An intro to game bots and solvers. The game used for illustration will be Hex, but the algorithms apply generally to 2-player games such as Go and chess. Prerequisite: an interest in algorithms and games. Objectives: understand strengths and weaknesses of current 2-player bots and solvers.
20% assignments (Jan 18, Feb 1), late penalty 15%/d, max 2d
20% midterm (Feb 10)
20% dark Hex program (Mar 16 10% competition, 10% report)
40% research project (Apr 6 15% content, 15% report, 10% earlier presentation)
A+95 A87 A-80 B+74 B70 B-65 C+60 C55 C-50 D+45 D40 F0
week 1 .. intro, overview, hex other games, mcts 2 .. mcts, dark hex game theory: 2player, nash eq 3 .. aphabeta, rex proof number search
hexgui for hex (and y)
benzene (MoHex 2.0, cmake)
jakub's improved vcs, mohex patterns, spdfpn
Go netbots leela0 torch-elf 10cent-phoenixGo
mopyhex kenny's python hex player
kenny's rex solver mohex:dfpn (ignore all other code)
kenny's fuego for kenny's osx-benzene
kenny's morat branc:hex122cleaned Hex 122 player