CMPUT 675: Topics in Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization
Fall 2009, NEW time and location: Tue and Thr 9:30-10:50:, in MEC 4-1.
Instructor: Mohammad R. Salavatipour

To learn some of the classical techniques and algorithms in Combinatorial Optimizations with a wide range of applications.

CMPUT 304 or strong undergraduate background in theoretical computer science and mathematics. You must also have basic knowledge of graph theory.

There is no required text; lecture notes will be provided.
Here is a list of references:

Lecture notes:

Template for course notes.


Grading policy:
This is a theory course (no programming involved). There will be 3 or 4 assignment sets.
Also, each participant in the course is required to provide scribe notes for one or two weeks of lectures. This is worth 10% of your final mark.
Scribe notes for each week are due the next Monday at noon. Scribe notes must be typed in LaTeX using the template provided above.

Tentative syllabus:

Here is a a tentative list of some of the topics. Note that some of these topics may not be covered or extra topics may be added.

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