Dana Cobzas
Assistant Professor, Computing Science
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BooksCobzas,D., Upright, C., Jagersand, M. : Wavelet-Based Inverse Light and Reflectance from Images, chapter in Image and Geometry Processing for 3D Cinematography , Ronfard, R. and Taubin, T. editors, Springer-Verlag 2010 Jagersand, M., Birkbeck, N. and Cobzas, D. : View-Dependent Texturing using Linear Basis, chapter in Image and Geometry Processing for 3D Cinematography , Ronfard, R. and Taubin, T. editors, Springer-Verlag 2010 Workshops and TutorialsBIRS 2006 Workshop Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision - with Heyden, A. (Malmo) Jagersand, M. (Alberta) Little, J. (UBC) Sturm, P. (INRIA) Triggs, W. (INRIA) Zucker, S. (Yale) IEEE VR 2003 Recent Methods for Image-Based Modeling and Rendering- with Darius Burschka, Zachary Dodds, Gregory D. Hager, Martin Jagersand, Keith Yerex JournalZonoobi D, Hareendranathan A, Mostofi E, Mabee M, Pasha S, Cobzas D, Rao P, Dulai SK, Kapur J, Jaremko JL. Developmental Hip Dysplasia Diagnosis at Three-dimensional US: A Multicenter Study Radiology , 2018 Elkady AM, Cobzas D, Sun H, Blevins G, Wilman AH. Discriminative analysis of regional evolution of iron and myelin/calcium in deep gray matter of multiple sclerosis and healthy subjects. J Magn Reson Imaging , 2018 Zhang, L., Cobzas, D., Wilman, A. and Kong, L. Significant Anatomy Detection through Sparse Classification: A Comparative Study Transaction of Medical Imaging , 2017 Elkady A., Cobzas D., Sun H., Blevins G., Wilman A.H., Progressive Iron Accumulation in MS Revealed by Sparse Classification of Deep Gray Matter J Magn Reson Imaging ,2017 Kmech J., Fujiwara E., Cobzas D., Sun H., Seres P., Blevins G., Wilman A.H., Cognitive signifcance of deep grey matter iron in multiple sclerosis , American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2017 Popuri K., Cobzas D., Esfandiari N., Baracos B., Jägersand M. Body Composition Assessment in Axial CT Images using FEM-based Automatic Segmentation of Skeletal Muscle , Transaction of Medical Imaging ,2015 Cobzas D, Sun H, Walsh AJ, Lebel RM, Blevins G, Wilman AH. Subcortical gray matter segmentation and voxel-based analysis using transverse relaxation and quantitative susceptibility mapping with application to multiple sclerosis. , J Magn Reson Imaging , 2015 Mosayebi, P., Cobzas, D., Mutrtha A., and Jagersand Tumor Invasion Margin on the Riemannian Space of Brain Fibers , Medical Image Analysis, 2011 Popuri, K., Cobzas, D., Mutrtha A., and Jagersand 3D Variational Brain Tumor Segmentation using Dirichlet Priors on a Clustered Feature Set , International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2011 Chung H., Cobzas D., Birdsell L., Lieffers J. and Baracos V. : Human body composition in relation to outcomes of malignant disease: Automated segmentation of muscle and adipose tissue on computed tomography images , Clinical Cancer Research, submission Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. and P. Sturm, 3D SSD Tracking with Estimated 3D Planes , Journal of Image and Vision Computing, 27:69-79, 2009 Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. and Zhang, H., A Panoramic Model for Remote Robot Environment Mapping and Predictive Display, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 20(1):25-34, 2005 Cobzas, D., Yerex, K. and Jagersand, M., Dynamic Textures for Image-Based Rendering of Fine-Scale 3D Structure and Animation of Non-Rigid Motion, International Journal of the Eurographics Association 21(3):493-502, 2002 Refereed conferencesTang, M.,Zhang, V., Cobzas, D., Jagersand M., Jaremko, J. Segmentation-By-Detection: A Cascade Network for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation ISBI 2018 Zhang, V., Tang, M., Cobzas, D., Zonoobi, D., Jagersand M., Jaremko, J. End-To-End Detection-Segmentation Network with ROI Convolution ISBI 2018 Zhang, L., Cobzas, D., Wilman, A. and Kong, L. An unbiased penalty for sparse classifcation with application to neuroimaging data, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2017 Tang, M., Valipour, S., Zhang, V., Cobzas, D. and Jagersand, M. A deep level set method for image segmentation, DLMIA@MICCAI2017 Hareendranathan A., Zonoobi, D., Mabee, M., Cobzas, D., Punithakumar, K., Jaremko, J. Toward Automatic Diagnosis of Hip Dysplasia from 2d Ultrasound, ISBI 2017 Kiros R.,Pupuri K., Cobzas D., Jagersand M. Stacked Multiscale Feature Learning for Domain Independent Medical Image Segmentation MLMI@MICCAI2014 Popuri K., Cobzas D. and Jagersand M. A variational formulation for discrete registration International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2013 Popuri K., Cobzas D. and Jagersand M. A Fem Deformable Mesh for Active Region Segmentation, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2013 Popuri K., Cobzas D., Jagersand M., Esfandiari N. and Baracos V. FEM-Based Automatic Segmentation of Muscle and Fat Tissues from Thoracic CT Images IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2013 Cobzas, D. and Sen, A. Random Walks For Deformable Image Registration International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2011 Birkbeck, N., Jagersand, M. and Cobzas, D. Basis constrained 3D scene flow on a dynamic proxy International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2011 Mosayebi P., Cobzas D., Jagersand M. and Murtha A. Stability effects of finite difference methods on a mathematical tumor growth model Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA 2010), in conjunction with CVPR Popuri, K., Cobzas D. and Jagersand, M. Fast FEM-based non-rigid registration Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2010 Birkbeck, N., Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. Monocular depth and scene flow under constant velocity International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT) 2010 Lovi, D., Birkbeck, N., Cobzas D. and Jagersand, M. Incremental Free-Space Carving for Real-Time 3D Reconstruction International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT) 2010 Cobzas D., Mosayebi P., Murtha A. and Jagersand M. Tumor invasion margin on the Riemannian space of brain fibers International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2009 Cobzas D. and Schmidt M. Increased Discrimination in Level Set Methods with Embedded Conditional Random Fields, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2009 Birkbeck, N., Jagersand, M., Cobzas, D. Tracking human joint motion for turntable-based static model reconstruction International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM) 2009 Birkbeck, N., Cobzas D., Jagersand, M., Murtha A. and Kesztyues An Interactive Graph Cut Method for Brain Tumor Segmentation IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2009 Popuri K., Cobzas D., Jagersand M.,Shah S.L., Murtha A. 3D variational brain tumor segmentation on a clustered feature set, SPIE Medical Imaging 2009 Chung H., Cobzas D., Lieffers J., Birdsell L., and Baracos V. Automated segmentation of muscle and adipose tissue on CT images for human body composition analysis, SPIE Medical Imaging 2009 Upright, C., Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. Smooth and non-smooth wavelet basis for capturing and representing light , International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT) 2008 Jagersand, M., Birkbeck, N., Cobzas, D. A Three-tier Hierarchical Model for Capturing and Rendering of 3D Geometry and Appearance from 2D Images , International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT) 2008 Rachmielowski, A., Birkbeck, N., Jagersand, M., Cobzas, D., Realtime visualization of monocular data for 3D reconstruction , Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2008 Cobzas, D., Birkbeck, N., Schmidt, M., Jagersand, M., Murtha A 3D Variational Brain Tumor Segmentation using a High Dimensional Feature Set, Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA 2007), in conjunction with ICCV Upright, C., Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. Wavelet-based Light Reconstruction from a Single Image, Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2007 Birkbeck, N., Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. Object centered stereo: displacement map estimation using texture and shading, Third International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT) 2006 Birkbeck, N., Cobzas, D., Sturm, P., Jagersand, M. Variational Shape and Reflectance Estimation under Changing Light and Viewpoints, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2006, Also in LNCS, Springer 3951:pp536-549 Rachmielowski, A., Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. Robust SSD tracking with incremental 3D structure estimation, Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2006 Cobzas, D. and Sturm, P. 3D SSD Tracking with Estimated 3D Planes, 2nd Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) 2005, pp129-134 Cobzas, D. and Jagersand M. Tracking and Predictive Display for a Remote Operated Robot using Uncalibrated Video, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2005, pp1859-1864 Best vision paper award Martin Jagersand, Dana Cobzas, Keith Yerex Modulating View-dependent Textures, Eurographics 2004, pp69-72, short presentation Cobzas, D. and Jagersand M. 3D SSD Tracking from Uncalibrated Video, Workshop on Spatial Coherence for Visual Motion Analysis (SCVMA) 2003, in conjunction with ECCV 2004, pp18-31 Cobzas, D. and Jagersand M. A comparison of Viewing Geometries for Augmented Realit, Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA) 2003, Also in LNCS, Springer 2749:501-508 Cobzas, D., Jagersand, M. and Zhang, H. A Panoramic Model for Robot Predictive Display, Vision Interface 2003, pp111-118, Best student paper award Cobzas, D., Zhang, H. and Jagersand, M. Image-Based Localization with Depth-Enhanced Image Map, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2003, pp1570-1575 Yerex, K., Cobzas, D. and Jagersand, M. Predictive Display Models for Tele-Manipulation from Uncalibrated Camera-capture of Scene Geometry and Appearance, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2003, pp2812-2817 Cobzas, D., Yerex, K. and Jagersand, M. Editing Real World Scenes: Augmented Reality with Image-Based Rendering, IEEE Virtual Reality 2003, poster session Cobzas, D. and Jagersand, M. An Introduction to Multi-view Geometries and Structure-from-Motion, chapter in Recent Methods for Image-based Modeling and Rendering Tutorial 1 at IEEE Virtual Reality 2003, pp19-35 Cobzas, D. and Jagersand, M. Tracking and Rendering using Dynamic Textures and Geometric Structure from Motion, Proc. of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2002, Also in LNCS, Springer 2352:415-432 Cobzas, D., Zhang, H. and Jagersand, M. A Comparative Analysis of Geometric and Image-Based 3D-2D Registration Algorithms, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2002, pp2506-2511 Cobzas, D. and Zhang, H. Cylindrical Panoramic Image-Based Model for Robot Localization, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2001, pp1924-1930 Cobzas, D. and Zhang, H. Mobile Robot Localization using Planar Patches and a Stereo Panoramic Model, Vision Interface 2001, pp94-99 Cobzas, D. and Jagersand, M. A comparison of Non-Euclidean Image-Based Rendering, Graphics Interface 2001, poster session Cobzas, D. and Zhang, H. Planar Patch Extraction with Noisy Depth Data, Proc. of Third International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling 2001, pp240-245 Cobzas, D. and Zhang, H. 2D Robot Localization with Image-Based Panoramic Models Using Vertical Line Features, Vision Interface 2000, pp211-216 Non-refereed publicationsYerex, K., Cobzas, D. and Jagersand, M. Image-based Rendering using Hardware Accelerated Dynamic Textures, Proc. of Western Computing Graphics Symposium 2002, pp113-119 Cobzas, D. and Zhang, H. Using Image-Based Panoramic Models for 2D Robot Localization, Proc. of Western Computing Graphics Symposium 2000, pp1-7 |