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GoUctCommands Class Reference

#include <GoUctCommands.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

GTP commands for GoUctPlayer.

Some of the commands are also usable for other players, as long as they use a subclass of GoUctSearch (and implement GoUctObjectWithSearch).

Definition at line 26 of file GoUctCommands.h.

Public Member Functions

 GoUctCommands (GoBoard &bd, GoPlayer *&player)
void AddGoGuiAnalyzeCommands (GtpCommand &cmd)
void Register (GtpEngine &engine)
Command Callbacks
void CmdBounds (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Show UCT bounds of moves in root node.
void CmdDefaultPolicy (GtpCommand &cmd)
void CmdEstimatorStat (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Compute estimator statistics.
void CmdFinalScore (GtpCommand &)
 Return final score.
void CmdFinalStatusList (GtpCommand &)
 Return final status of stones.
void CmdGfx (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Show move values and sample numbers of last search.
void CmdMaxMemory (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Computes the maximum number of nodes in search tree given the maximum allowed memory for the tree.
void CmdMoves (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Return a list of all moves that the search would generate in the current position.
void CmdParamGlobalSearch (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Get and set GoUctGlobalSearch parameters.
void CmdParamPolicy (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Get and set GoUctPlayoutPolicy parameters.
void CmdParamPlayer (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Get and set GoUctPlayer parameters.
void CmdParamRootFilter (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Get and set GoUctDefaultRootFilter parameters.
void CmdParamSearch (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Get and set SgUctSearch and GoUctSearch parameters.
void CmdPatterns (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Show matching patterns.
void CmdPolicyMoves (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Return equivalent best moves in playout policy.
void CmdPriorKnowledge (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Show prior knowledge.
void CmdRaveValues (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Show RAVE values of last search at root position.
void CmdRootFilter (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Return filtered root moves.
void CmdSaveGames (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Save all random games.
void CmdSaveTree (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Save the UCT tree in SGF format.
void CmdScore (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Count the score using the scoring function of UCT.
void CmdSequence (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Show the best sequence from last search.
void CmdStatPlayer (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Write statistics of GoUctPlayer.
void CmdStatPlayerClear (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Clear statistics of GoUctPlayer.
void CmdStatPolicy (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Write statistics of playout policy.
void CmdStatPolicyClear (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Clear statistics of GoUctPlayoutPolicy Arguments: none
Only the statistics of the first thread's policy used.
void CmdStatSearch (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Write statistics of search and tree.
void CmdStatTerritory (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Write average point status.
void CmdValue (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Return value of root node from last search.
void CmdValueBlack (GtpCommand &cmd)
 Return value of root node from last search, from Black's point of view.

Private Member Functions

SgPointSet DoFinalStatusSearch ()
 Do a small search with territory statistics enabled to determine what blocks are dead for the final_status_list and final_score commands.
GoUctGlobalSearch< GoUctPlayoutPolicy<
GoUctBoard >, GoUctPlayoutPolicyFactory<
GoUctBoard > > & 
GlobalSearch ()
GoUctPlayer< GoUctGlobalSearch<
GoUctPlayoutPolicy< GoUctBoard >,
GoUctBoard > >, GoUctGlobalSearchState<
GoUctPlayoutPolicy< GoUctBoard > > > & 
Player ()
GoUctPlayoutPolicy< GoUctBoard > & Policy (std::size_t threadId)
void Register (GtpEngine &e, const std::string &command, GtpCallback< GoUctCommands >::Method method)
GoUctSearchSearch ()
GoUctGlobalSearchState< GoUctPlayoutPolicy<
GoUctBoard > > & 
ThreadState (std::size_t threadId)
 Return state of first thread, if search is of type GoUctGlobalSearch.

Private Attributes

GoPlayer *& m_player

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GoUctCommands::GoUctCommands ( GoBoard bd,
GoPlayer *&  player 


bd The game board.
player Reference to pointer to current player, this player can be null or a different player, but those commands of this class that need a GoUctPlayer will fail, if the current player is not GoUctPlayer.

Definition at line 166 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void GoUctCommands::AddGoGuiAnalyzeCommands ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Definition at line 172 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

void GoUctCommands::CmdBounds ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Show UCT bounds of moves in root node.

This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "gfx". Move bounds are shown as labels on the board, the pass move bound is shown as text in the status line.

See also:

Definition at line 207 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), SgUctSearch::GetBound(), SgUctSearch::Rave(), SgUctTree::Root(), Search(), SG_PASS, and SgUctSearch::Tree().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdDefaultPolicy ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Definition at line 236 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), GoUctDefaultPriorKnowledge::FindGlobalPatternAndAtariMoves(), and m_bd.

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdEstimatorStat ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Compute estimator statistics.

Arguments: trueValueMaxGames maxGames stepSize fileName

See also:

Definition at line 251 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::Arg(), GtpCommand::CheckNuArg(), GoUctEstimatorStat::Compute(), Search(), and GtpCommand::SizeTypeArg().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdFinalScore ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Return final score.

Does a small search and uses the territory statistics to determine the status of blocks.

Definition at line 266 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), DoFinalStatusSearch(), m_bd, GoBoardUtil::ScorePosition(), and GoUtil::ScoreToString().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdFinalStatusList ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Return final status of stones.

Does a small search and uses the territory statistics to determine the status of blocks. The engine cannot detect seki, so according to the GTP standard, all stones that are not dead are reported as alive, the response to seki is an empty list.
Arguments: alive|seki|dead

Definition at line 283 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::Arg(), GtpCommand::CheckNuArg(), SgPointSet::Contains(), DoFinalStatusSearch(), and m_bd.

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdGfx ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Show move values and sample numbers of last search.

Arguments: none

See also:

Definition at line 315 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), GoUctUtil::GfxBestMove(), GoUctUtil::GfxCounts(), GoUctUtil::GfxMoveValues(), GoUctUtil::GfxStatus(), Search(), GoUctSearch::ToPlay(), and SgUctSearch::Tree().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdMaxMemory ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Computes the maximum number of nodes in search tree given the maximum allowed memory for the tree.

Assumes two trees. Returns current memory usage if no arguments. Arguments: max memory for trees

Definition at line 331 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckNuArgLessEqual(), SgUctSearch::MaxNodes(), GtpCommand::NuArg(), Search(), SgUctSearch::SetMaxNodes(), and GtpCommand::SizeTypeArg().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdMoves ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Return a list of all moves that the search would generate in the current position.

Arguments: none

See also:

Definition at line 348 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), SgUctSearch::GenerateAllMoves(), and Search().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdParamGlobalSearch ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Get and set GoUctGlobalSearch parameters.

This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "param".


Definition at line 371 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::Arg(), GtpCommand::BoolArg(), GtpCommand::CheckNuArgLessEqual(), GtpCommand::FloatArg(), GlobalSearch(), GoUctGlobalSearch< POLICY, FACTORY >::GlobalSearchLiveGfx(), GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam::m_lengthModification, GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam::m_mercyRule, GoUctGlobalSearch< POLICY, FACTORY >::m_param, GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam::m_scoreModification, GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam::m_territoryStatistics, GtpCommand::NuArg(), and GoUctGlobalSearch< POLICY, FACTORY >::SetGlobalSearchLiveGfx().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdParamPlayer ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Get and set GoUctPlayer parameters.

This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "param".


Definition at line 426 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::Arg(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::AutoParam(), GtpCommand::BoolArg(), GtpCommand::CheckNuArgLessEqual(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::EarlyPass(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::EnablePonder(), GtpCommand::FloatArg(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::ForcedOpeningMoves(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::IgnoreClock(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::MaxGames(), GtpCommand::NuArg(), Player(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::ResignMinGames(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::ResignThreshold(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::ReuseSubtree(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::SearchMode(), SearchModeArg(), SearchModeToString(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::SetAutoParam(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::SetEarlyPass(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::SetEnablePonder(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::SetForcedOpeningMoves(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::SetIgnoreClock(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::SetMaxGames(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::SetResignMinGames(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::SetResignThreshold(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::SetReuseSubtree(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::SetSearchMode(), GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::SetUseRootFilter(), GtpCommand::SizeTypeArg(), and GoUctPlayer< SEARCH, THREAD >::UseRootFilter().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdParamPolicy ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Get and set GoUctPlayoutPolicy parameters.

This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "param".


Definition at line 490 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::Arg(), GtpCommand::BoolArg(), GtpCommand::CheckNuArgLessEqual(), GtpCommand::IntArg(), GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam::m_fillboardTries, GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam::m_statisticsEnabled, GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam::m_useNakadeHeuristic, GtpCommand::NuArg(), and Player().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdParamRootFilter ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Get and set GoUctDefaultRootFilter parameters.

This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "param".


Definition at line 524 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::Arg(), GtpCommand::BoolArg(), GoUctDefaultRootFilter::CheckLadders(), GtpCommand::CheckNuArgLessEqual(), GtpCommand::NuArg(), Player(), and GoUctDefaultRootFilter::SetCheckLadders().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdParamSearch ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Get and set SgUctSearch and GoUctSearch parameters.

This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "param".


Definition at line 573 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::Arg(), SgUctSearch::BiasTermConstant(), GtpCommand::BoolArg(), GtpCommand::CheckNuArgLessEqual(), SgUctSearch::ExpandThreshold(), SgUctSearch::FirstPlayUrgency(), GtpCommand::FloatArg(), GtpCommand::IntArg(), GoUctSearch::KeepGames(), SgUctSearch::KnowledgeThreshold(), KnowledgeThresholdFromString(), KnowledgeThresholdToString(), GoUctSearch::LiveGfx(), LiveGfxArg(), GoUctSearch::LiveGfxInterval(), LiveGfxToString(), SgUctSearch::LockFree(), SgUctSearch::LogGames(), SgUctSearch::MaxNodes(), SgUctSearch::MoveSelect(), MoveSelectArg(), MoveSelectToString(), GtpCommand::NuArg(), SgUctSearch::NumberPlayouts(), SgUctSearch::NumberThreads(), SgUctSearch::PruneFullTree(), SgUctSearch::PruneMinCount(), SgUctSearch::RandomizeRaveFrequency(), SgUctSearch::Rave(), SgUctSearch::RaveWeightFinal(), SgUctSearch::RaveWeightInitial(), Search(), SgUctSearch::SetBiasTermConstant(), SgUctSearch::SetExpandThreshold(), SgUctSearch::SetFirstPlayUrgency(), GoUctSearch::SetKeepGames(), SgUctSearch::SetKnowledgeThreshold(), GoUctSearch::SetLiveGfx(), GoUctSearch::SetLiveGfxInterval(), SgUctSearch::SetLockFree(), SgUctSearch::SetLogGames(), SgUctSearch::SetMaxNodes(), SgUctSearch::SetMoveSelect(), SgUctSearch::SetNumberPlayouts(), SgUctSearch::SetNumberThreads(), SgUctSearch::SetPruneFullTree(), SgUctSearch::SetPruneMinCount(), SgUctSearch::SetRandomizeRaveFrequency(), SgUctSearch::SetRave(), SgUctSearch::SetRaveWeightFinal(), SgUctSearch::SetRaveWeightInitial(), SgUctSearch::SetVirtualLoss(), SgUctSearch::SetWeightRaveUpdates(), GtpCommand::SizeTypeArg(), SgUctSearch::VirtualLoss(), and SgUctSearch::WeightRaveUpdates().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdPatterns ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Show matching patterns.

Returns: List of points for matching patterns

See also:

Definition at line 665 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), GoBoard::IsEmpty(), m_bd, and GoUctPatterns< BOARD >::MatchAny().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdPolicyMoves ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Return equivalent best moves in playout policy.

See GoUctPlayoutPolicy::GetEquivalentBestMoves()
Arguments: none
Returns: Move type string followed by move list on a single line.

Definition at line 679 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), GoUctPlayoutPolicy< BOARD >::GenerateMove(), GoUctPlayoutPolicy< BOARD >::GetEquivalentBestMoves(), GoUctPlayoutPolicyTypeStr(), m_bd, GoUctPlayoutPolicy< BOARD >::MoveType(), Player(), SgSList< T, SIZE >::Sort(), and GoUctPlayoutPolicy< BOARD >::StartPlayout().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdPriorKnowledge ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Show prior knowledge.

The response is compatible to the GoGui analyze command type gfx and shows the prior knowledge values as influence and the counts as labels.

Definition at line 701 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckNuArgLessEqual(), GoUctGlobalSearchState< POLICY >::GenerateAllMoves(), SgUctSearch::InverseEval(), m_bd, GtpCommand::NuArg(), SG_BLACK, GtpCommand::SizeTypeArg(), GoUctGlobalSearchState< POLICY >::StartSearch(), ThreadState(), and GoBoard::ToPlay().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdRaveValues ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Show RAVE values of last search at root position.

This command is compatible to the GoGui analyze command type sboard. The values are scaled to [-1,+1] from Black's point of view.

See also:

Definition at line 745 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), m_bd, SgUctSearch::Rave(), Search(), SG_PASS, GoBoard::Size(), and SgUctSearch::Tree().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdRootFilter ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Return filtered root moves.

See also:

Definition at line 770 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), Get(), and Player().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdSaveGames ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Save all random games.

Arguments: filename

See also:

Definition at line 803 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::Arg(), GtpCommand::CheckNuArg(), GoUctSearch::SaveGames(), Search(), and SgException::what().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdSaveTree ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Save the UCT tree in SGF format.

Arguments: filename [max_depth]
max_depth is an optional argument to cut the tree at a certain depth (the root node has depth 0). If it is not used, the full tree will be saved.

See also:

Definition at line 783 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::Arg(), GtpCommand::CheckNuArgLessEqual(), GtpCommand::IntArg(), GtpCommand::NuArg(), GoUctSearch::SaveTree(), and Search().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdScore ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Count the score using the scoring function of UCT.

Arguments: none
Returns: Score (Win/Loss)

See also:

Definition at line 822 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), GoRules::Komi(), m_bd, GoBoard::Rules(), GoBoardUtil::ScoreSimpleEndPosition(), GoKomi::ToFloat(), and SgException::what().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdSequence ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Show the best sequence from last search.

This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze command type "gfx" (There is no "var" command type supported in GoGui 1.1, which allows to specify the first color to move within the response, and this command returns the sequence of the last search, which is unrelated to the current color to play on the board.)
Arguments: none

Definition at line 844 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), GoUctUtil::GfxSequence(), and Search().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdStatPlayer ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Write statistics of GoUctPlayer.

Arguments: none

See also:

Definition at line 854 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), and Player().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdStatPlayerClear ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Clear statistics of GoUctPlayer.

Arguments: none

See also:

Definition at line 864 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), and Player().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdStatPolicy ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Write statistics of playout policy.

Arguments: none
Needs enabling the statistics with uct_param_policy statistics_enabled Only the statistics of the first thread's policy used.

See also:

Definition at line 877 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), Player(), Policy(), and SgWarning().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdStatPolicyClear ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Clear statistics of GoUctPlayoutPolicy Arguments: none
Only the statistics of the first thread's policy used.

See also:

Definition at line 890 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), and Policy().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdStatSearch ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Write statistics of search and tree.

Arguments: none

See also:

Definition at line 900 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), SgUctTreeStatistics::Compute(), Search(), SgUctSearch::Tree(), and SgUctSearch::WriteStatistics().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdStatTerritory ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Write average point status.

This command is compatible with the GoGui analyze type dboard.
Statistics are only collected, if enabled with uct_param_global_search territory_statistics 1.
Arguments: none

See also:

Definition at line 919 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), m_bd, GoBoard::Size(), and ThreadState().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdValue ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Return value of root node from last search.

Arguments: none

Definition at line 938 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), SgUctNode::Mean(), SgUctTree::Root(), Search(), and SgUctSearch::Tree().

Referenced by Register().

void GoUctCommands::CmdValueBlack ( GtpCommand cmd  ) 

Return value of root node from last search, from Black's point of view.

Arguments: none

Definition at line 947 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpCommand::CheckArgNone(), SgUctSearch::InverseEval(), SgUctNode::Mean(), SgUctTree::Root(), Search(), SG_WHITE, and SgUctSearch::Tree().

Referenced by Register().

SgPointSet GoUctCommands::DoFinalStatusSearch (  )  [private]

Do a small search with territory statistics enabled to determine what blocks are dead for the final_status_list and final_score commands.

Point set containing dead stones.

Definition at line 960 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References SgStatistics< VALUE, COUNT >::Add(), Contains(), GoSafetySolver::FindSafePoints(), GoBoard::GetStone(), GlobalSearch(), SgPointSet::Include(), m_bd, GoUctGlobalSearch< POLICY, FACTORY >::m_param, m_player, GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam::m_territoryStatistics, SgStatistics< VALUE, COUNT >::Mean(), SgUctSearch::Search(), SG_BLACK, SG_PASS, SG_WHITE, SgDebug(), SgOppBW(), ThreadState(), GoBoardUtil::TwoPasses(), and GoPlayer::UpdateSubscriber().

Referenced by CmdFinalScore(), and CmdFinalStatusList().

GoUctGlobalSearch< GoUctPlayoutPolicy< GoUctBoard >, GoUctPlayoutPolicyFactory< GoUctBoard > > & GoUctCommands::GlobalSearch (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1033 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References Player().

Referenced by CmdParamGlobalSearch(), and DoFinalStatusSearch().

GoUctPlayerType & GoUctCommands::Player (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1038 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References m_player.

Referenced by CmdParamPlayer(), CmdParamPolicy(), CmdParamRootFilter(), CmdPolicyMoves(), CmdRootFilter(), CmdStatPlayer(), CmdStatPlayerClear(), CmdStatPolicy(), and GlobalSearch().

GoUctPlayoutPolicy< GoUctBoard > & GoUctCommands::Policy ( std::size_t  threadId  )  [private]

Definition at line 1053 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References ThreadState().

Referenced by CmdStatPolicy(), and CmdStatPolicyClear().

void GoUctCommands::Register ( GtpEngine e,
const std::string &  command,
GtpCallback< GoUctCommands >::Method  method 
) [private]

Definition at line 1098 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GtpEngine::Register().

void GoUctCommands::Register ( GtpEngine engine  ) 

Definition at line 1063 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References CmdBounds(), CmdDefaultPolicy(), CmdEstimatorStat(), CmdFinalScore(), CmdFinalStatusList(), CmdGfx(), CmdMaxMemory(), CmdMoves(), CmdParamGlobalSearch(), CmdParamPlayer(), CmdParamPolicy(), CmdParamRootFilter(), CmdParamSearch(), CmdPatterns(), CmdPolicyMoves(), CmdPriorKnowledge(), CmdRaveValues(), CmdRootFilter(), CmdSaveGames(), CmdSaveTree(), CmdScore(), CmdSequence(), CmdStatPlayer(), CmdStatPlayerClear(), CmdStatPolicy(), CmdStatPolicyClear(), CmdStatSearch(), CmdStatTerritory(), CmdValue(), and CmdValueBlack().

GoUctSearch & GoUctCommands::Search (  )  [private]

Definition at line 1104 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References GoUctObjectWithSearch::Search().

Referenced by CmdBounds(), CmdEstimatorStat(), CmdGfx(), CmdMaxMemory(), CmdMoves(), CmdParamSearch(), CmdRaveValues(), CmdSaveGames(), CmdSaveTree(), CmdSequence(), CmdStatSearch(), CmdValue(), CmdValueBlack(), and ThreadState().

GoUctGlobalSearchState< GoUctPlayoutPolicy< GoUctBoard > > & GoUctCommands::ThreadState ( std::size_t  threadId  )  [private]

Return state of first thread, if search is of type GoUctGlobalSearch.

GtpFailure,if search is a different subclass or threads are not yet created.

Definition at line 1123 of file GoUctCommands.cpp.

References SgUctSearch::CreateThreads(), Search(), SgUctSearch::ThreadsCreated(), and SgUctSearch::ThreadState().

Referenced by CmdPriorKnowledge(), CmdStatTerritory(), DoFinalStatusSearch(), and Policy().

Member Data Documentation

GoBoard& GoUctCommands::m_bd [private]

Definition at line 110 of file GoUctCommands.h.

Referenced by CmdDefaultPolicy(), CmdFinalScore(), CmdFinalStatusList(), CmdPatterns(), CmdPolicyMoves(), CmdPriorKnowledge(), CmdRaveValues(), CmdScore(), CmdStatTerritory(), and DoFinalStatusSearch().

GoPlayer*& GoUctCommands::m_player [private]

Definition at line 112 of file GoUctCommands.h.

Referenced by DoFinalStatusSearch(), and Player().

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17 Jun 2010 Doxygen 1.4.7