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go Directory Reference


file  GoAssertBoardRestored.h [code]
file  GoAutoBook.cpp [code]
file  GoAutoBook.h [code]
file  GoBensonSolver.cpp [code]
 See GoBensonSolver.h.
file  GoBensonSolver.h [code]
 Recognize safe stones and territories according to [Benson 1976].
file  GoBlock.cpp [code]
 See GoBlock.h.
file  GoBlock.h [code]
 A block contained in a GoRegionBoard.
file  GoBoard.cpp [code]
 See GoBoard.h.
file  GoBoard.h [code]
 Go board with basic board and blocks.
file  GoBoardCheckPerformance.cpp [code]
 See GoBoardCheckPerformance.h.
file  GoBoardCheckPerformance.h [code]
 Check performance of the GoBoard class.
file  GoBoardHistory.cpp [code]
 See GoBoardHistory.h.
file  GoBoardHistory.h [code]
file  GoBoardRestorer.cpp [code]
 See GoBoardRestorer.h.
file  GoBoardRestorer.h [code]
file  GoBoardSynchronizer.cpp [code]
file  GoBoardSynchronizer.h [code]
file  GoBoardUpdater.cpp [code]
file  GoBoardUpdater.h [code]
file  GoBoardUtil.cpp [code]
 See GoBoardUtil.h.
file  GoBoardUtil.h [code]
 GoBoard-related utility classes.
file  GoBook.cpp [code]
file  GoBook.h [code]
 Opening book.
file  GoChain.cpp [code]
 See GoChain.h.
file  GoChain.h [code]
 A chain contained in a.
file  GoEyeCount.cpp [code]
 See GoEyeCount.h.
file  GoEyeCount.h [code]
 Upper and lower bounds on number of eyes and potential eyes.
file  GoEyeUtil.cpp [code]
 See GoEyeUtil.h.
file  GoEyeUtil.h [code]
 GoBoard eye-related utility classes.
file  GoGame.cpp [code]
 See GoGame.h.
file  GoGame.h [code]
 GoGameRecord class, play and replay moves in a game tree.
file  GoGtpCommandUtil.cpp [code]
file  GoGtpCommandUtil.h [code]
 Utils for Go GTP commands.
file  GoGtpEngine.cpp [code]
 See GoGtpEngine.h.
file  GoGtpEngine.h [code]
 GtpEngine with GoBoard, GoPlayer and GoGame.
file  GoGtpExtraCommands.cpp [code]
file  GoGtpExtraCommands.h [code]
file  GoGtpTimeSettings.cpp [code]
 See GoGtpTimeSettings.h.
file  GoGtpTimeSettings.h [code]
 Time settings as used in time_settings standard GTP command.
file  GoInfluence.cpp [code]
 See GoInfluence.h.
file  GoInfluence.h [code]
 Simple functions for influence computation.
file  GoInit.cpp [code]
file  GoInit.h [code]
 Initialization of module Go.
file  GoKomi.cpp [code]
file  GoKomi.h [code]
file  GoLadder.cpp [code]
file  GoLadder.h [code]
 Fast ladder algorithm, computes ladders and snapbacks.
file  GoModBoard.h [code]
file  GoMotive.cpp [code]
 See GoMotive.h.
file  GoMotive.h [code]
 Enumerations GoMotive and GoModifier.
file  GoMoveExecutor.h [code]
 Class GoMoveExecutor.
file  GoNodeUtil.cpp [code]
file  GoNodeUtil.h [code]
 Utility functions for Go trees.
file  GoPlayer.cpp [code]
 See GoPlayer.h.
file  GoPlayer.h [code]
file  GoPlayerMove.cpp [code]
file  GoPlayerMove.h [code]
file  GoRegion.cpp [code]
 See GoRegion.h.
file  GoRegion.h [code]
 A GoRegion contained in a.
file  GoRegionBoard.cpp [code]
 See GoRegionBoard.h.
file  GoRegionBoard.h [code]
 A GoRegionBoard provides the connected components of a GoBoard.
file  GoRegionUtil.cpp [code]
 See GoRegionUtil.h.
file  GoRegionUtil.h [code]
 Utility functions for GoRegion and GoRegionBoard.
file  GoRules.cpp [code]
file  GoRules.h [code]
 Class GoRules.
file  GoSafetyCommands.cpp [code]
 See GoSafetyCommands.h.
file  GoSafetyCommands.h [code]
file  GoSafetySolver.cpp [code]
 See GoSafetySolver.h.
file  GoSafetySolver.h [code]
 Recognize safe territories using 1-vital and 2-vital definitions under alternating play from Martin Mueller's thesis [Mueller 95, p.
file  GoSafetyUtil.cpp [code]
 See GoSafetyUtil.h.
file  GoSafetyUtil.h [code]
 Utility functions for the static and search-based safety solvers.
file  GoSearch.cpp [code]
file  GoSearch.h [code]
 Class GoSearch extends SgSearch.
file  GoSetup.h [code]
 Initial setup information for GoBoard.
file  GoSetupUtil.cpp [code]
 See GoSetupUtil.h.
file  GoSetupUtil.h [code]
 utilities to create setup information for GoBoard.
file  GoSortedMoves.h [code]
 Specialization of SgSortedMoves for Go: move = SgMove, value = int.
file  GoStaticLadder.cpp [code]
 See GoStaticLadder.h.
file  GoStaticLadder.h [code]
file  GoStaticSafetySolver.cpp [code]
 See GoStaticSafetySolver.h.
file  GoStaticSafetySolver.h [code]
 Recognize safe stones and territories statically.
file  GoTimeControl.cpp [code]
 See GoTimeControl.h.
file  GoTimeControl.h [code]
 Time management.
file  GoUtil.cpp [code]
 See GoUtil.h.
file  GoUtil.h [code]
 General Go related utility functions.

17 Jun 2010 Doxygen 1.4.7