Hong Zhang, PhD
Department of Computing Science
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
We are interested in developing mobile robots capable of navigating autonomously using vision, e.g., a monocular camera. This problem has been defined in the research community as visual SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) in which our work has been focused in three areas: visual loop closure detection, visual homing and illumination-invariant scene description.
Loop Closure Detection
The ability is to determine if a robot has returned to a previously visited location is critical in order for the robot to build a map of an environment correctly. This is the problem of loop closure detection, also known as place recognition or robot relocalization in the literature. We have developed efficient and robust algorithms that can detect loop closures in city-size maps. Our main approach is to use compact and discriminating whole-image descriptors.
One of the more recent approach we have explored in solving loop closure is based on deep convolutional neural networks. In this case, place recognition is solved using a landmark-based method in which objects or landmarks in a scene are detected first, and expressed in terms of the deep CNN feature descriptions. Recognition is conducted by computing similarity between the current view and the map views, efficiently using a modified coarse-to-fine bag-of-words (BoW) algorithm that incorporates hamming embedding for added discriminating power. See matched image pairs in two different datasets below for examples.
Pose-Graph Visual SLAM
With the loop closure information, one can construct robot maps as using state-of-the-art pose graph SLAM algorithms such as g2o. In this case, we represent an environment topologically in the form of a graph where each node corresponds to a robot pose, and an edge can be computed between nodes using either odometric information due to robot motion or transformation between robot poses in the case of loop closures. We can reconstruct a map for the environment with global optimization of the pairwise constraints between robot poses. Our current effort focuses on active pose-graph SLAM in which ground detection and next-goal selection are included in the overall navigation system so that a mobile robot can explore an environment and construction its representation entirely autonomously. The research is being conducted in both indoor and outdoor environments under variable environmental conditions.
Visual Navigation
With a feature-based map of an environment, an autonomous robot should be able to navigate within that environment one location to another, by matching its current view of the camera with the views stored in the robot map. This is the general problem of visual homing, and a special case, defined as visual teach and repeat (VTaR), is illustrated in the video to the right where ORB-SLAM was used to construct a map of the environment and repeating the teaching route is performed by localizing the robot with respect to and correcting deviation from the route. Specifically, in the teaching phase, a map in terms of the 3D point features is constructed by detecting and triangulating 2D ORB features using the ORB-SLAM algorithm. In the repeat phase, the robot moves through the same sequence of keyframes as in the teach phase, and matches the observed ORB features with those in the keyframe in order to determine the pose of the robot with respect to the keyframe and the global map. A simple PD controller is then used to steer the robot in order to track the route of the teaching phase.
Illumination-Invariant Scene Description
Visual recognition of a scene is sensitive to lighting or illumination as well as to other types of dynamic changes (e.g., moving objects, weather and season). Our research addresses the problem of illumination-invariant scene representation in the place recognition application. We employ two approaches primarily, one that builds an invariant representation of a visual scene by extracting the reflectance component of the observation using low-rank optimization, and the other that uses deep neural networks (e.g., convolutional neural networks or CNN) to extract a high-level and abstract representations of the scene for its recognition (see right). Another application of our research is moving object detection in wildlife monitoring in time-lapse videos.
Our research in image segmentation is driven largely by the need of Alberta's oi
l sand mining industry to measure ore size while the oil sand ore is crushed, co
nveyed and screened. One novel image segmentation algorithm we have developed f
ormulates image segmentation as a problem of pixel classification, which is then
solved by supervised machine learning. We also extensively exploit the known s
hape of the objects for their segmentation. To evaluate our segmentation algori
thm objectively, we have designed a performance metric for images of multiple ob
jects that fairly penalizes over- and under-segmentation. Our segmentation algo
rithms have been successfully deployed in practical applications.
See our publications in ICIP, TIP, IVC and
PRL for details.
In collective robotics, we are interested in understanding the underlying pri
nciples that enable multiple robots to work cooperatively in accomplishing joint
tasks. Our approaches are biologically inspired in which behaviors of social in
sects are mapped to local rules of interaction among the robots. We have investi
gated general methodologies with which one can design collective robot systems,
synthesize the rules of interaction, and prove about their properties. In recent
years, we have focused on the tasks of collective construction and collective d
ecision making , to ground our research ideas. Shown below are snapshots of col
lective construction via the bull dozing behavior (left), collective cons
truction using combinatorial optimization (middle), and highlights of a Robocup
match by Team Canuck based in Computing Science in 2000-2005 (right).
See our
publications in IJRR, TMech, AB, SI and ROBIO for details.