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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 /** @file GoUctGlobalSearch.h
00003 */
00004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00009 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
00010 #include "GoBoard.h"
00011 #include "GoBoardUtil.h"
00012 #include "GoEyeUtil.h"
00013 #include "GoRegionBoard.h"
00014 #include "GoSafetySolver.h"
00015 #include "GoUctDefaultPriorKnowledge.h"
00016 #include "GoUctSearch.h"
00017 #include "GoUctUtil.h"
00019 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00021 /** Enable the usage of the safety solver (currently not functional).
00022     Compile-time constant to enable the usage of the safety solver. This
00023     cost some performance and there are no experiments yet showing that it
00024     improves the playing strength. It is also currently not functional,
00025     since it has not been updated after code changes.
00026 */
00027 const bool GOUCT_USE_SAFETY_SOLVER = false;
00029 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00031 /** Parameters for GoUctGlobalSearchState */
00032 struct GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam
00033 {
00034     /** Use the mercy rule.
00035         Count games early as win or loss, if stone difference on board
00036         exceeds a threshold of 30% of the total number of points on board.
00037     */
00038     bool m_mercyRule;
00040     /** Compute probabilities of territory in terminal positions. */
00041     bool m_territoryStatistics;
00043     /** Modify game result by the length of the simulation.
00044         This modifies the win/loss result (1/0) by the length of the game
00045         counted as number of moves from the root position of the search. This
00046         can help to prefer shorter games (if it is a win) or longer games (if
00047         it is a loss). It can also have a positive effect on the playing
00048         strength, because the variance of results is larger for longer games.
00049         The modification is added for losses and subtracted for wins. The
00050         value is the length of times the value of the modification parameter.
00051         The maximum modification is 0.5. The default value of the parameter
00052         is 0.
00053     */
00054     float m_lengthModification;
00056     /** Modify game result by score.
00057         This modifies the win/loss result (1/0) by the score of the end
00058         position. The modification is added for losses and subtracted for
00059         wins. The modification value is the score divided by the maximum
00060         score, which can be reached on the board, times the value of the score
00061         modification parameter. This helps to play moves to maximize the score
00062         even if the game is already clearly lost or won. Otherwise all moves
00063         look equal in clearly won or lost positions. It can also reduce the
00064         typical game length and could even have a positive effect on the
00065         playing strength. The modification can be disabled by setting the
00066         parameter to zero. The default value is 0.02.
00067     */
00068     float m_scoreModification;
00070     GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam();
00071 };
00073 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00075 /** @page gouctpassmoves Handling of pass-moves in GoUctGlobalSearch
00077     @section gouctpassplayout Play-out phase
00079     Pass moves are not played in the play-out phase of the simulations as
00080     long as there are still moves for which GoUctUtil::GeneratePoint
00081     returns true, which are mainly moves that don't fill single point
00082     eyes (see GoUctUtil::GeneratePoint and GoBoardUtil::IsCompletelySurrounded
00083     for an exact definition). Therefore, it is a requirement on
00084     GoUctPlayoutPolicy::GenerateMove, not to return pass moves earlier.
00086     This requirement ensures that all simulated games terminate (as long as
00087     there is no super-ko cycle, because for speed reasons only simple ko's
00088     are checked) and that the terminal position after two passes in a row is
00089     a position that can be quickly evaluated with
00090     GoBoardUtil::ScoreSimpleEndPosition.
00092     @section gouctpassintree In-tree phase
00094     In the in-tree-phase of the game, pass moves are always allowed to avoid
00095     zugzwang situations, if there is a seki on the board. After two
00096     passes the game is terminated and scored with
00097     GoBoardUtil::TrompTaylorScore.
00098 */
00100 /** Global UCT-Search for Go.
00101     - @ref gouctpassmoves
00102     @tparam POLICY The playout policy
00103 */
00104 template<class POLICY>
00105 class GoUctGlobalSearchState
00106     : public GoUctState
00107 {
00108 public:
00109     const SgBWSet& m_safe;
00111     const SgPointArray<bool>& m_allSafe;
00113     /** Probabilities that a point belongs to Black in a terminal position.
00114         Only computed if GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam::m_territoryStatistics.
00115     */
00116     SgPointArray<SgUctStatistics> m_territoryStatistics;
00118     /** Constructor.
00119         @param threadId The number of the thread. Needed for passing to
00120         constructor of SgUctThreadState.
00121         @param bd The board
00122         @param policy The random policy (takes ownership). It is possible to
00123         set the policy to null at construction time to allowed a multi-step
00124         construction; but then a policy has to be set with SetPolicy(), before
00125         the search is used.
00126         @param param Parameters. Stores a reference to the argument.
00127         @param policy_param. Stores a reference to the argument.
00128         @param safe Safety information. Stores a reference to the argument.
00129         @param allSafe Safety information. Stores a reference to the argument.
00130     */
00131     GoUctGlobalSearchState(std::size_t threadId, const GoBoard& bd,
00132                            POLICY* policy,
00133                            const GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam& param,
00134                            const GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam& policyParam,
00135                            const SgBWSet& safe,
00136                            const SgPointArray<bool>& allSafe);
00138     ~GoUctGlobalSearchState();
00140     float Evaluate();
00142     bool GenerateAllMoves(std::size_t count, std::vector<SgMoveInfo>& moves,
00143                           SgProvenNodeType& provenType);
00145     SgMove GeneratePlayoutMove(bool& skipRaveUpdate);
00147     void ExecutePlayout(SgMove move);
00149     void GameStart();
00151     void EndPlayout();
00153     void StartPlayout();
00155     void StartPlayouts();
00157     void StartSearch();
00159     POLICY* Policy();
00161     /** Set random policy.
00162         Sets a new random policy and deletes the old one, if it existed.
00163     */
00164     void SetPolicy(POLICY* policy);
00166     void ClearTerritoryStatistics();
00168 private:
00169     const GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam& m_param;
00171     const GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam& m_policyParam;
00173     /** See SetMercyRule() */
00174     bool m_mercyRuleTriggered;
00176     /** Number of pass moves played in a row in the playout phase. */
00177     int m_passMovesPlayoutPhase;
00179     /** See SetMercyRule() */
00180     int m_mercyRuleThreshold;
00182     /** Difference of stones on board.
00183         Black counts positive.
00184     */
00185     int m_stoneDiff;
00187     /** Board move number at root node of search. */
00188     int m_initialMoveNumber;
00190     /** The area in which moves should be generated. */
00191     GoPointList m_area;
00193     /** See SetMercyRule() */
00194     float m_mercyRuleResult;
00196     /** Inverse of maximum score one can reach on a board of the current
00197         size.
00198     */
00199     float m_invMaxScore;
00201     SgRandom m_random;
00203     GoUctDefaultPriorKnowledge m_priorKnowledge;
00205     boost::scoped_ptr<POLICY> m_policy;
00207     /** Not implemented */
00208     GoUctGlobalSearchState(const GoUctGlobalSearchState& search);
00210     /** Not implemented */
00211     GoUctGlobalSearchState& operator=(const GoUctGlobalSearchState& search);
00213     bool CheckMercyRule();
00215     template<class BOARD>
00216     float EvaluateBoard(const BOARD& bd, float komi);
00218     /** Generates all legal moves with no knowledge values. */
00219     void GenerateLegalMoves(std::vector<SgMoveInfo>& moves);
00221     float GetKomi() const;
00222 };
00224 template<class POLICY>
00225 GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::GoUctGlobalSearchState(std::size_t threadId,
00226          const GoBoard& bd, POLICY* policy,
00227          const GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam& param,
00228          const GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam& policyParam,
00229          const SgBWSet& safe, const SgPointArray<bool>& allSafe)
00230     : GoUctState(threadId, bd),
00231       m_safe(safe),
00232       m_allSafe(allSafe),
00233       m_param(param),
00234       m_policyParam(policyParam),
00235       m_priorKnowledge(Board(), m_policyParam),
00236       m_policy(policy)
00237 {
00238     ClearTerritoryStatistics();
00239 }
00241 template<class POLICY>
00242 GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::~GoUctGlobalSearchState()
00243 {
00244 }
00246 /** See SetMercyRule() */
00247 template<class POLICY>
00248 bool GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::CheckMercyRule()
00249 {
00250     SG_ASSERT(m_param.m_mercyRule);
00251     // Only used in playout; m_stoneDiff only defined in playout
00252     SG_ASSERT(IsInPlayout());
00253     if (m_stoneDiff >= m_mercyRuleThreshold)
00254     {
00255         m_mercyRuleTriggered = true;
00256         m_mercyRuleResult = (UctBoard().ToPlay() == SG_BLACK ? 1 : 0);
00257     }
00258     else if (m_stoneDiff <= -m_mercyRuleThreshold)
00259     {
00260         m_mercyRuleTriggered = true;
00261         m_mercyRuleResult = (UctBoard().ToPlay() == SG_WHITE ? 1 : 0);
00262     }
00263     else
00264         SG_ASSERT(! m_mercyRuleTriggered);
00265     return m_mercyRuleTriggered;
00266 }
00268 template<class POLICY>
00269 void GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::ClearTerritoryStatistics()
00270 {
00271     for (SgPointArray<SgUctStatistics>::NonConstIterator
00272              it(m_territoryStatistics); it; ++it)
00273         (*it).Clear();
00274 }
00276 template<class POLICY>
00277 void GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::EndPlayout()
00278 {
00279     GoUctState::EndPlayout();
00280     m_policy->EndPlayout();
00281 }
00283 template<class POLICY>
00284 float GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::Evaluate()
00285 {
00286     float komi = GetKomi();
00287     if (IsInPlayout())
00288         return EvaluateBoard(UctBoard(), komi);
00289     else
00290         return EvaluateBoard(Board(), komi);
00291 }
00293 template<class POLICY>
00294 template<class BOARD>
00295 float GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::EvaluateBoard(const BOARD& bd,
00296                                                     float komi)
00297 {
00298     float score;
00299     SgPointArray<SgEmptyBlackWhite> scoreBoard;
00300     SgPointArray<SgEmptyBlackWhite>* scoreBoardPtr;
00301     if (m_param.m_territoryStatistics)
00302         scoreBoardPtr = &scoreBoard;
00303     else
00304         scoreBoardPtr = 0;
00305     if (m_passMovesPlayoutPhase < 2)
00306         // Two passes not in playout phase, see comment in GenerateAllMoves()
00307         score = GoBoardUtil::TrompTaylorScore(bd, komi, scoreBoardPtr);
00308     else
00309     {
00310         if (m_param.m_mercyRule && m_mercyRuleTriggered)
00311             return m_mercyRuleResult;
00312         score = GoBoardUtil::ScoreSimpleEndPosition(bd, komi, m_safe,
00313                                                     false, scoreBoardPtr);
00314     }
00315     if (m_param.m_territoryStatistics)
00316         for (typename BOARD::Iterator it(bd); it; ++it)
00317             switch (scoreBoard[*it])
00318             {
00319             case SG_BLACK:
00320                 m_territoryStatistics[*it].Add(1);
00321                 break;
00322             case SG_WHITE:
00323                 m_territoryStatistics[*it].Add(0);
00324                 break;
00325             case SG_EMPTY:
00326                 m_territoryStatistics[*it].Add(0.5);
00327                 break;
00328             }
00329     if (bd.ToPlay() != SG_BLACK)
00330         score *= -1;
00331     float lengthMod = min(GameLength() * m_param.m_lengthModification, 0.5f);
00332     if (score > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
00333         return
00334             (1 - m_param.m_scoreModification)
00335             + m_param.m_scoreModification * score * m_invMaxScore
00336             - lengthMod;
00337     else if (score < -std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
00338         return
00339             m_param.m_scoreModification
00340             + m_param.m_scoreModification * score * m_invMaxScore
00341             + lengthMod;
00342     else
00343         // Draw. Can happen if komi is an integer
00344         return 0;
00345 }
00347 template<class POLICY>
00348 void GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::ExecutePlayout(SgMove move)
00349 {
00350     GoUctState::ExecutePlayout(move);
00351     const GoUctBoard& bd = UctBoard();
00352     if (bd.ToPlay() == SG_BLACK)
00353         m_stoneDiff -= bd.NuCapturedStones();
00354     else
00355         m_stoneDiff += bd.NuCapturedStones();
00356     m_policy->OnPlay();
00357 }
00359 template<class POLICY>
00360 void GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::GameStart()
00361 {
00362     GoUctState::GameStart();
00363 }
00365 template<class POLICY>
00366 void GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::GenerateLegalMoves(
00367                                             std::vector<SgMoveInfo>& moves)
00368 {
00369     //SG_ASSERT(! IsInPlayout());
00370     const GoBoard& bd = Board();
00371     SG_ASSERT(! bd.Rules().AllowSuicide());
00373     if (GoBoardUtil::TwoPasses(bd))
00374         // Evaluate with Tromp-Taylor (we have no other evaluation that can
00375         // score arbitrary positions). However, if the rules don't require
00376         // CaptureDead(), the two passes need to be played in the search
00377         // sequence. This avoids cases, in which playing a pass (after the
00378         // opponent's last move in the real game was a pass) is only good
00379         // under Tromp-Taylor scoring (see
00380         // regression/sgf/pass/tromp-taylor-pass.sgf).
00381         // Both won't work in Japanese rules, but it is not easy to define
00382         // what a terminal position is in Japanese rules.
00383         if (bd.Rules().CaptureDead()
00384             || bd.MoveNumber() - m_initialMoveNumber >= 2)
00385             return;
00387     SgBlackWhite toPlay = bd.ToPlay();
00388     for (GoBoard::Iterator it(bd); it; ++it)
00389     {
00390         SgPoint p = *it;
00391         if (bd.IsEmpty(p)
00392             && ! GoEyeUtil::IsSimpleEye(bd, p, toPlay)
00393             && ! m_allSafe[p]
00394             && bd.IsLegal(p, toPlay))
00395             moves.push_back(SgMoveInfo(p));
00396     }
00398     // Full randomization is too expensive and in most cases not necessary,
00399     // if prior knowledge is available for initialization or RAVE values are
00400     // available after playing the first move. However we put a random move
00401     // to the front, because the first move in a Go board iteration is often
00402     // a bad corner move
00403     if (moves.size() > 1)
00404         std::swap(moves[0], moves[m_random.Int(moves.size())]);
00405     moves.push_back(SgMoveInfo(SG_PASS));
00406 }
00408 template<class POLICY>
00409 bool GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::GenerateAllMoves(std::size_t count, 
00410                                              std::vector<SgMoveInfo>& moves,
00411                                              SgProvenNodeType& provenType)
00412 {
00413     provenType = SG_NOT_PROVEN;
00414     moves.clear();  // FIXME: needed?
00415     GenerateLegalMoves(moves);
00416     if (! moves.empty())
00417     {
00418         if (count == 0)
00419             m_priorKnowledge.ProcessPosition(moves);
00420     }
00421     return false;
00422 }
00424 template<class POLICY>
00425 SgMove GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::GeneratePlayoutMove(
00426                                                          bool& skipRaveUpdate)
00427 {
00428     SG_ASSERT(IsInPlayout());
00429     if (m_param.m_mercyRule && CheckMercyRule())
00430         return SG_NULLMOVE;
00431     SgPoint move = m_policy->GenerateMove();
00432     SG_ASSERT(move != SG_NULLMOVE);
00433 #ifndef NDEBUG
00434     // Check that policy generates pass only if no points are left for which
00435     // GeneratePoint() returns true. See GoUctPlayoutPolicy::GenerateMove()
00436     if (move == SG_PASS)
00437     {
00438         const GoUctBoard& bd = UctBoard();
00439     SgBalancer balancer(100); // FIXME: Could be quite slow!!
00440         for (GoUctBoard::Iterator it(bd); it; ++it)
00441             SG_ASSERT(  bd.Occupied(*it)
00442                      || m_safe.OneContains(*it)
00443                      || GoBoardUtil::SelfAtari(bd, *it)
00444                      || ! GoUctUtil::GeneratePoint(bd, balancer, 
00445                                                    *it, bd.ToPlay())
00446                      );
00447     }
00448     else
00449         SG_ASSERT(! m_safe.OneContains(move));
00450 #endif
00451     // The position guaranteed to be a terminal position, which can be
00452     // evaluated with GoBoardUtil::ScoreSimpleEndPosition(), only after two
00453     // passes in a row, both of them generated by GeneratePlayoutMove() in
00454     // the playout phase
00455     if (move == SG_PASS)
00456     {
00457         skipRaveUpdate = true; // Don't update RAVE values for pass moves
00458         if (m_passMovesPlayoutPhase < 2)
00459             ++m_passMovesPlayoutPhase;
00460         else
00461             return SG_NULLMOVE;
00462     }
00463     else
00464         m_passMovesPlayoutPhase = 0;
00465     return move;
00466 }
00468 /** Get komi including extra handicap komi points, if used by the rules. */
00469 template<class POLICY>
00470 float GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::GetKomi() const
00471 {
00472     const GoRules& rules = Board().Rules();
00473     float komi = rules.Komi().ToFloat();
00474     if (rules.ExtraHandicapKomi())
00475         komi += rules.Handicap();
00476     return komi;
00477 }
00479 template<class POLICY>
00480 inline POLICY* GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::Policy()
00481 {
00482     return m_policy.get();
00483 }
00485 template<class POLICY>
00486 void GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::SetPolicy(POLICY* policy)
00487 {
00488     m_policy.reset(policy);
00489 }
00491 template<class POLICY>
00492 void GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::StartPlayout()
00493 {
00494     GoUctState::StartPlayout();
00495     m_passMovesPlayoutPhase = 0;
00496     m_mercyRuleTriggered = false;
00497     const GoBoard& bd = Board();
00498     m_stoneDiff = bd.All(SG_BLACK).Size() - bd.All(SG_WHITE).Size();
00499     m_policy->StartPlayout();
00500 }
00502 template<class POLICY>
00503 void GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::StartPlayouts()
00504 {
00505     GoUctState::StartPlayouts();
00506 }
00508 template<class POLICY>
00509 void GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>::StartSearch()
00510 {
00511     GoUctState::StartSearch();
00512     const GoBoard& bd = Board();
00513     int size = bd.Size();
00514     float maxScore = size * size + GetKomi();
00515     m_invMaxScore = 1 / maxScore;
00516     m_initialMoveNumber = bd.MoveNumber();
00517     m_mercyRuleThreshold = static_cast<int>(0.3 * size * size);
00518     ClearTerritoryStatistics();
00519 }
00521 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00523 /** Factory for creating a GoUctGlobalSearchState.
00524     @tparam POLICY The playout policy
00525     @tparam FACTORY The factory for the playout policy
00526 */
00527 template<class POLICY, class FACTORY>
00528 class GoUctGlobalSearchStateFactory
00529     : public SgUctThreadStateFactory
00530 {
00531 public:
00532     /** Constructor.
00533         @param bd
00534         @param playoutPolicyFactory Factory for playout policies.
00535         Stores a reference. Lifetime of parameter must exceed the lifetime of
00536         this instance.
00537         @param safe
00538         @param allSafe
00539     */
00540     GoUctGlobalSearchStateFactory(GoBoard& bd,
00541                                   FACTORY& playoutPolicyFactory,
00542                                   const GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam& policyParam,
00543                                   const SgBWSet& safe,
00544                                   const SgPointArray<bool>& allSafe);
00546     SgUctThreadState* Create(std::size_t threadId, const SgUctSearch& search);
00548 private:
00549     GoBoard& m_bd;
00551     FACTORY& m_playoutPolicyFactory;
00553     const GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam& m_policyParam;
00555     const SgBWSet& m_safe;
00557     const SgPointArray<bool>& m_allSafe;
00558 };
00560 template<class POLICY, class FACTORY>
00561 GoUctGlobalSearchStateFactory<POLICY,FACTORY>
00562 ::GoUctGlobalSearchStateFactory(GoBoard& bd,
00563                   FACTORY& playoutPolicyFactory,
00564                   const GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam& policyParam,
00565                   const SgBWSet& safe,
00566                   const SgPointArray<bool>& allSafe)
00567     : m_bd(bd),
00568       m_playoutPolicyFactory(playoutPolicyFactory),
00569       m_policyParam(policyParam),
00570       m_safe(safe),
00571       m_allSafe(allSafe)
00572 {
00573 }
00575 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00577 /** Full board Monte-Carlo tree search.
00578     @tparam POLICY The playout policy
00579     @tparam FACTORY The factory for the playout policy
00580 */
00581 template<class POLICY, class FACTORY>
00582 class GoUctGlobalSearch
00583     : public GoUctSearch
00584 {
00585 public:
00586     GoUctGlobalSearchStateParam m_param;
00588     /** Constructor.
00589         @param bd
00590         @param playoutPolicyFactory Creates multiple instances of the playout
00591         policies. Takes ownership. playoutPolicyFactory should not have
00592         SetSafe() and SetAllSafe() already set, because the search will call
00593         these functions using its own safety information.
00594     */
00595     GoUctGlobalSearch(GoBoard& bd,
00596                       FACTORY* playoutPolicyFactory,
00597                       const GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam& policyParam);
00599     /** @name Pure virtual functions of SgUctSearch */
00600     // @{
00602     float UnknownEval() const;
00604     // @} // @name
00607     /** @name Virtual functions of SgUctSearch */
00608     // @{
00610     void OnStartSearch();
00612     void OnSearchIteration(std::size_t gameNumber, int threadId,
00613                            const SgUctGameInfo& info);
00615     // @} // @name
00618     /** Set default search parameters optimized for a board size. */
00619     void SetDefaultParameters(int boardSize);
00621     /** Output live graphics commands for GoGui.
00622         Similar to the GOUCT_LIVEGFX_COUNTS mode in GoUctSearch, but the
00623         influence data shows the terriroy statistics (which must be enabled)
00624         instead of the move values. No move counts are shown.
00625         The live graphics interval from GoUctSearch will be used.
00626         @see GoUctSearch::LiveGfxInterval()
00627     */
00628     bool GlobalSearchLiveGfx() const;
00630     /** See GlobalSearchLiveGfx() */
00631     void SetGlobalSearchLiveGfx(bool enable);
00633 private:
00634     SgBWSet m_safe;
00636     SgPointArray<bool> m_allSafe;
00638     boost::scoped_ptr<FACTORY> m_playoutPolicyFactory;
00640     GoRegionBoard m_regions;
00642     /** See GlobalSearchLiveGfx() */
00643     bool m_globalSearchLiveGfx;
00644 };
00646 template<class POLICY, class FACTORY>
00647 GoUctGlobalSearch<POLICY,FACTORY>::GoUctGlobalSearch(GoBoard& bd,
00648                                                      FACTORY* playoutFactory,
00649                                   const GoUctPlayoutPolicyParam& policyParam)
00650     : GoUctSearch(bd, 0),
00651       m_playoutPolicyFactory(playoutFactory),
00652       m_regions(bd),
00653       m_globalSearchLiveGfx(GOUCT_LIVEGFX_NONE)
00654 {
00655     SgUctThreadStateFactory* stateFactory =
00656         new GoUctGlobalSearchStateFactory<POLICY,FACTORY>(bd,
00657                                                           *playoutFactory,
00658                                                           policyParam,
00659                                                           m_safe, m_allSafe);
00660     SetThreadStateFactory(stateFactory);
00661     SetDefaultParameters(bd.Size());
00662 }
00664 template<class POLICY, class FACTORY>
00665 inline bool GoUctGlobalSearch<POLICY,FACTORY>::GlobalSearchLiveGfx() const
00666 {
00667     return m_globalSearchLiveGfx;
00668 }
00670 template<class POLICY, class FACTORY>
00671 void GoUctGlobalSearch<POLICY,FACTORY>::OnSearchIteration(
00672                                           std::size_t gameNumber,
00673                                           int threadId,
00674                                           const SgUctGameInfo& info)
00675 {
00676     GoUctSearch::OnSearchIteration(gameNumber, threadId, info);
00677     if (m_globalSearchLiveGfx && threadId == 0
00678         && gameNumber % LiveGfxInterval() == 0)
00679     {
00680         const GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>& state =
00681             dynamic_cast<GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>&>(ThreadState(0));
00682         SgDebug() << "gogui-gfx:\n";
00683         GoUctUtil::GfxBestMove(*this, ToPlay(), SgDebug());
00684         GoUctUtil::GfxTerritoryStatistics(state.m_territoryStatistics,
00685                                           Board(), SgDebug());
00686         GoUctUtil::GfxStatus(*this, SgDebug());
00687         SgDebug() << '\n';
00688     }
00689 }
00691 template<class POLICY, class FACTORY>
00692 void GoUctGlobalSearch<POLICY,FACTORY>::OnStartSearch()
00693 {
00694     GoUctSearch::OnStartSearch();
00695     m_safe.Clear();
00696     m_allSafe.Fill(false);
00698     {
00699         GoBoard& bd = Board();
00700         GoSafetySolver solver(bd, &m_regions);
00701         solver.FindSafePoints(&m_safe);
00702         for (GoBoard::Iterator it(bd); it; ++it)
00703             m_allSafe[*it] = m_safe.OneContains(*it);
00704     }
00705     if (m_globalSearchLiveGfx && ! m_param.m_territoryStatistics)
00706         SgWarning() <<
00707             "GoUctGlobalSearch: "
00708             "live graphics need territory statistics enabled\n";
00709 }
00711 template<class POLICY, class FACTORY>
00712 void GoUctGlobalSearch<POLICY,FACTORY>::SetDefaultParameters(int boardSize)
00713 {
00714     SetFirstPlayUrgency(1);
00715     SetMoveSelect(SG_UCTMOVESELECT_COUNT);
00716     SetRave(true);
00717     SetExpandThreshold(1);
00718     SetVirtualLoss(true);
00719     SetBiasTermConstant(0.0);
00720     if (boardSize < 15)
00721     {
00722         // These parameters were mainly tested on 9x9
00723         // using GoUctPlayoutPolicy and GoUctDefaultPriorKnowledge
00724         SetRaveWeightInitial(1.0);
00725         SetRaveWeightFinal(5000);
00726         m_param.m_lengthModification = 0;
00727     }
00728     else
00729     {
00730         // These parameters were mainly tested on 19x19
00731         // using GoUctPlayoutPolicy and GoUctDefaultPriorKnowledge
00732         SetRaveWeightInitial(0.9);
00733         SetRaveWeightFinal(5000);
00734         m_param.m_lengthModification = 0.00028;
00735     }
00736 }
00738 template<class POLICY, class FACTORY>
00739 inline void GoUctGlobalSearch<POLICY,FACTORY>::SetGlobalSearchLiveGfx(
00740                                                                   bool enable)
00741 {
00742     m_globalSearchLiveGfx = enable;
00743 }
00745 template<class POLICY, class FACTORY>
00746 float GoUctGlobalSearch<POLICY,FACTORY>::UnknownEval() const
00747 {
00748     // Note: 0.5 is not a possible value for a Bernoulli variable, better
00749     // use 0?
00750     return 0.5;
00751 }
00753 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00755 template<class POLICY, class FACTORY>
00756 SgUctThreadState* GoUctGlobalSearchStateFactory<POLICY,FACTORY>::Create(
00757                               std::size_t threadId, const SgUctSearch& search)
00758 {
00759     const GoUctGlobalSearch<POLICY,FACTORY>& globalSearch =
00760         dynamic_cast<const GoUctGlobalSearch<POLICY,FACTORY>&>(search);
00761     GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>* state =
00762         new GoUctGlobalSearchState<POLICY>(threadId, globalSearch.Board(), 0,
00763                                    globalSearch.m_param, 
00764                                            m_policyParam,
00765                                            m_safe, m_allSafe);
00766     POLICY* policy = m_playoutPolicyFactory.Create(state->UctBoard());
00767     state->SetPolicy(policy);
00768     return state;
00769 }
00771 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00773 #endif // GOUCT_GLOBALSEARCH_H

17 Jun 2010 Doxygen 1.4.7