-rigid registration Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2010

Birkbeck, N., Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. Monocular depth and scene flow under constant velocity International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT) 2010

Lovi, D., Birkbeck, N., Cobzas D. and Jagersand, M. Incremental Free-Space Carving for Real-Time 3D Reconstruction International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT) 2010

Shademan A. and Jagersand M Three-View Uncalibrated Visual Servoing IROS 2010

M. Jagersand, A. Rachmielowski, D. Lovi, N. Birkbeck, A. Hernandez-Herdocia, A. Shademan, D. Cobzas, K. Yerex Predictive Display from Computer Vision Models i-SAIRAS 2010

A. Hernandez-Herdocia, A. Shademan, M. Jagersand A Modular and Flexible Bimanipulation System for Space-Analogue Experiments i-SAIRAS 2010

A. Shademan, A.-M. Farahmand, M. Jagersand Robust Uncalibrated Visual Servoing for Autonomous On-Orbit Servicing i-SAIRAS 2010

A. Hernandez-Herdocia, A. Shademan, M. Jagersand Building a Mobile Manipulator from Off-the-Shelf Components IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. Adv. Intell. Mechatronics (AIM 2010)

A. Shademan, A.-M. Farahmand, M. Jagersand Robust Jacobian Estimation for Uncalibrated Visual Servoing IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat. (ICRA 2010)


Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. and P. Sturm, 3D SSD Tracking with Estimated 3D Planes , Journal of Image and Vision Computing, 27:69-79, 2009

Cobzas D., Mosayebi P., Murtha A. and Jagersand M. Tumor invasion margin on the Riemannian space of brain fibers International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2009

Cobzas D. and Schmidt M. Increased Discrimination in Level Set Methods with Embedded Conditional Random Fields, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2009

Birkbeck, N., Jagersand, M., Cobzas, D. Tracking human joint motion for turntable-based static model reconstruction International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM) 2009

Birkbeck, N., Cobzas D., Jagersand, M., Murtha A. and Kesztyues An Interactive Graph Cut Method for Brain Tumor Segmentation IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2009

Popuri K., Cobzas D., Jagersand M.,Shah S.L., Murtha A. 3D variational brain tumor segmentation on a clustered feature set, SPIE Medical Imaging 2009

Chung H., Cobzas D., Lieffers J., Birdsell L., and Baracos V. Automated segmentation of muscle and adipose tissue on CT images for human body composition analysis, SPIE Medical Imaging 2009

A. Shademan, A.-M. Farahmand, M. Jagersand Towards Learning Robotic Reaching and Pointing: An Uncalibrated Visual Servoing Approach Canadian Conf. Comput. Robot Vis. (CRV2009)

A.-M. Farahmand, A. Shademan, M. Jagersand, C. Szepesvari Model-based and model-free reinforcement learning for visual servoing IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat (ICRA 2009)


Upright, C., Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. Smooth and non-smooth wavelet basis for capturing and representing light , International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT) 2008

Jagersand, M., Birkbeck, N., Cobzas, D. A Three-tier Hierarchical Model for Capturing and Rendering of 3D Geometry and Appearance from 2D Images , International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT) 2008

Rachmielowski, A., Birkbeck, N., Jagersand, M., Cobzas, D., Realtime visualization of monocular data for 3D reconstruction , Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2008


Cobzas, D., Birkbeck, N., Schmidt, M., Jagersand, M., Murtha A 3D Variational Brain Tumor Segmentation using a High Dimensional Feature Set, Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA 2007), in conjunction with ICCV

Upright, C., Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. Wavelet-based Light Reconstruction from a Single Image, Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2007

Leonard S., Jagersand M. On with the Visuomotor Function: A 6DOF Adaptive Approach for Modeling Image-Based Variations and Visual Servoing International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2007

A.-M. Farahmand, A. Shademan, M. Jagersand Global visual-motor estimation for uncalibrated visual servoing IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots Syst (IROS 2007)


Birkbeck, N., Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. Object centered stereo: displacement map estimation using texture and shading, Third International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT) 2006

Birkbeck, N., Cobzas, D., Sturm, P., Jagersand, M. Variational Shape and Reflectance Estimation under Changing Light and Viewpoints, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2006, Also in LNCS, Springer 3951:pp536-549

Rachmielowski, A., Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. Robust SSD tracking with incremental 3D structure estimation, Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2006

Leonard S., Jagersand M. Adaptive Control for Estimating Translations from Image-Based Variations International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2006


Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. and Zhang, H., A Panoramic Model for Remote Robot Environment Mapping and Predictive Display, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 20(1):25-34, 2005

Leonard, S. and Jagersand, Learning the visuo-motor function, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2005

Cobzas, D. and Sturm, P. 3D SSD Tracking with Estimated 3D Planes, 2nd Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2005, pp129-134

Cobzas, D. and Jagersand M. Tracking and Predictive Display for a Remote Operated Robot using Uncalibrated Video, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2005, pp1859-1864 Best vision paper award


Martin Jagersand, Dana Cobzas, Keith Yerex Modulating View-dependent Textures, Eurographics 2004, pp69-72, short presentation

Keith Yerex, Neil Birkbeck, Martin Jagersand A Quick and Automatic Image Based Modeling and Rendering System, Eurographics 2004, short presentation

Keith Yerex, Martin Jagersand Displacement Mapping with Ray-casting in Hardware , SIGGRAPH 2004 sketches and applications track

Simon Leonard and Martin Jagersand Learning Based Visual Servoing, IROS 2004

Simon Leonard and Martin Jagersand Approximating the Visuomotor Function for Visual Servoing, Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2004

Deng Z., Jagersand M. Evaluation of Model-Independent Image-based Visual Servoing, Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2004

Birkbeck N., Jagersand M. Visual Tracking using Active Appearance Models, Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2004

2003 and earlier

Cobzas, D. and Jagersand M. A comparison of Viewing Geometries for Augmented Realit, Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA) 2003, Also in LNCS, Springer 2749:501-508

Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. and Zhang, H. A Panoramic Model for Robot Predictive Display, Vision Interface 2003, pp111-118, Best student paper award

Cobzas, D., Zhang, H. and Jagersand, M. Image-Based Localization with Depth-Enhanced Image Map, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2003}, pp1570-1575

Yerex, K., Cobzas, D. and Jagersand, M. Predictive Display Models for Tele-Manipulation from Uncalibrated Camera-capture of Scene Geometry and Appearance, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2003, pp2812-2817

Cobzas, D., Yerex, K. and Jagersand, M. Editing Real World Scenes: Augmented Reality with Image-Based Rendering, IEEE Virtual Reality 2003, poster session

Cobzas, D. and Jagersand, M. An Introduction to Multi-view Geometries and Structure-from-Motion, chapter in Recent Methods for Image-based Modeling and Rendering Tutorial 1 at IEEE Virtual Reality 2003, pp19-35

Deng Z., and Jagersand M. Predictive Display System for Tele-manipulation using Image-Based Modeling and Rendering, IROS 2003

Leonard S. and Jagersand M. Tracking the Pose of Objects through Subspace, Proc. of Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA 2003) Springer LNCS2749 p. 371-378

Cobzas, D., Yerex, K. and Jagersand, M., Dynamic Textures for Image-Based Rendering of Fine-Scale 3D Structure and Animation of Non-Rigid Motion, International Journal of the Eurographics Association 21(3):493-502, 2002

Cobzas, D. and Jagersand, M. Tracking and Rendering using Dynamic Textures and Geometric Structure from Motion, Proc. of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2002, Also in LNCS, Springer 2352:415-432

Cobzas, D., Zhang, H. and Jagersand, M. A Comparative Analysis of Geometric and Image-Based 3D-2D Registration Algorithms, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2002, pp2506-2511

Zadorozny, A. Zhang, H. Jägersand M. Granulometry Using Transformation Based Techniques, Proceedings of Vision Interface 2002

Cobzas, D. and Zhang, H. Cylindrical Panoramic Image-Based Model for Robot Localization, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2001, pp1924-1930

Cobzas, D. and Zhang, H. Mobile Robot Localization using Planar Patches and a Stereo Panoramic Model, Vision Interface 2001, pp94-99

Cobzas, D. and Jagersand, M. A comparison of Non-Euclidean Image-Based Rendering, Graphics Interface 2001, poster session

Cobzas, D. and Zhang, H. Planar Patch Extraction with Noisy Depth Data, Proc. of Third International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling 2001, pp240-245

Cobzas, D. and Zhang, H. 2D Robot Localization with Image-Based Panoramic Models Using Vertical Line Features, Vision Interface 2000, pp211-216

Yerex, K., Cobzas, D. and Jagersand, M. Image-based Rendering using Hardware Accelerated Dynamic Textures, Proc. of Western Computing Graphics Symposium 2002, pp113-119

Cobzas, D. and Zhang, H. Using Image-Based Panoramic Models for 2D Robot Localization, Proc. of Western Computing Graphics Symposium 2000, pp1-7