Past Group Meetings and Talks:
- December 17, 2019: 10:00am (CSC 311) Liguo's presentation.
- December 10, 2019: 10:00am (CSC 311) Qiaojun's presentation on AECC;
- November 15, 2019: 3:00pm (CSC 311) An's discussion on F3;
- November 5, 2019: 11:00am (CSC 311) An's presentation on F3 unit jobs with precedence (5/3-approx; backbone max pairing solved);
- October 1, 2019: 11:00am (CSC 311) An's presentation on MIM#1 (1.5d/2 -> 1.25d/2?)
- September 24, 2019: 11:00am (CSC 311) Qiaojun's presentation on AECC;
- September 5, 2019: 10:00am (CSC 311) An's presentation on CVC#1 (3.5 -> 3.2?);
- August 21, 2019: 11:00am (CSC 349) Arthur+Jiabin's update on Bike;
- August 14, 2019: 11:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's presentation on re-scheduling;
- July 31, 2019: 11:00am (CSC 349) Arthur+Jiabin's presentation on Bike;
- July 24, 2019: 11:00am (CSC 311) Mike's presentation on Scheduling;
- July 23, 2019: 11:00am (CSC 311) LTSS update #A3;
- July 16, 2019: 11:00am (CSC 311) LTSS update #A2;
- July 15, 2019: 11:00am (CSC 311) Bike update #B3;
- July 12, 2019: 11:00am (CSC 311) Scheduling update #M1;
- July 10, 2019: 11:00am (CSC 311) LTSS update #A1;
- July 8, 2019: 12:00pm (CSC 311) Bike update #B2;
- July 4, 2019: 11:00am (CSC 311) Bike update #B1;
- January 25, 2019: 3:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Yao update #Y3 - last meeting!
- January 23, 2019: 2:00-4:00pm (CSC 311) Yao update #Y2;
- January 21, 2019: 10:00am (CSC 249) Yao's presentation on "Approximation algorithms for some combinatorial optimization problems";
- January 18, 2019: 1:00-3:00pm (CSC 311) Yao slide check + Q&A; discussion on graph partition;
- January 16, 2019: 2:00-4:00pm (ATH 332) Yao practice presentation;
- January 15, 2019: 10:00-11:30am (ATH 332) Yao update #Y1.
- December 10, 2018: 3:00-4:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion with Mike on M3;
- October 29, 2018: 3:00-4:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion with Mike on M3;
- October 26, 2018: 4:00-6:30pm (CSC 311) Discussion #Y5 (Yao: Graph partition);
- October 25, 2018: 11:30-12:30pm (ATH 332) Yao gives a graduate student seminar on "Approximation algorithms for a path partition problem".
- October 24, 2018: 4:00-6:30pm (CSC 311) Discussion #Y4 (Yao: 3PP);
- October 22, 2018: 1:30-3:30pm (CSC 311) Discussion #Y3 (Yao: 3PP);
- October 17, 2018: 4:00-6:30pm (CSC 311) Discussion #Y2 (Yao: 3PP, PkVC);
- October 15, 2018: 2:30-3:30pm (CSC 311) Discussion #Y1;
- September 26, 2018: 4:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #A4 (Tsuyoshi: P_{0,1,2} summary);
- September 19, 2018: 5:00-7:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #A3 (Tsuyoshi: P_{0,1,2} solvable on split graphs);
- September 17, 2018: 3:00-4:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion with Mike on M3;
- September 14, 2018: 4:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #A2 (Tsuyoshi: P_{0,1,2} solvable on trees and interval, probably on chordal)?
remains NPC on split);
- September 4, 2018: 2:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #A1 (Tsuyoshi: P_{0,1,2} is NPC to decide whether there is a 2-path);
- August 29, 2018: 10:00-12:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #18 (An and Yong: last confirmation);
- August 27, 2018: 10:00-12:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #17 (An and Yong: 2nd last confirmation);
- August 25, 2018: 10:00-12:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #16 (An on P4VC: 15/8-approx for 3,4-regular;
Yong on min-max 4 connected partition: 8/5-approx);
- August 21, 2018: 3:00-4:00pm (ATH 207) Discussion #15 (Yong on min-max 4 connected partition);
- August 20, 2018: 3:00-5:00pm (ATH 332) Discussion #14 (Yong on min-max 2,3 connected partition);
- August 14, 2018: 10:00-12:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #13 (An on VCPk on regular graphs);
- August 13, 2018: 15:00-16:00pm (ATH 207) Discussion #12 (Yong on min-max k-MST, weighted 3-clique partition);
- August 9, 2018: 10:00-12:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #11 (Josh done w/experiments; Longcheng on FPTAS);
- August 7, 2018: 10:00-12:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #10 (Yong on 3SC, 3CP, weighted? #edges?);
- August 4, 2018: 2:00-4:00pm (ATH 332) Discussion #9 (ZZ, Yong, An on 3SC);
- August 3, 2018: 1:00-4:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #8 (ZZ on center tree, min-sum, min-max; Yong on 3SC; Longcheng on FPTAS);
- July 31, 2018: 1:00-2:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #7 (Josh on O3, updates: a possible FPTAS);
- July 30, 2018: 10:00-12:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #5 (Josh on O3, Longcheng on M3, An on O3);
Discussion #6 (FPTAS for F3+o);
- July 24, 2018: 10:00-12:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #3 (Yong on 3pp, 3cp, 3sc, a conjecture on triangle packing and triangle cover);
Discussion #4 (F3 + o is NP-hard!);
- July 23, 2018: 10:00-12:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion #1 (An on O3, Longcheng on M3);
Discussion #2 (O3, M3);
- July 20, 2018: 1:00-3:00pm (CSC 311) Josh's update on progress on O2 (experiments: datasets and ratios);
- June 20, 2018: 1:00-3:00pm (ATH 332) Josh's presentation on progress on O2;
- June 13, 2018: 1:00-3:00pm (CSC 311) Longcheng's presentation on progress on 3-path partition;
- June 6, 2018: 1:00-3:00pm (CSC 311) Updates;
- May 30, 2018: 1:00-3:00pm (CSC 311) Updates;
- May 23, 2018: 1:00-3:00pm (CSC 311) Guanqun's presentation on online ordering (≤ Q);
- May 16, 2018: 1:00-3:00pm (CSC 311) Longcheng's presentation on progress on Kl ∪ Kn-l;
Josh's tasks for the week on O2(Pm, F2);
- May 9, 2018: 3:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Josh's presentation on O2(Pm, F2);
- May 2, 2018: 3:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion;
- April 25, 2018: 3:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion;
- March 14, 2018: 3:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Longcheng's discussion on minimum calibration; Guanqun's discussion on online version;
- March 7, 2018: 3:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Longcheng's discussion on minimum calibration;
- February 28, 2018: 3:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Longcheng's presentation on minimum calibration;
- February 21, 2018: 3:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Longcheng's presentation on minimum calibration;
- February 7, 2018: 3:00-4:00pm (CSC 311) Longcheng's presentation on minimum calibration;
- January 31, 2018: 3:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Yao's presentation on facility location
(Wenchang: H3/H4 needs a fix, inapproximability changes to multiplication);
- January 26, 2018: 3:00-4:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion;
- January 10, 2018: 3:00-4:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion;
- January 5, 2018: 1:00-2:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion.
- December 6 2017: 4:00-6:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion on Max-Duo.
- November 29 2017: 4:00-6:00pm (CSC 311) Yao's presentation on clustering.
- November 22 2017: 4:00-6:00pm (CSC 311) Longcheng's presentation on fixed-parameter + scheduling.
- November 15, 2017: 4:00-5:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion.
- November 8, 2017: 4:00-6:00pm (CSC 311) Yao's presentation on 3.25-approx (can be improved to 3, but perhaps that is it).
- November 1, 2017: 4:00-6:00pm (CSC 311) Yao's presentation on reduction (can be useful for hinting lower bound!).
- October 25, 2017: 4:00-6:00pm (ATH 332) Bihter's presentation on progress;
Yao's presentation on local search.
- October 18, 2017: 4:00-6:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion.
- October 11, 2017: 4:00-6:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion.
- October 4, 2017: 4:00-6:00pm (CSC 311) Discussion.
- September 27, 2017: 4:00-6:00pm (CSC 311) Yao's presentation on 2α-approx (to SBR, nice little).
- September 20, 2017: 4:00-6:00pm (CSC 311) Longcheng's presentation on bi-criteria inverse problems.
- September 13, 2017: 4:00-6:00pm (CSC 311) Longcheng's presentation on inverse problems.
- August 30, 2017: 2:00-4:30pm (CSC 311) Wenchang's presentation on progress.
- August 23, 2017: 2:00-4:30pm (CSC 311) Wenchang's presentation on progress.
- August 16, 2017: 2:00-4:30pm (CSC 311) Wenchang's presentation on progress.
- August 10, 2017: 12:00-6:30pm (ATH 332) mini-workshop on approximation algorithms,
participants Jianming Dong, Hiroshi Eto, Shuguang Han, Jueliang Hu, Guohui Lin, Wenchang Luo, Bing Su, Yao Xu, Yinfeng Xu, and Guochuan Zhang.
- August 9, 2017: 2:00-4:30pm (CSC 311) Yao, Wenchang's presentation on progress.
- August 2, 2017: 2:10-4:00pm (CSC 349, CSC 311) Yao's presentation on progress.
- July 26, 2017: 2:00-4:30pm (CSC 311) Wenchang, Yao/Weitian's presentation on progress.
- July 19, 2017: 2:00-4:30pm (CSC 311) Wenchang, Boyuan's presentation on progress.
- July 12, 2017: 2:00-3:30pm (ATH 328) Wenchang's presentation on 11/8-approx.
- July 5, 2017: 2:15-3:00pm (CSC 349) SoRPA.
- May 8, 2017: 1:00pm (ATH 332) Yao's practice presentation.
May 9, 2017: 11:00am (CSC 333) Yao's department seminar on "An approximation algorithm for a string comparison problem".
May 9, 2017: 1:00pm (CSC 349) Yao's candidacy exam on "Approximation algorithms for some combinatorial optimization problems".
May 10, 2017: 2:00pm (ATH 328) Discussion on sorting problem.
- May 1, 2017: 11:00am (CSC 333) Yining's department seminar on "Population based genotype imputation".
May 3, 2017: 2:00pm (ATH 328) Discussion on sorting problem.
May 4, 2017: 9:00am (CSC 349) Yining's thesis defense.
- March 8, 2017: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Yao's presentation on Max-Duo.
- March 1, 2017: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Discussion on 2-max-duo.
- February 1, 2017: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Yao's presentation on 2-max-duo.
- January 25, 2017: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Hongmei's introduction to her research: an instance for "shortest-path rule".
- January 18, 2017: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Yao's update on locality gap.
- January 11, 2017: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Yao's update on locality gap.
- December 19, 2016: 1:00pm (ATH 332) Yao's presentation on max-duo; Yong's presentation on scaffolding.
- December 14, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Updates.
- December 7, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Updates.
- November 30, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Updates.
- November 23, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332)
Yao & Weitian's practice presentation on "Single machine scheduling with job-dependent machine deterioration".
- November 16, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Yong's presentation on scaffolding; updates.
- November 10, 2016: 2:00pm (CSC 311) Yao's presentation on max-duo.
- November 9, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Yao's presentation on max-duo.
- November 2, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Yao's presentation on max-duo.
- October 26, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Yao's presentation on max-duo.
- October 19, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Yao's presentation on max-duo; updates.
- October 5, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Updates.
- September 28, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Yao & Yong's progress report on max-duo; updates.
- September 21, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Updates.
- September 14, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Updates.
- September 7, 2016: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Yong's progress report on max-duo; updates.
- August 26, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yong & Parash's progress report on max-duo; updates.
- August 19, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yong & Parash's progress report on Scaffolding; updates.
- August 12, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Updates.
- August 10, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Dr. Guangting Chen's talk on
"Scheduling jobs with equal processing times and a single server on parallel identical machines".
- August 5, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's presentation on re-scheduling.
- June 24, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yong's progress report on Bandpass;
- June 17, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's updates on re-scheduling.
- June 10, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Updates.
- June 3, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's presentation on scheduling.
- May 27, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's presentation on scheduling.
- May 20, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yao's presentation on multi-labeling.
- May 6, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yong's progress report on SFP;
- April 29, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yong's progress report;
- April 22, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yong's introduction to a scheduling problem;
April 20, 2016: 9:30am (ATH 332) Yining's candidacy exam.
- April 15, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yining's department seminar on
"genotype imputation";
Yong's presentation on Bandpass;
- April 8, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yining's practice candidacy presentation;
Yong's presentation on Bandpass.
- April 1, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yong's presentation on Bandpass.
- March 18, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yining's practice candidacy presentation.
- March 11, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yao's update on MUHV.
- March 4, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yao's update on MUHV.
- February 26, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's update on scheduling.
- February 19, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's update on scheduling.
- February 5, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's update on scheduling.
- January 22, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's update on scheduling.
- January 15, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's update.
- January 8, 2016: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's update.
- December 4, 2015: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's update.
- November 27, 2015: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's update.
- November 20, 2015: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's introduction on a scheduling problem, 6 goals set.
- November 13, 2015: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's presentation on scheduling.
- November 6, 2015: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's presentation on scheduling.
- October 23, 2015: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yao's presentation on multiway un-/cut, new results.
- October 16, 2015: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yao's presentation on multiway un-/cut, new results.
- October 9, 2015: 10:00am (ATH 332) Wenchang's presentation on scheduling.
- October 2, 2015: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yao's presentation on multiway un-/cut, new results.
- September 18, 2015: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yao's presentation on multiway un-/cut, existing results.
- August 12, 2015: 11:00am (CSC 333) Invited presentation by Dr. Boting Yang, from University of Regina,
"Zero-Visibility Cops-and-Robber Problems on Graphs".
- July 17, 2015: 1:00pm (CSC 349) Weitian's department public presentation.
- July 15, 2015: 1:00pm (ATH 332) Weitian's department public presentation.
- June 18, 2015: 10:00am (CSC 349) Chenqu's department public presentation.
- June 17, 2015: 10:00am (CSC 349) Weitian's practice presentation.
- June 10, 2015: 10:00am (CSC 349) Chenqu's practice presentation.
- May 20, 2015: 10:00am (CSC 349) Yao's presentation on multiway cut.
- February 25, 2015: 3:00pm (ATH 332) Taibo's introduction to his research.
- February 11, 2015: 3:00pm (ATH 332) Chenqu's presentation on myCompoundID.
- February 4, 2015: 3:00pm (ATH 332) Huili's presentation on forecasting sTSP.
- January 28, 2015: 3:00pm (ATH 332) Huili's presentation on TSPs.
- January 21, 2015: 3:00pm (ATH 332) Yining's update on genomics.
- January 14, 2015: 3:00pm (ATH 332) Weitian's update on algorithms.
- January 7, 2015: 3:00pm (ATH 332) Introduction.
- September 24, 2014: 3:30pm (ATH 332) Revision updates.
- September 17, 2014: 3:30pm (ATH 332) Revision updates.
- September 10, 2014: 3:30pm (ATH 332) Revision updates.
- September 3, 2014: 3:30pm (ATH 332) General meeting; updates.
- August 27, 2014: 3:30pm (ATH 332) Chenqu's presentation on MyCompoundID.
- August 20, 2014: 3:30pm (ATH 332) Huili's presentation on graphic TSP.
- August 13, 2014: 3:30pm (ATH 332) Yifan's presentation on MCIP.
- July 30, 2014: 3:30pm (ATH 332) Weitian's practice presentation on smoothed heights.
- July 23, 2014: 3:30pm (ATH 332) Yining's presentation on FImpute and long-range haplotyping.
- February 19, 2014: 3:00pm (ATH 332) Updates (YW: draft asap).
- February 12, 2014: 3:00pm (ATH 332) Huili's presentation on graphic TSP; Updates.
- February 5, 2014: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Updates (MH: cross validation problem? YW/TW: draft).
- January 29, 2014: 3:00pm (ATH 332) Xiao's presentation on MCIP; Updates (RF: mixture; MH: a new reference).
- January 22, 2014: 3:00pm (ATH 332) Updates (RF: mixture; YW/TW: 0.4% ld2hd).
- January 15, 2014: 3:00pm (ATH 332) Updates (RF: mixture; MH: r; CT: bugs; WT: prefix, TSP; YW/TW: clustering; HZ: TSP').
- January 8, 2014: 4:00pm (ATH 332) Weitian's summary on Line Cover; Updates.
- December 12, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Michael's presentation on influenza.
- December 5, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Yining's presentation on piecemeal; Updates (MH: draft; WT: approx mcip).
- November 28, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Tim's presentation; Updates (MH: 50+ reassortment; YW/TW: piecemeal).
- November 14, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Weitian's practice presentation; Updates (MH: Bootstrapping; WT: LC; YW/TW: piecemeal).
- November 7, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates (MH: MSA; WT: 6-coloring; YW/TW: piecemeal).
- October 31, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Michael's presentation on feature selections; Updates (YW: piecemeal 1.4%).
- October 24, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Tim's introduction on CPS et al.; Updates (YW: piecemeal; WT: bandpass; MH: draft).
- October 17, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Weitian's presentation on trie height; Updates.
- October 3, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates (MH: Phylogeny).
- September 26, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates (MH: MSA; YW+TW: Clustering, SFBS; WT: average-case).
- September 19, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Weitian's introduction to 5 problems;
Updates (MH: MSA; YW+TW: SFS+SFBS+staircase; WT: graph properties).
- September 12, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates (MH: SS; YW+TW: Selection; WT: graph properties).
- September 5, 2013: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates (YW+TW: SFS, Selection; WT: Bandpass).
- August 28, 2013: 3:45pm (ATH 332) Updates (YW+TW: SFS, Selection).
- August 14, 2013: 3:45pm (ATH 332) Weitian's presentation on Batch Scheduling;
Updates (YW+TW: Selection; WT: max-TSP MH: writeup).
- July 31, 2013: 3:45pm (ATH 332) Weitian's presentation on Batch Scheduling;
Updates (YW+TW: SFS, Fimpute, Selection; WT: RNA; MH: MSA, AS).
- July 24, 2013: 3:45pm (ATH 332) Michael's presentation on influenza viruses; Updates (YW: SFS/Elora; WT: LC; MH: MSA).
- July 17, 2013: 3:45pm (ATH 332) Updates (YW+TW: SFS, Selection; WT: bandpass; MH: MSA).
- July 10, 2013: 3:45pm (ATH 332) Updates (YW+TW: SFS; WT: treewidth; MH: stat).
- July 3, 2013: 3:45pm (ATH 332) Weitian's introduction to problems; Updates.
- May 22, 2013: 2:30pm (CSC 311) Updates.
- May 17, 2013: 11:00am (CSC 349) Ronghong's graduate seminar on
metabolite identification through web-based applications".
May 15, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Ronghong's practice presentation; Updates.
- May 1, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Weitian's COCOON practice presentation.
- April 24, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 311) Updates.
- April 17, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 311) Updates.
- April 10, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 311) Updates.
- April 3, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 311) Updates.
- March 20, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- February 27, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- February 20, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Weitian on SCS smoothed analysis; Updates;
- February 13, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- February 6, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Yining on imputation by matrix completion; Updates.
- January 30, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Yining on coalescent theory; Updates.
- January 23, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- January 18, 2013: 12:00pm (CSC 333) Weitian's department/AI seminar
on "Approximability Smoothed Analysis".
January 16, 2013: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Weitian's practice presentation; Updates.
- November 28, 2012: 3:00pm (CSC 311) Weitian on smooth analysis; Updates.
- November 14, 2012: 3:00pm (CSC 311) Weitian on smooth analysis; Updates.
- October 31, 2012: 3:00pm (CSC 215) Zhendong research methods; Updates.
- October 24, 2012: 3:00pm (CSC 311) Weitian on smooth analysis; Updates.
- October 17, 2012: 3:00am (CSC 215) Ronghong research overview; Updates.
- October 10, 2012: 3:00am (CSC 311) Yining on HMM.
- October 3, 2012: 3:00am (CSC 215) Zhendong research overview; Updates.
- September 26, 2012: 3:00am (CSC 215) Yining research overview; Updates.
- September 19, 2012: 3:00am (CSC 215) Weitian research overview; Updates.
- September 12, 2012: 3:00am (CSC 215) Weitian on exemplar breakpoint problems; Updates.
- September 5, 2012: 9:30am (ATH 332) Updates.
- August 29, 2012: 9:30am Weitian on exemplar breakpoint problems.
- August 22, 2012: 9:30am (ATH 332) Weitian on min-TSP.
- August 15, 2012: 9:30am (ATH 328) Weitian on exemplar breakpoint problem.
- August 1, 2012: 9:30am (CSC 326) Weitian on smooth analysis.
- July 25, 2012: 9:30am (ATH 332) Weitian on smooth analysis;
July 24, 2012: 11:00am (CSC 333)
Yi's PhD thesis presentation: Bio-relation discovery and sparse learning.
- July 18, 2012: 9:30am (CSC 215) Weitian on pinwheel.
- July 11, 2012: 9:30am (ATH 332) Weitian on smooth analysis.
- July 5, 2012: 9:30am (ATH 328) Weitian on smooth analysis.
- April 18, 2012: 3:30pm (CSC 249) Weitian's FAW-AAIM 2012 practice presentation.
- March 28, 2012: 3:30pm (CSC 249) Updates.
- March 14, 2012: 3:30pm (CSC 249) Weitian's presentation on the Max-TSP problem II.
- March 7, 2012: 3:30pm (CSC 249) Jianjun's on Beagle, Impute2, and MaCH;
Weitian's presentation on the Max-TSP problem I.
- February 29, 2012: 3:30pm (CSC 249) Yining+Jianjun+Ronghong's on imputation.
- February 15, 2012: 3:30pm (CSC 249) Yining+Jianjun's on imputation; Ronghong on reassortment.
- February 8, 2012: 3:30pm (CSC 249) Yi's presentation on drug-target prediction.
- February 1, 2012: 3:30pm (CSC 249) Weitian's presentation on the Bandpass problem; Updates.
- January 25, 2012: 3:30pm (CSC 249) Updates.
- January 18, 2012: 3:30pm (CSC 249) Updates.
- January 11, 2012: 3:30pm (CSC 249) Updates.
- December 12, 2011: 1:00pm (ATH 332) Weitian: bandpass problem.
- November 14, 2011: 1:00pm (ATH 332) Weitian: lower stretch spanning tree.
- November 2, 2011: 5:00pm (ATH 332) Weitian+Yining+Jueyu: one-sided exemplar breakpoint distance problem (from Dr. Binhai Zhu).
- October 24, 2011: 1:00pm (ATH 332) Weitian's presentation on "lower stretch spanning tree".
- October 17, 2011: 1:00pm (ATH 332) Updates.
- October 3, 2011: 1:00pm (CSC 311) Updates.
- September 26, 2011: 1:00pm (ATH 332) Weitian's presentation on co-NP-completeness of inverse-HC.
- September 19, 2011: 1:00pm (CSC 311) Updates.
- September 12, 2011: 1:00pm (CSC 311) Updates.
- August 31, 2011: 10:00am (CSC 311) Updates.
- August 24, 2011: 10:00am (CSC 311) Updates.
- August 17, 2011: 10:00am (ATH 332) Farzaneh's presentation on three influenza virus study.
- August 10, 2011: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yining's presentation on CMSR III; Updates.
- August 3, 2011: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yining's presentation on CMSR II; Updates.
- July 27, 2011: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yi's presentation on drug-target prediction; Updates.
- July 20, 2011: 10:00am (ATH 332) Ronghong's presentation on hydrolysis; Updates.
- July 13, 2011: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yining's presentation on CMSR I; Updates.
- July 6, 2011: 10:00am (ATH 332) Farzaneh's presentation on influenza virus study.
- June 29, 2011: 10:00am (ATH 332) Yining's presentation on imputation.
- June 20, 2011: 10:00am (CSC 311) Updates.
- April 29, 2011: 3:00am Yi's candidacy exam.
April 28, 2011: 9:00am Yining's thesis defense.
- April 19, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Yining's department seminar "SNP missing genotype imputation".
April 19, 2011: 9:00am Hadi's thesis defense.
April 18, 2011: 1:00pm (CSC 333) "Fast searching games and related problems on graphs"
by Dr. Boting Yang from University of Regina.
- April 14, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- April 7, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 333) Hadi's department seminar
"iBDD: Toward case-control association studies on pedigree data".
- March 31, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 311) Updates.
- March 24, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Hadi's practice presentation.
- March 17, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Yining's presentation.
- March 10, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Hadi's thesis practice presentation.
- March 4, 2011: 1:30pm Zhong's thesis defense;
March 3, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Hadi's presentation on iBDD.
- February 24, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 333) Zhong's department seminar
"Exact and approximation algorithms for two combinatorial optimization problems".
- February 17, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Zhong's thesis practice presentation; Updates.
- February 10, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 311) Xiaoping, Yining, Farzaneh on imputation; Updates.
- February 3, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Zhong's thesis practice presentation; Updates.
- January 27, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 311) Updates.
- January 20, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 311) Updates.
- January 13, 2011: 3:00pm (CSC 311) Updates and plans.
- December 22, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Yining's summary on imputation.
- December 15, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Updates.
- December 8, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Zhong's presentation on MSR;
- December 1, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Yining's presentation on IMPUTE 1 & 2;
- November 24, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Yining's presentation on fastPHASE.
- November 10, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Yining's presentation on neural networks.
- November 3, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Updates.
- October 27, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Yining's presentation on NPUTE and KNN.
- October 20, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Updates.
- October 13, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Updates.
- October 6, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Updates.
- September 29, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Updates.
- September 22, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Updates.
- September 15, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 311) Updates.
- September 8, 2010: 10:00am (ATH 332) Updates.
- August 18, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 249) Zhong's presentation.
- July 21, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 249) Updates; Introduction to flu antigenic and genetic evolution.
- July 14, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 249) Updates.
- July 7, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 249) Farzaneh's presentation on RNA structure prediction; Updates.
- June 30, 2010: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Hadi's first department seminar presentation; Updates on MS projects.
- June 23, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 249) Updates.
- June 16, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 249) Hadi's update on iBDD;
Yining's update on imputation results.
- June 9, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 249) Xiaoping's presentation on smooth analysis;
Yining's update on imputation results.
- June 2, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 249) Yi's presentation on kernel-based GRN inference; Updates.
- May 26, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 249) Yining's presentation on imputation; Updates.
- May 19, 2010: 10:00am (CSC 249) Yining's presentation on neural networks; Updates.
- May 12, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Hadi's practice candidacy presentation;
Ronghong's presentation on CCV; Updates.
- May 5, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Hadi's practice candidacy presentation.
- April 28, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Zhong's presentation on the Bandpass problem.
- April 21, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Zhong's presentation on the Bandpass problem; Updates.
- April 14, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Introduction to the CBM problem; Updates.
- April 7, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Zhong's presentation on the Bandpass problem; Updates.
- March 31, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Joel's presentation on E.Coli inter-ORF hits; Updates.
- March 17, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Zhong's presentation on the Bandpass problem; Updates.
- March 10, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Yining's presentation on imputation results; Updates.
- March 3, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Updates.
- February 24, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Jianjun's overall presentation on E.Coli PMD; Updates.
- February 17, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Updates.
- February 10, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Zhong's presentation on the Bandpass problem; Updates.
- February 3, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Yining's presentation on imputation methods.
- January 27, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) The Bandpass problem; Updates.
- January 20, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Zhong's presentation on k-tree routing; Updates.
- January 13, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Updates.
- January 6, 2010: 2:00pm (ATH 332) Jianjun's presentation on protein 3D structure resolution regression; Updates.
- December 18, 2009: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Hadi's presentation on IBD/IBS (Randy, Osmar, Zhiquan invited).
- December 11, 2009: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- December 4, 2009: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- November 27, 2009: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- November 20, 2009: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- November 13, 2009: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Hadi's and Yi's updates to Randy on their research.
- November 6, 2009: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Yi's presentation on biclustering; Updates.
- October 9, 2009: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- October 2, 2009: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- September 23, 2009: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- September 9, 2009: 3:00pm (CSC 349) the maximum bandpass problem.
- August 26, 2009: 3:00pm (CSC 349) the maximum bandpass problem; Updates.
- August 19, 2009: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Jiaofen's practice defense presentation; Updates.
- August 12, 2009: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Yi's presentation on biclustering; Updates.
- August 5, 2009: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Jianjun's presentation on structure similarity query; Updates.
- July 29, 2009: 3:00pm (CSC 349) the genotype imputation problem, a lesson; Updates; Journal new articles.
- July 22, 2009: 3:00pm (CSC 349) Journal assignment.
- July 15, 2009: 3:00pm (CSC 349) the relay node deployment problem.
- July 2, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Kyra's presentation on
"A jumping profile Hidden Markov Model and applications to recombination sites
in HIV and HCV genomes"; Research updates by all members.
- April 15, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Jianjun's presentation on scoring scheme refinement;
Zhipeng's updates on Merlin; Students' summer research plans; Updates.
- April 9, 2009: 2:00pm-6:00pm (CSC 349) CMPUT 606 course project presentations.
April 8, 2009: 9:30am-1:30pm (CSC 349) CMPUT 606 course project presentations.
April 6, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Jiaofen's updates on paper writing and experimental results.
- April 2, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 249) Hadi's presentation on association studies.
March 30, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Zhipeng+Jiaofen's updates on shape space geometry;
Zhipeng+Yining's updates on imputation.
- March 25, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Zhipeng+Yining's presentation on imputation; Updates.
March 23, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Honghao+Jiaofen's updates;
Farzaneh's presentation on two PCA based papers:
- March 18, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Updates.
March 16, 2009: 10:30am (CSC 349) Zhipeng+Jiaofen on shape space geometry.
3:30am (CSC B-10) Distinguished Lecture Series:
Dr. Ming Li on "Can NMR Protein Structure Determination be Automated?".
- March 11, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Jianjun's presentation on structure query; Updates.
March 9, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Simulation done w/8 methods by Jiaofen;
Methods TBA: LR, Bayes-B, BLUP w/Mixed model, Shrinkage w/MCMC.
- March 4, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Jiaofen's presentation on e-Bayes; Updates.
March 2, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) iBDD paper discussion (HS, YC, JX, YW).
- February 25, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Hadi's presentation on sharing determination program (all details, I); Updates.
February 23, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Paper progress (HL to edit, based on WW's, using LaTeX.
- February 18, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Yining, Zhipeng's presentation on missing data imputation; Updates.
- February 11, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Updates.
February 9, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) iBDD paper discussion (HS, ZC, YC, JX, YW).
- February 4, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Zhipeng's presentation on k-tree (II); Updates; Journal new articles.
February 2, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Zhipeng+Jiaofen's presentation on e-Bayes.
- January 28, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Zhipeng's presentation on k-tree (I); Updates; Journal new articles.
January 26, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Project plans for the term.
- January 21, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Zhipeng's presentation on phylogenetic analysis; Updates.
- January 14, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Updates; Journal new articles; Journal assignment.
- January 7, 2009: 9:30am (CSC 349) Group planning.
- December 22, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) (Jiaofen, Zhipeng) project term summary presentation; Updates.
- December 15, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Yongxi's project presentation.
- December 8, 2008: 9:00am Jianjun's defense;
2:00pm (CSC 349) Yongxi's presentation.
- December 4, 2008: 11:00am (CSC 333) Jianjun's department seminar.
December 1, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Jianjun's practice presentation.
- November 24, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Yongxi's presentation.
- November 17, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Zhipeng on haplotype-based association studies; Updates.
- November 10, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates; Journal new articles.
- November 3, 2008: 1:30pm (CSC 349) Gang's defense.
- November 2, 2008 (Sunday): 1:00pm (CSC 349) Gang's practice presentation.
October 27, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Zhipeng on QTL simulation.
- October 20, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Jiaofen on QTL association.
3:30pm (CSC B-10) DLS talk by Dr. Gene Myers (HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus):
"Imaging-Based Models for Molecular Biology".
- October 6, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates; Journal new articles.
- September 29, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates; Journal new articles.
- September 22, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- September 8, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Group meeting and planning
(All Bioinformatics; ZC BMC Bioinformatics; YS TCBB+JCB; JX BMC Genomics+EvolBiol; JZ PNAS+NAR; YC Nature+Science; HS Genetics+BMC Genetics+AJHG).
- August 28, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 249) Yi and Zhipeng post-conference (EMBC and COCOA) reports; Updates.
August 25, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Yongxi on "gene cluster" problem; Updates.
- August 21, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 249) Updates.
August 19, 2008: 11:00am (CSC 333) Dr. Binhai Zhu (Montana State Univ) talks on
"On Recovering Syntenic Blocks from Comparative Maps".
August 18, 2008: 9:00am (CSC 349) Zhipeng's PhD defense.
2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- August 14, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 249) Updates.
August 11, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Zhipeng's dept seminar.
- August 7, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 249) Updates.
- July 31, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 249) Updates.
July 28, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Yi on
"Smoothing blemished gene expression microarray data via missing value imputation" (EMBC 2008 practice presentation); Updates.
- July 21, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Jianjun on
"Finding the Nearest Neighbors in Biological Databases Using Less Distance Computations"; Updates.
- July 17, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 249) Updates.
July 14, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Zhipeng on
"An improved approximation algorithm for the capacitated multicast tree routing problem" (COCOA 2008 practice presentation); Updates.
- July 7, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- July 3, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 249) Updates.
June 30, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Gang's dept seminar.
- June 26, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 249) Updates.
June 23, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- June 19, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 249) Updates.
June 16, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- June 12, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 249) Updates.
June 9, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- June 5, 2008: 11:00am (CSC 249) Updates on SNP.
June 2, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates on SNP.
- May 29, 2008: 3:00pm (CSC 249) Jiaofen on Bayesian algorithms; Updates.
May 26, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) SNP updates.
- May 15, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 249) Jiaofen on the 0-recombination haplotyping algorithm; Reports on simulation.
May 12, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Zhipeng on multicast tree routing; Updates on SNP and EV.
- May 9, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Jiaofen on the linear-time algorithm.
May 7, 2008: 1:00pm (CSC 215) Welcome and updates.
May 5, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Hadi on the simulation; Updates on SNP.
- April 28, 2008: 11:00am (CSC 349) Zhipeng presents; Updates on SNP.
- April 7, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Zhipeng updates.
- March 31, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- March 25, 2008: 9:00am (CSC 249) Updates on simulation studies.
- March 19, 2008: 1:00pm (CSC 215) Updates.
- March 17, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates and Hadi on simulation.
- March 10, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 215) Updates.
- March 3, 2008: 1:00pm (CSC 349) Zhipeng and Jiaofen update on ZRHC performance and sharing.
- February 25, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Updates.
- February 18, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Zhipeng and Jiaofen on zero recombination algorithms.
- February 11, 2008: 2:00pm (CSC 349) Zhipeng and Jiaofen on zero recombination algorithms.
- November 2, 2007: 11:00am (CSC 349)
- October 26, 2007: 11:00am (CSC 349) Zhipeng on CarthaGene.
- October 19, 2007: 11:00am (CSC 349)
- October 12, 2007: 11:00am (CSC 349) Jiaofen on linkage map construction.
- October 5, 2007: 11:00am (CSC 349) Zhipeng on SNP marker calling (19, 29, 14, 58 pls).
- September 28, 2007: 11:00am (CSC 349) Dr. Z. Wang and Aparna on Rh mapping.
- September 21, 2007: 10:30am (CSC 249) C++ programming tips.
- September 14, 2007: 10:00am (CSC 249) Individual research introduction to Jiaofen.
- July 25, 2007: (ATH 332)
- July 11, 2007: (ATH 332)
- May 9, 2007: (ATH 332)
- May 2, 2007: (ATH 332) Jianjun's update on CO prediction.
- April 25, 2007: (ATH 332) Yi's presentation on Contact Order prediction.
- April 18, 2007: (ATH 332) Jianjun's presentation on Amyloid vs non-Amyloid proteins.
- April 17, 2007: 1:00pm (CSC 249) CMPUT 606 course project presentation.
- April 16, 2007: 2:00pm, 3:00pm (CSC 249) CMPUT 606 course project presentations.
- April 11, 2007: (ATH 332) Journal new titles.
- April 4, 2007: (ATH 332) Journal new titles.
- March 28, 2007: 12:00 - 1:00pm (HMRC 207) Dr. Joanne Fox:
Platforms for Bioinformatics: Enabling Genetic Discovery.
3:00pm (ATH 332)
- February 22, 2007: (CSC 249) Xiaomeng's candidacy exam.
- February 21, 2007: (ATH 332)
- February 14, 2007: (ATH 332)
- February 7, 2007: (ATH 332)
- January 31, 2007: 3:30pm (ETLC 2-001) Dr. Alain Laederach:
Distinct contribution of electrostatics, initial conformational ensemble and macromolecular stability in RNA folding.
- January 24, 2007: (CSC 349) Zhipeng's candidacy exam.
- January 19, 2007: (CSC 333) Yi's AI Seminar presentation.
- December 20, 2006: (ATH 332) Last group meeting: summaries and plans.
December 20, 2006: (CSC 249) Junfeng's MSc defense.
- December 18, 2006: (CSC 333, @2:00pm) Junfeng's Grad Seminar.
- December 13, 2006: (ATH 332) Zhipeng's APBC presentation.
- December 6, 2006: (ATH 332) Xiaomeng's progress presentation.
- November 29, 2006: (ATH 332) Junfeng's MSc presentation.
- November 8, 2006: (ATH 332) Journal new titles.
- November 1, 2006: (ATH 332) Journal new titles.
- October 25, 2006: (ATH 332) Journal new titles.
- October 18, 2006: (ATH 332) Journal new titles.
- October 11, 2006: (ATH 332) Yi's IEEE CIBCB post-conference report. Journal new titles.
- October 4, 2006: (ATH 332) Rimon's IEEE BIBE presentation.
- September 27, 2006: (ATH 332) Zhipeng's IEEE BIBE presentation. Journal new titles.
- September 20, 2006: (ATH 332) Yi's IEEE CIBCB presentation. Journal new titles.
- September 13, 2006: (ATH 332) Group meeting on research plans and progress reports.
- August 30, 2006: (ATH 332) Group meeting on progress report + CSB post-conference reports (Xiaomeng).
- August 23, 2006: (ATH 332) Group meeting on progress report.
- July 17, 2006: (CSC B41, 2:00pm, Invited Talk) Dr. P. Evans: Finding Common RNA Substructures.
- July 17, 2006: (9:00am) Xiang's thesis defense.
- July 12, 2006: (ATH 332) Group meeting on mid-term progress report + CSB pre-presentations.
- July 12, 2006: 1:00pm (CSC 333) Xiang's dept presentation.
- June 14, 2006: (ATH 332) Feature selection sub-group meeting.
- June 7, 2006: (ATH 332) Feature selection sub-group meeting. Delayed to 3:30pm.
- May 31, 2006: (ATH 332) Feature selection sub-group meeting.
- May 24, 2006: (ATH 332) Feature selection sub-group meeting.
- May 17, 2006: (ATH 332) Journal new titles.
- May 10, 2006: (ATH 332) Summer research plans, be prepared.
- April 26, 2006: (ATH 332) Zhipeng and Yi's 605 course project presentation.
- April 19, 2006: (ATH 332) Dr. L. Xu's talk. Journal new titles.
- April 12, 2006: (ATH 332) Xiaomeng's progress presentation.
- April 6, 2006: (BSB M-149, @11:00) Dr. G. Wong's presentation:
Moore's Law in Biology: Emerging opportunities from reduced technology costs.
- March 29, 2006: Xiang's progress presentation. Journal new titles.
- March 22, 2006: Dr. X.-Z. Chen's talk on Sodium-binding proteins. Journal new titles.
- March 15, 2006: Gang's progress presentation. Journal new titles.
- March 8, 2006: Journal new titles.
- February 15, 2006: Journal new titles.
- February 1, 2006: Journal new titles.
- January 25, 2006: Journal new titles.
- January 18, 2006: Journal new titles.
- January 11, 2006: Xiaomeng on CCV/Flu.