in a puzzle, 1 player makes all moves
to solve puzzle, search state space for best possible outcome
2-player games? chess, Go, hex, … how to solve?
ideas from chess
1913 zermelo on the application of counting theory to the theory of chess
1947? Alan Turing, Claude Shannon discussed chess algs, e.g. minimax
1997 Deep Blue defeats Kasparov 3.5–2.5
UAlberta connection Murray Campbell BSc (1979) MSc (1981)
simplest multi-player games? e.g. Go, tic-tac-toe, checkers, chess
2 players
alternate turn
zero-sum (only 1 winner)
adversarial search: searching a 2-player game tree
consider a player about to move
in order to pick best move, need to know how opponent will respond
worst case for player, but simplest to analyse (requires no opponent modelling)
assume opponent perfect, always makes best possible move
what does it mean to solve a game?
state position and player-to-move
reachable state any state reachable by sequence of legal moves
strategy for a player, a function that, for any reachable state, returns a legal move
in 2-player game, to solve a state is to find a strategy with best worst-case performance, ie. that guarantees the best possible score, over all possible opponent strategies (so, assuming opponent always makes a best possible move)
initial move for any such strategy can be found by minimax search, score is player-to-move's minimax score
play that follows a minimax strategy called perfect play
if you missed this lecture, watch this practice this
to find minimax value, explore game-state tree in any order that finds values of children before value of node
minimax algorithm: search space to find root state minimax value
root node is a max node each child of a max node is a min node each child of a min node is a max node def eval(s): for player MAX, return score of s def minimax(s): if terminal(s): return eval(s) if s.player() == MAX: return max(for all children c of s, minimax(c)) if s.player() == MIN: return min(for all children c of s, minimax(c))
node: state edge (root, level 1): p1 move edge (level 1, level 2): p2 move leaf label: p1 score for each node, p1 minimax value ? best play? * / | \ / | \ * * * / | \ / \ / | \ * * * * * * * * 2 3 -1 1 6 -4 2 9 1 / | \ / | \ -1 1 -4 / | \ / \ / | \ * * * * * * * * 2 3 -1 1 6 -4 2 9 p1 best play from root: middle p2 best play at level 1: after p1 left: right (p1 scores -1) after p1 middle: left (p1 scores 1) after p1 right: left (p1 scores -4)
when solving a state, usually not necessary to examine the whole tree
once one winning move is found, remaining moves can be ignored
this motivates alpha-beta search
recall min/max format: p1 max, p2 min, show p1 values a / \ b c / \ /|\ d e f g h 7 5 3 ? ? assume dfs with children explored left-to-right * / \ 5 <=3 / \ /|\ 7 5 3 ? ? after examining node we know ... d val(b) <= 7 e val(b) = min(7,5) = 5 c val(c) <= 3 now, no need to learn more about val(c) ... val(c) <=3 < val(b) ... p1 prefers b to c ... so prune remaining children of c from our search
αβ-search = minimax search with αβ pruning
α: value, best p1 option so far, on path current-to-root
β: value, best p2 option so far, on path current-to-root
minimax, so can be used as a solver
leaf scores must be true scores
must be able to reach all leaf nodes in reasonable time
can also be used as heuristic player
find fast heuristic, use on all leaves at a fixed depth
eg. simple chess player
to see our algorithm run on this example, go to directory simple/alphabeta and run on input