CMPUT 499: KDD Principales

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©1999 Osmar R. Zaïane


Course Content

Lecture 1: IntroductionSlides + Text
Course Objectives
Course Content
Course Schedule
Term Project
Class Presentation

24 slides
Lecture 2: Internet and WWWSlides + Text
Internet and WWW
The Memmex machine
The Internet
The Worl-Wide Web
Web-based Applications

26 slides
Lecture 3: ProtocolsSlides + Text
File Transfer Protocol
HyperText Transfer Protocol
URL Syntax

26 slides
Lecture 4: HTML and BeyondSlides + Text
HTML and Beyond
What is HTML?
Basic HTML
Building Lists
Image Maps
Validating HTML pages
Cascading Style Sheets

66 slides
Lecture 5: Animation on the WebSlides + Text
Animation on the Web
The poor man's animation
Animation with Java
Animation with JavaScript
Animation with DHTML
HTML Forms
CGI Programming

22 slides on CGI
Lecture 6: JavaScriptSlides + Text
Slides will be on-line soon

115 slides
1271 Kb
Lecture 7: Dynamic PagesSlides + Text
What are Dynamic Pages?
Server-Side Includes (SSI)
Conditional SSI (XSSI)
Generating Pages on the fly
Dynamic HTML
DHTML Example (sliding menu)

37 slides
445 Kb
Lecture 8: Intorduction to PerlSlides + Text
What is Perl
Variables and Expressions
Control Structures
File Input and Output
Pattern Matching
A CGI example with Perl
Cookies and Example with Perl
Cookie Example with JavaScript

49 slides
436 Kb
Lecture 9: Java AppletsSlides + Text
No lecture. See Lab Tutorials by John Anvik
Java AWT/Swing
Java Servlets
  1. Servlet Essentials
  2. UofA Servlet Setup
  3. 499 Servlet Ports
  4. 499 Simple Servlet Demo
Lecture 10: DBMS and WWWSlides + Text
Off-Line access to databases
Static and Dynamic Web Pages
SQL embedded in HTML
CGI solution to database gateway
Internet database connector
JDBC: databases the Java way
Solutions from database vendors
Association rule mining

56 slides
672 Kb
Lecture 11: SGML to XMLSlides + Text
Overview of SGML and The Origine of XML
Introduction to XML
Examples of XML Documents
Syntax and Document Type DefinitionL
Parsing XML
Displaying XML: Style (XSL) & Transformation (XSLT)
Examples and Case Study

72 slides
886 Kb
Lecture 13: Search EnginesSlides + Text
Inverted Indexes and Information Retrieval
Anatomy of a Search Engine
Web Crawler
Ranking Results

17 slides
251 Kb
Lecture 14: Web MiningSlides + Text
Introduction to Data Mining
Introduction to Web Mining
Web Content Mining
Web Structure Mining
Web Usage Mining

93 slides
1.7 Mb
Lecture 15: CORBA and SOAPSlides + Text
Distributed Objects
Remote Procedure Calls with XML-RPC

72 slides
830 Kb
Lecture 16: Security IssuesSlides + Text
Aspects of Security
Authentication and Encryption
Internet Firewall and packet Filtering
Virtual Private Network
Secure HTTP (SHTTP) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
Securing your site

42 slides
1 Mb

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Last updated: March 26th, 2001
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Copyright Osmar R. Zaiane, 2001