prologue AlphaGo, the end of an era
go rules, learn
maze traversal puzzle random walk, bfs, dfs
sliding tile puzzle bfs, knowledge, A*
2-player games minimax, αβ
tic-tac-toe game αβ-negamax
nim game dynamic programming, knowledge
hex game properties, tips, solving
monte carlo tree search pure mcts, improvements
epilogue AlphaGoZero, AlphaZero and beyond
Sarah Hoven has kindly agreed to share these lecture notes, created fall 2018. Copyright Sarah Hoven 2018.
intro to alg'ms/theory behind computer programs that solve puzzles (mazes, peg solitaire, etc.) or play games (chess, Go, Hex, etc.)
aimed at general science students, open to anyone
prereq: any CMPUT 2xx course
396 is the first of the two-course stream 396-496 (but not a 496 prereq)
496 starts winter 2017, will cover many of the ideas behind AlphaGo
are there labs or seminars? no
is knowing how to code a prerequisite? no, but you will learn
what will the quizzes and final be like? long answer, short answer, fill in the blank, possibly multiple choice
course resources? these webnotes
evaluation ? assignments, quizzes, final, cutoffs 90 85 … 40 for A+ A ... D.
calendar description? (3-0-0) CMPUT 396: Topics in CS. For a general audience, an introduction to algorithmic problem solving for puzzles such as Rubik's cube or the sliding-tile puzzle, and games such as chess, Hex, Go, backgammon.
24 alphago
23 alphago
22 asn5 program demos
21 mcts
20 mcts
19 solving go
18 quiz (class will start 08:20)
17 quiz review, hexnotes (part2)
16 solving go (tromp's 2x2 code, 2x2 proof tree), hex knowledge (hexnotes part 1, inferior cells, virtual connections)
15 hex game intro talk: no draw, 1pw, nx(n+1) short 2pw, hard
14 quiz
13 nim formula, checkers, hex
12 nim game, memoization
11 negamax, search space dag
10 solving tic-tac-toe with alpha-beta negamax
9 minimax, alpha-beta
8 A*, sliding tile puzzle
7 quiz
6 sliding tile puzzle, beyond bfs: Dijkstra, A*
5 maze traversal review, sliding tile puzzle, exhaustive search via bfs
4 prologue review, maze traversal: walk, bfs, dfs,,
3 go: rules, learn
2 prologue
1 eclass course outline, topics, prologue
watch AG movie trailer (and watch the movie if you can)
learn Tromp-Taylor rules
do all exercises in interactive way to go
practise 5x5 go