Omid Ardakanian

Associate Professor
Department of Computing Science
University of Alberta


I am an associate professor of computing science at the University of Alberta. My research addresses systems challenges in sensor networks, data centers, and energy systems. I use optimization, control, and machine learning techniques to enhance the design and operation of networked, embedded, and cyber-physical systems.

The Sustainable Computing Research Lab | Publications | Google Scholar

Omid Ardakanian is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta and a Principal Investigator of Future Energy Systems. His research focuses on designing algorithms for performance monitoring and control of networked, embedded, and cyber-physical systems. He received the BSc in Computer Engineering from Sharif University of Technology in Iran, and the MMath and PhD in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo in Canada. Before joining UofA, he was a NSERC postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of British Columbia. He currently serves as Treasurer for ACM SIGEnergy, Area Editor of Energy Informatics Review (EIR), and on the steering committee of ACM e-Energy.

Dr. Ardakanian is a recipient of the ACM SIGEnergy Rising Star Award, the ASTech Award for Outstanding Achievement in AI/ML Advancement: Energy and Environmental Innovation, and the University of Waterloo Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies Award. He won the 2024 ACM e-Energy Test of Time Award for his research that also received the Best Paper Award at the Fourth International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy) in 2013. He also received the best paper award at ACM BuildSys 2016 and 2022, and IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2017.

Note to prospective students: I am always looking for motivated undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students who are interested in computer systems and have a strong background in optimization theory and machine learning. I especially encourage women and students from equity-seeking groups to apply to my group. If you are interested in pursuing graduate studies at the UofA, check out this page before submitting your application. You must have a degree in Computer Science/Engineering or other disciplines if you took core CS courses. Additionally, PhD applicants are expected to have at least one paper in a top conference, workshop, or journal in their area.
You may send me an email if you meet these requirements and your background is a good match. Make sure to attach your CV, write a brief description of your background and research interests, and name one of my projects that you can contribute to. Include "Houseplant" in the subject line. Note that I may not be able to respond to all emails about admissions, but I will read them and review application materials in our system. Strong candidates may be invited to an interview.

ASTech 2022 Award Winner

Athabasca Hall 3-20

Mailing Address
University of Alberta
Department of Computing Science
Athabasca Hall 2-32
Attention: Omid Ardakanian
116 St and 85 Ave
Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2R3