Davood Rafiei's Refereed Publications:
See also the dblp page for a more up-to-date list.
- Mir Tafseer Nayeem, Davood Rafiei, KidLM: Advancing language models for children -- early insights and future directions , EMNLP 2024.
- Mahadi Hasan Nahid, Davood Rafiei, NormTab: Improving symbolic reasoning in LLMs through tabular data normalization (code), EMNLP (Findings) 2024.
- Mohammadreza Pourreza, Davood Rafiei, DTS-SQL: Decomposed text-to-SQL with small large language models (code), EMNLP (Findings) 2024.
- Soroush Omidvartehrani, Arash Dargahi Nobari, Davood Rafiei, GXJoin: Generalized cell transformations for explainable joinability, ADBIS 2024.
- Mahadi Hasan Nahid, Davood Rafiei, TabSQLify: Enhancing reasoning capabilities of LLMs through table decomposition (code), NAACL 2024.
- Arash Dargahi Nobari, Davood Rafiei, DTT: An example-driven tabular transformer by leveraging large language models (code), SIGMOD 2024.
- Mohammadreza Pourreza, Davood Rafiei, DIN-SQL: Decomposed in-context learning of text-to-SQL with self-correction (code), NeurIPS 2023.
- Mohammadreza Pourreza, Davood Rafiei, Evaluating cross-domain text-to-SQL models and benchmarks (code), EMNLP 2023.
- Yuchen Su, Davood Rafiei, Behrad Khorram Nazari, SAND: Semantic annotation of numeric data in web tables (code), CIKM 2023.
- Ali Naeim Abadi, Mir Tafseer Nayeem, Davood Rafiei, Product entity matching via tabular data, CIKM 2023.
- Hamed Mirzaei, Davood Rafiei, Table union search with preferences, TaDA @ VLDB 2023.
- Ehsan Kamalloo, Nouha Dziri, Charles Clarke, Davood Rafiei, Evaluating open-domain question answering in the era of large language models, ACL 2023.
- Ehsan Kamalloo, Charles Clarke, Davood Rafiei, Limitations of open-domain question answering benchmarks for document-level reasoning, SIGIR 2023.
- Mir Tafseer Nayeem, Davood Rafiei, On the role of reviewer expertise in temporal review helpfulness prediction, EACL (Findings) 2023.
- Arif Hasnat, Davood Rafiei, Interactive set discovery, EDBT 2023.
- Mehdi Akabarian Rastaghi, Ehsan Kamalloo, Davood Rafiei, Probing the robustness of pre-trained language models for entity matching, CIKM 2022.
- Mostafa Yadegari, Ehsan Kamalloo, Davood Rafiei, Detecting frozen phrases in open-domain question answering, SIGIR 2022.
- Arash Dargahi Nobari, Davood Rafiei, Efficiently transforming tables for joinability (code), ICDE 2022.
- Davood Rafiei, Harrison Fah, Thomas Lafrance, Arash Dargahi Nobari, BareTQL: An interactive system for searching and extraction of open data tables (demo) (code), IUI 2022.
- Maithrreye Srinivasan, Davood Rafiei, Location-aware named entity disambiguation, CIKM 2021.
- Davood Rafiei, Fan Deng, Similarity join and similarity self-join size estimation in a streaming environment, TKDE 2020.
- Ehsan Kamalloo, Davood Rafiei,
A coherent unsupervised model for toponym resolution, Proc. of the WWW Conference, 2018.
- Sanket Kumar, Davood Rafiei,
Strategies for geographical scoping and improving a gazetteer, Proc. of the WWW Conference, 2018.
- Muhammad Waqar, Davood Rafiei,
Characterizing users and tracking their activities in online classified ads, Int. Journal of AI Tools, 2017.
- Jiangwei Yu, Davood Rafiei,
Geotagging named entities in news and online documents, Proc. of the CIKM Conference, 2016
(the dataset is here).
- Muhammad Waqar, Davood Rafiei, Tracking user activities and marketplace dynamics in classified ads, Proc. of the Web Intelligence Conference, 2016.
- Reza Sadoddin, Joerg Sander, Davood Rafiei,
Finding surprisingly frequent patterns of variable lengths in sequence data,
Proc. of the SDM Conference, 2016.
- Muhammad Waqar, Davood Rafiei,
Characterizing users in an online classified ad network, Proc. of the WIMS Conference, 2016.
- Saeed Mohajeri, Hamman Samuel, Osmar Zaiane, Davood Rafiei,
BubbleNet: an innovative exploratory search and summarization interface with applicability in health social media, Proc. of the ICDEc Conference, 8 pages, 2016.
- Hongya Wang, Jiao Cao, LihChyun Shu, Davood Rafiei,
Locality sensitive hashing revisited: filling the gap between theory and
algorithm analysis, Proc. of the CIKM Conference, 2013.
- Aibek Makazhanov, Davood Rafiei,
Predicting Political Preference of Twitter Users,
Proc. of ASONAM Conference, 2013 (here is an extended version that covers both
Alberta election 2012 and Pakistan election 2013).
- Pirooz Chubak, Davood Rafiei,
Efficient Indexing and Querying over Syntactically Annotated Trees,
PVLDB, 5(11), 2012.
- Chaman Thapa, Osmar Zaiane, Davood Rafiei, Arya Shrama,
Classifying Websites into Non-topical Categories,
Proc. of DAWAK Conference, 2012.
- Hoda Sepehri Rad, Aibek Makazhanov, Davood Rafiei, Denilson Barbosa,
Leveraging Editor Collaboration Patterns in Wikipedia,
Proc. of Hypertext and Social Media, 2012.
- Pirooz Chubak, Davood Rafiei,
Index Structures for Efficiently Searching Natural Language Text,
Proc. of the CIKM Conference, 2010.
- Davood Rafiei, Krishna Bharat, Anand Shukla,
Diversifying Web Search Results,
Proc. of the WWW Conference, 2010.
- Davood Rafiei, Haobin Li,
Data Extraction from the Web Using Wild Card Queries,
Proc. of the CIKM Conference, 2009 (here is the
full paper
with more details).
- Christopher Pinchak, Davood Rafiei, Dekang Lin,
Answer Typing for Information Retrieval,
Proc. of the CIKM Conference, 2009.
- Christopher Pinchak, Dekang Lin, Davood Rafiei,
Flexible Answer Typing with Discriminative Preference Ranking,
Proc. of the EACL Conference, 2009.
- Reza Sherkat, Davood Rafiei,
On Efficiently Searching Trajectories and Archival Data for Historical
Proc. of the VLDB Conference, 2008.
- Reza Sherkat, Davood Rafiei,
On MBR Approximation of Histories for Historical Queries: Expectations
and Limitations,
Proc. of the ICDE Conference, 2007.
- Davood Rafiei, Cheng Hu,
Bulk Loading a Linear Hash File,
Proc. of the DaWak Conference, 2006.
- Davood Rafiei, Daniel Moise, Dabo Sun,
Finding Syntactic Similarities between XML
Documents, Proc. of the XANTEC Workshop (in conjunction with DEXA and
DaWak) , 2006.
(here are the slides)
- Fan Deng, Davood Rafiei,
Approximately Detecting Duplicates for
Streaming Data using Stable Bloom Filters,
Proc. of the SIGMOD Conference ,
2006 (here is the extended version;
it has some of the proofs missing from the original paper due to space limitations).
- Reza Sherkat, Davood Rafiei,
Efficiently Evaluating Order Preserving Similarity
Queries Over Historical Market-Basket Data,
Proc. of the ICDE Conference,
- Davood Rafiei, Stephen Curial,
Effectively Visualizing Large Networks Through
Sampling, Proc. of the IEEE Visualization Conference,
- Davood Rafiei,
Bulk Loading Large Collections of Hyperlinked Resources,
Proc. of the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia ,
- Davood Rafiei, Stephen Curial,
ALVIN: A System for Visualizing Large Networks, Poster Proc. of WWW 2005.
- Gabriela Moise, Joerg Sander, Davood Rafiei,
Focused Co-citation: Improving the Retrieval of Related Pages on the Web,
Poster Proc. of WWW 2003.
- Davood Rafiei, Alberto Mendelzon,
Efficient Retrieval of Similar Shapes, VLDB Journal, 11(1): 17-27,
August 2002 (ps).
- Alberto Mendelzon, Davood Rafiei
An Autonomous Page Ranking Method for Metasearch Engines, Poster
Proc. of WWW 2002.
- Alberto Mendelzon, Davood Rafiei
What do the Neighbours Think? Computing Web Page Reputations
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 23(3): 9-16,
September 2000 (ps).
- Davood Rafiei, Alberto Mendelzon,
Querying Time Series Data Based on Similarity,
IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 12(5): 675-693,
September/October 2000 (ps).
- Davood Rafiei, Alberto Mendelzon,
What is this Page Known for? Computing Web Page Reputations,
Proc. WWW9 Conference, Amsterdam, May 2000
(also published in Computer Networks 33 (2000):823-835)
- Davood Rafiei,
On Similarity-Based Queries for Time Series Data
Proc. IEEE Data Engineering Conference, Sydney, Australia, March 1999.
- Davood Rafiei, Alberto Mendelzon,
Efficient Retrieval of Similar Time Sequences Using DFT,
Proc. FODO Conference, Kobe, Japan, November 1998.
( a newer version to be published
as a book chapter which turns out to be easier to print)
- Davood Rafiei, Alberto Mendelzon,
Similarity-Based Queries for Time Series Data,
Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conference, Tucson, Arizona, May 1997