Welcome! Currently we are most interested in APPROXIMATION ALGORITHM design and analysis.

We work on some problems listed in "A compendium of NP optimization problems" and their variants formulated out of multi-omics research and operations research. We are also interested in some aspects of BIOINFORMATICS research such as theoretical computational biology and applications in cheminformatics and omics.




Graduate study applicants interested in join the group must have matching research interests, and refer to some of our past work during the first round of communication.


News: [Archive]

  • May 1, 2021: We warmly welcome several NSERC USRA awardees to join our research team for the spring and summer! We would like to add that we will continue to work with students from CMPUT 201!

  • November 28, 2020: Goodbye to Dr. Liguo Wang; all the best!
  • September 13, 2020: Goodbye to Dr. Qiaojun Shu.
  • August 20, 2020: Goodbye to Dr. Shuguang Han; all the best! We also thank summer research assistants Cody, Qianqiu, Rylan and Wyatt for their contributions to four different research projects.
  • August 13, 2020: Goodbye to Dr. An Zhang; all the best! We also thank Alex and Arthur for their excellent contributions.


  • A profile about some research going on within our group, written by Erin Ottosen (April 2008).

  • A popular writing including some of our work on automated NMR resonance sequential assignment appears in RSC Chemistry World: "NMR and the 3D world of proteins", by David Bradley (May 2006).


Contact Guohui Lin at   Email: guohui TA ualberta TOD ca       Tel: (780) 492-2285 (department main office)       Fax: (780) 492-1071
  Department of Computing Science
  University of Alberta
  Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E8