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SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >, including all inherited members.

AssertIndexRange(int i) const SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
BestMove() const SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
BestValue() const SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
CheckMoves() const SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > [private]
CHECKMOVESSgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > [static]
CheckOverflow()SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
Clear()SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
DecNuMoves()SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
Delete(int index)SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
DeleteEqual()SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
GetMove(const MOVE &move, VALUE &value, int &index) const SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
GetMoves(SgVector< MOVE > *moves) const SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
Insert(const MOVE &move, VALUE value)SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
LowerBound() const SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
m_checkOverflowSgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > [private]
m_considerEqualSgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > [private]
m_initLowerBoundSgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > [private]
m_lowerBoundSgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > [private]
m_maxNuMovesSgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > [private]
m_moveSgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > [private]
m_nuMovesSgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > [private]
m_valueSgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > [private]
MaxNuMoves() const SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
Move(int i) const SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
NuMoves() const SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
SetInitLowerBound(VALUE bound)SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
SetLowerBound(VALUE bound)SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
SetMaxMoves(int nu)SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
SetMaxNuMoves(int max)SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
SetMinValue(const MOVE &move, VALUE value)SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
SetMove(int i, const MOVE &move)SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
SetValue(int i, VALUE value)SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
SgSortedMoves(int maxNuMoves)SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > [explicit]
Shuffle()SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >
ShuffleInterval(int from, int to)SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE > [private]
Value(int i) const SgSortedMoves< MOVE, VALUE, SIZE >

17 Jun 2010 Doxygen 1.4.7