Faculty of Science

Department of Computing Science

Abhineet Singh

I am a graduate student in the Computing Science Department at the University of Alberta currently pursuing my PhD under Dr. Nilanjan Ray in the field of multi object tracking and detection using deep learning.

I was formerly with the Vision and Robotics group where I completed my MSc under Prof. Martin Jagersand. My master's thesis was mostly about high precision 2D tracking in natural images and its application to uncalibrated visual servoing. As part of that project, I created a modular framework for registration based tracking that includes highly efficient C++ implementations of several appearance models, search methods and state space models - each combination thereof constituting a distinct tracker.

I completed my under graduation in 2013 from IIIT Allahabad with a major in computer vision. While there, I did several vision projects, including my B.Tech Thesis work on abandoned object detection, under Prof. Anupam Agrawal. I also spent two summers doing a machine learning project on online signature verification with Prof. Madasu Hanmandlu at IIT Delhi.

My research interests include computer vision and machine learning in general though I am particularly interested in the application of deep learning to vision problems like object detection, segmentation and tracking. Please contact me for my CV.


