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Go Library Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
GoAdjBlockIterator< BOARD >Iterate through the anchors of all the blocks adjacent to the given block
GoAssertBoardRestoredAssert that the board has been restored to previous state
GoAutoBookStateTracks canonical hash
GoBensonSolverBenson's classic algorithm for finding unconditionally alive blocks
GoBlockA block augmented by a list of its healthy regions
GoBlockIteratorIterate over all blocks' anchors on the board
GoBoardGo board
GoBoard::BlockData related to a block of stones on the board
GoBoard::HashCodeBoard hash code
GoBoard::IteratorIterate through all points
GoBoard::LibertyCopyIteratorIterate through all the liberties of a block
GoBoard::LibertyIteratorIterate through all the liberties of a block
GoBoard::StackEntryInformation to undo a move
GoBoard::StateData that can be restored quickly with TakeSnapshot/RestoreSnapshot
GoBoard::StoneIteratorIterate through all the stones of a block
GoBoardHistoryIdentifier for board state including history
GoBoardRestorerRemembers the state of a board and restores it in its destructor
GoBoardSynchronizerSynchronize two boards
GoBoardUpdaterUpdates a board to a node in a game tree
GoBookCommandsGTP commands for GoBook
GoChainSet of GoBlock's that are a connected unit
GoChainConditionCondition that explains why two blocks or chains can be merged into a new, larger chain
GoEyeCountUpper and lower bounds on number of eyes and potential eyes
GoGameGame record played between two players
GoGameRecordGame stored as a tree of moves
GoGtpAssertionHandlerAssertion handler that can be registered with SgRegisterAssertionHandler
GoGtpEngineGtpEngine with GoBoard, GoPlayer and GoGame
GoGtpExtraCommandsExtra GTP commands to access functionality of the Go library
GoGtpTimeSettingsTime settings as used in time_settings standard GTP command
GoKomiClass wrapping a komi value
GoKomi::InvalidKomiException thrown if komi is constructed with invalid value
GoLadderThis class contains all the ladder-specific stuff
GoModBoardMake a const board temporarily modifiable
GoMoveExecutorUsed to execute and undo one move without having to worry about undoing the move
GoNeighborBlockIteratorIterate through the anchors of all the blocks adjacent to the given point
GoPlayerMoveMove and color of player who plays it
GoRegionGoRegion represents a region surrounded by blocks of one color
GoRegionBoardGoRegionBoard provides GoRegion, GoBlock and optionally GoChain
GoRestoreKoRuleUsed to restore GoBoard::Rules()GetKoRule() to its current value in an exception-safe way
GoRestoreRepetitionAndSuicideUsed to alter state of repetition and self-removal for certain periods of play
GoRestoreSuicideUsed to permit/forbid self-removal for certain periods of play
GoRestoreToPlayUsed to restore ToPlay to its current value in an exception-safe way
GoRulesParameters describing game rules and handicap
GoSafetyCommandsGTP commands related to safety solvers
GoSafetySolverImproved static detection of safe blocks and regions Uses static rules to find 1-vital, 2-vital and safely surrounded areas
GoSearchGo search
GoSetupSetup information for start position in GoBoard
GoSortedMovesSpecialization of SgSortedMoves for Go: move = SgMove, value = int
GoStaticSafetySolverCommon algorithm for static safety
GoTimeControlDefault time management for Go
GoBoardWrite::WriteMapWrite a map of the board, showing marks for SgPointSet

17 Jun 2010 Doxygen 1.4.7