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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 /** @file GoBoard.cpp
00003     See GoBoard.h
00004 */
00005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00007 #include "SgSystem.h"
00008 #include "GoUctBoard.h"
00010 #include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
00011 #include <algorithm>
00012 #include "GoBoardUtil.h"
00013 #include "SgNbIterator.h"
00014 #include "SgStack.h"
00016 using namespace std;
00018 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00020 namespace {
00022 /** Do a consistency check.
00023     Check some data structures for consistency after and before each play
00024     (and at some other places).
00025     This is an expensive check and therefore has to be enabled at compile
00026     time.
00027 */
00028 const bool CONSISTENCY = false;
00030 } // namespace
00032 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00034 GoUctBoard::GoUctBoard(const GoBoard& bd)
00035     : m_const(bd.Size())
00036 {
00037     m_size = -1;
00038     Init(bd);
00039 }
00041 GoUctBoard::~GoUctBoard()
00042 {
00043 }
00045 void GoUctBoard::CheckConsistency() const
00046 {
00047     if (! CONSISTENCY)
00048         return;
00049     for (SgPoint p = 0; p < SG_MAXPOINT; ++p)
00050     {
00051         if (IsBorder(p))
00052             continue;
00053         int c = m_color[p];
00054         SG_ASSERT_EBW(c);
00055         int n = 0;
00056         for (SgNb4Iterator it(p); it; ++it)
00057             if (m_color[*it] == SG_EMPTY)
00058                 ++n;
00059         SG_ASSERT(n == NumEmptyNeighbors(p));
00060         n = 0;
00061         for (SgNb4Iterator it(p); it; ++it)
00062             if (m_color[*it] == SG_BLACK)
00063                 ++n;
00064         SG_ASSERT(n == NumNeighbors(p, SG_BLACK));
00065         n = 0;
00066         for (SgNb4Iterator it(p); it; ++it)
00067             if (m_color[*it] == SG_WHITE)
00068                 ++n;
00069         SG_ASSERT(n == NumNeighbors(p, SG_WHITE));
00070         if (c == SG_BLACK || c == SG_WHITE)
00071             CheckConsistencyBlock(p);
00072         if (c == SG_EMPTY)
00073             SG_ASSERT(m_block[p] == 0);
00074     }
00075 }
00077 void GoUctBoard::CheckConsistencyBlock(SgPoint point) const
00078 {
00079     SG_ASSERT(Occupied(point));
00080     SgBlackWhite color = GetColor(point);
00081     GoPointList stones;
00082     Block::LibertyList liberties;
00083     SgMarker mark;
00084     SgStack<SgPoint,SG_MAXPOINT> stack;
00085     stack.Push(point);
00086     bool anchorFound = false;
00087     const Block* block = m_block[point];
00088     while (! stack.IsEmpty())
00089     {
00090         SgPoint p = stack.Pop();
00091         if (IsBorder(p) || ! mark.NewMark(p))
00092             continue;
00093         if (GetColor(p) == color)
00094         {
00095             stones.PushBack(p);
00096             if (p == block->m_anchor)
00097                 anchorFound = true;
00098             stack.Push(p - SG_NS);
00099             stack.Push(p - SG_WE);
00100             stack.Push(p + SG_WE);
00101             stack.Push(p + SG_NS);
00102         }
00103         else if (GetColor(p) == SG_EMPTY)
00104             liberties.PushBack(p);
00105     }
00106     SG_ASSERT(anchorFound);
00107     SG_ASSERT(color == block->m_color);
00108     SG_ASSERT(stones.SameElements(block->m_stones));
00109     SG_ASSERT(liberties.SameElements(block->m_liberties));
00110     SG_ASSERT(stones.Length() == NumStones(point));
00111 }
00113 void GoUctBoard::AddLibToAdjBlocks(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c)
00114 {
00115     if (NumNeighbors(p, c) == 0)
00116         return;
00117     SgReserveMarker reserve(m_marker2);
00118     m_marker2.Clear();
00119     Block* b;
00120     if (m_color[p - SG_NS] == c && (b = m_block[p - SG_NS]) != 0)
00121     {
00122         m_marker2.Include(b->m_anchor);
00123         b->m_liberties.PushBack(p);
00124     }
00125     if (m_color[p + SG_NS] == c && (b = m_block[p + SG_NS]) != 0
00126         && m_marker2.NewMark(b->m_anchor))
00127         b->m_liberties.PushBack(p);
00128     if (m_color[p - SG_WE] == c && (b = m_block[p - SG_WE]) != 0
00129         && m_marker2.NewMark(b->m_anchor))
00130         b->m_liberties.PushBack(p);
00131     if (m_color[p + SG_WE] == c && (b = m_block[p + SG_WE]) != 0
00132         && ! m_marker2.Contains(b->m_anchor))
00133         b->m_liberties.PushBack(p);
00134 }
00136 void GoUctBoard::AddStoneToBlock(SgPoint p, Block* block)
00137 {
00138     // Stone already placed
00139     SG_ASSERT(IsColor(p, block->m_color));
00140     block->m_stones.PushBack(p);
00141     if (IsEmpty(p - SG_NS) && ! IsAdjacentTo(p - SG_NS, block))
00142         block->m_liberties.PushBack(p - SG_NS);
00143     if (IsEmpty(p - SG_WE) && ! IsAdjacentTo(p - SG_WE, block))
00144         block->m_liberties.PushBack(p - SG_WE);
00145     if (IsEmpty(p + SG_WE) && ! IsAdjacentTo(p + SG_WE, block))
00146         block->m_liberties.PushBack(p + SG_WE);
00147     if (IsEmpty(p + SG_NS) && ! IsAdjacentTo(p + SG_NS, block))
00148         block->m_liberties.PushBack(p + SG_NS);
00149     m_block[p] = block;
00150 }
00152 void GoUctBoard::CreateSingleStoneBlock(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c)
00153 {
00154     // Stone already placed
00155     SG_ASSERT(IsColor(p, c));
00156     SG_ASSERT(NumNeighbors(p, c) == 0);
00157     Block& block = m_blockArray[p];
00158     block.InitSingleStoneBlock(c, p);
00159     if (IsEmpty(p - SG_NS))
00160         block.m_liberties.PushBack(p - SG_NS);
00161     if (IsEmpty(p - SG_WE))
00162         block.m_liberties.PushBack(p - SG_WE);
00163     if (IsEmpty(p + SG_WE))
00164         block.m_liberties.PushBack(p + SG_WE);
00165     if (IsEmpty(p + SG_NS))
00166         block.m_liberties.PushBack(p + SG_NS);
00167     m_block[p] = &block;
00168 }
00170 bool GoUctBoard::IsAdjacentTo(SgPoint p,
00171                               const GoUctBoard::Block* block) const
00172 {
00173     return   m_block[p - SG_NS] == block
00174           || m_block[p - SG_WE] == block
00175           || m_block[p + SG_WE] == block
00176           || m_block[p + SG_NS] == block;
00177 }
00179 void GoUctBoard::MergeBlocks(SgPoint p, const SgSList<Block*,4>& adjBlocks)
00180 {
00181     // Stone already placed
00182     SG_ASSERT(IsColor(p, adjBlocks[0]->m_color));
00183     SG_ASSERT(NumNeighbors(p, adjBlocks[0]->m_color) > 1);
00184     Block* largestBlock = 0;
00185     int largestBlockStones = 0;
00186     for (SgSList<Block*,4>::Iterator it(adjBlocks); it; ++it)
00187     {
00188         Block* adjBlock = *it;
00189         int numStones = adjBlock->m_stones.Length();
00190         if (numStones > largestBlockStones)
00191         {
00192             largestBlockStones = numStones;
00193             largestBlock = adjBlock;
00194         }
00195     }
00196     largestBlock->m_stones.PushBack(p);
00197     SgReserveMarker reserve(m_marker);
00198     m_marker.Clear();
00199     for (Block::LibertyIterator lib(largestBlock->m_liberties); lib; ++lib)
00200         m_marker.Include(*lib);
00201     for (SgSList<Block*,4>::Iterator it(adjBlocks); it; ++it)
00202     {
00203         Block* adjBlock = *it;
00204         if (adjBlock == largestBlock)
00205             continue;
00206         for (Block::StoneIterator stn(adjBlock->m_stones); stn; ++stn)
00207         {
00208             largestBlock->m_stones.PushBack(*stn);
00209             m_block[*stn] = largestBlock;
00210         }
00211         for (Block::LibertyIterator lib(adjBlock->m_liberties); lib; ++lib)
00212             if (m_marker.NewMark(*lib))
00213                 largestBlock->m_liberties.PushBack(*lib);
00214     }
00215     m_block[p] = largestBlock;
00216     if (IsEmpty(p - SG_NS) && m_marker.NewMark(p - SG_NS))
00217         largestBlock->m_liberties.PushBack(p - SG_NS);
00218     if (IsEmpty(p - SG_WE) && m_marker.NewMark(p - SG_WE))
00219         largestBlock->m_liberties.PushBack(p - SG_WE);
00220     if (IsEmpty(p + SG_WE) && m_marker.NewMark(p + SG_WE))
00221         largestBlock->m_liberties.PushBack(p + SG_WE);
00222     if (IsEmpty(p + SG_NS) && m_marker.NewMark(p + SG_NS))
00223         largestBlock->m_liberties.PushBack(p + SG_NS);
00224 }
00226 void GoUctBoard::UpdateBlocksAfterAddStone(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c,
00227                                            const SgSList<Block*,4>& adjBlocks)
00228 {
00229     // Stone already placed
00230     SG_ASSERT(IsColor(p, c));
00231     int n = adjBlocks.Length();
00232     if (n == 0)
00233         CreateSingleStoneBlock(p, c);
00234     else
00235     {
00236         if (n == 1)
00237             AddStoneToBlock(p, adjBlocks[0]);
00238         else
00239             MergeBlocks(p, adjBlocks);
00240     }
00241 }
00243 void GoUctBoard::Init(const GoBoard& bd)
00244 {
00245     if (bd.Size() != m_size)
00246         InitSize(bd);
00247     m_prisoners[SG_BLACK] = bd.NumPrisoners(SG_BLACK);
00248     m_prisoners[SG_WHITE] = bd.NumPrisoners(SG_WHITE);
00249     m_koPoint = bd.KoPoint();
00250     m_lastMove = bd.GetLastMove();
00251     m_secondLastMove = bd.Get2ndLastMove();
00252     m_toPlay = bd.ToPlay();
00253     for (GoBoard::Iterator it(bd); it; ++it)
00254     {
00255         SgPoint p = *it;
00256         SgBoardColor c = bd.GetColor(p);
00257         m_color[p] = c;
00258         m_nuNeighbors[SG_BLACK][p] = bd.NumNeighbors(p, SG_BLACK);
00259         m_nuNeighbors[SG_WHITE][p] = bd.NumNeighbors(p, SG_WHITE);
00260         m_nuNeighborsEmpty[p] = bd.NumEmptyNeighbors(p);
00261         if (bd.IsEmpty(p))
00262             m_block[p] = 0;
00263         else if (bd.Anchor(p) == p)
00264         {
00265             SgBoardColor c = m_color[p];
00266             Block& block = m_blockArray[p];
00267             block.InitNewBlock(c, p);
00268             for (GoBoard::StoneIterator it2(bd, p); it2; ++it2)
00269             {
00270                 block.m_stones.PushBack(*it2);
00271                 m_block[*it2] = &block;
00272             }
00273             for (GoBoard::LibertyIterator it2(bd, p); it2; ++it2)
00274                 block.m_liberties.PushBack(*it2);
00275         }
00276     }
00277     CheckConsistency();
00278 }
00280 void GoUctBoard::InitSize(const GoBoard& bd)
00281 {
00282     m_size = bd.Size();
00283     m_nuNeighbors[SG_BLACK].Fill(0);
00284     m_nuNeighbors[SG_WHITE].Fill(0);
00285     m_nuNeighborsEmpty.Fill(0);
00286     m_block.Fill(0);
00287     for (SgPoint p = 0; p < SG_MAXPOINT; ++p)
00288     {
00289         if (bd.IsBorder(p))
00290         {
00291             m_color[p] = SG_BORDER;
00292             m_isBorder[p] = true;
00293         }
00294         else
00295             m_isBorder[p] = false;
00296     }
00297     m_const.ChangeSize(m_size);
00298 }
00300 void GoUctBoard::NeighborBlocks(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c,
00301                                 SgPoint anchors[]) const
00302 {
00303     SG_ASSERT(IsEmpty(p));
00304     SgReserveMarker reserve(m_marker);
00305     SG_UNUSED(reserve);
00306     m_marker.Clear();
00307     int i = 0;
00308     if (NumNeighbors(p, c) > 0)
00309     {
00310         if (IsColor(p - SG_NS, c) && m_marker.NewMark(Anchor(p - SG_NS)))
00311             anchors[i++] = Anchor(p - SG_NS);
00312         if (IsColor(p - SG_WE, c) && m_marker.NewMark(Anchor(p - SG_WE)))
00313             anchors[i++] = Anchor(p - SG_WE);
00314         if (IsColor(p + SG_WE, c) && m_marker.NewMark(Anchor(p + SG_WE)))
00315             anchors[i++] = Anchor(p + SG_WE);
00316         if (IsColor(p + SG_NS, c) && m_marker.NewMark(Anchor(p + SG_NS)))
00317             anchors[i++] = Anchor(p + SG_NS);
00318     }
00319     anchors[i] = SG_ENDPOINT;
00320 }
00322 void GoUctBoard::AddStone(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c)
00323 {
00324     SG_ASSERT(IsEmpty(p));
00325     SG_ASSERT_BW(c);
00326     m_color[p] = c;
00327     --m_nuNeighborsEmpty[p - SG_NS];
00328     --m_nuNeighborsEmpty[p - SG_WE];
00329     --m_nuNeighborsEmpty[p + SG_WE];
00330     --m_nuNeighborsEmpty[p + SG_NS];
00331     SgArray<int,SG_MAXPOINT>& nuNeighbors = m_nuNeighbors[c];
00332     ++nuNeighbors[p - SG_NS];
00333     ++nuNeighbors[p - SG_WE];
00334     ++nuNeighbors[p + SG_WE];
00335     ++nuNeighbors[p + SG_NS];
00336 }
00338 /** Remove liberty from adjacent blocks and kill opponent blocks without
00339     liberties.
00340     As a side effect, computes adjacent blocks of own color to avoid a
00341     second call to GetAdjacentBlocks() in UpdateBlocksAfterAddStone().
00342 */
00343 void GoUctBoard::RemoveLibAndKill(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite opp,
00344                                   SgSList<Block*,4>& ownAdjBlocks)
00345 {
00346     SgReserveMarker reserve(m_marker);
00347     m_marker.Clear();
00348     Block* b;
00349     if ((b = m_block[p - SG_NS]) != 0)
00350     {
00351         m_marker.Include(b->m_anchor);
00352         b->m_liberties.Exclude(p);
00353         if (b->m_color == opp)
00354         {
00355             if (b->m_liberties.Length() == 0)
00356                 KillBlock(b);
00357         }
00358         else
00359             ownAdjBlocks.PushBack(b);
00360     }
00361     if ((b = m_block[p - SG_WE]) != 0 && m_marker.NewMark(b->m_anchor))
00362     {
00363         b->m_liberties.Exclude(p);
00364         if (b->m_color == opp)
00365         {
00366             if (b->m_liberties.Length() == 0)
00367                 KillBlock(b);
00368         }
00369         else
00370             ownAdjBlocks.PushBack(b);
00371     }
00372     if ((b = m_block[p + SG_WE]) != 0 && m_marker.NewMark(b->m_anchor))
00373     {
00374         b->m_liberties.Exclude(p);
00375         if (b->m_color == opp)
00376         {
00377             if (b->m_liberties.Length() == 0)
00378                 KillBlock(b);
00379         }
00380         else
00381             ownAdjBlocks.PushBack(b);
00382     }
00383     if ((b = m_block[p + SG_NS]) != 0 && ! m_marker.Contains(b->m_anchor))
00384     {
00385         b->m_liberties.Exclude(p);
00386         if (b->m_color == opp)
00387         {
00388             if (b->m_liberties.Length() == 0)
00389                 KillBlock(b);
00390         }
00391         else
00392             ownAdjBlocks.PushBack(b);
00393     }
00394 }
00396 void GoUctBoard::KillBlock(const Block* block)
00397 {
00398     SgBlackWhite c = block->m_color;
00399     SgBlackWhite opp = SgOppBW(c);
00400     SgArray<int,SG_MAXPOINT>& nuNeighbors = m_nuNeighbors[c];
00401     for (Block::StoneIterator it(block->m_stones); it; ++it)
00402     {
00403         SgPoint p = *it;
00404         AddLibToAdjBlocks(p, opp);
00405         m_color[p] = SG_EMPTY;
00406         ++m_nuNeighborsEmpty[p - SG_NS];
00407         ++m_nuNeighborsEmpty[p - SG_WE];
00408         ++m_nuNeighborsEmpty[p + SG_WE];
00409         ++m_nuNeighborsEmpty[p + SG_NS];
00410         --nuNeighbors[p - SG_NS];
00411         --nuNeighbors[p - SG_WE];
00412         --nuNeighbors[p + SG_WE];
00413         --nuNeighbors[p + SG_NS];
00414         m_capturedStones.PushBack(p);
00415         m_block[p] = 0;
00416     }
00417     int nuStones = block->m_stones.Length();
00418     m_prisoners[c] += nuStones;
00419     if (nuStones == 1)
00420         // Remember that single stone was captured, check conditions on
00421         // capturing block later
00422         m_koPoint = block->m_anchor;
00423 }
00425 void GoUctBoard::Play(SgPoint p)
00426 {
00427     SG_ASSERT(p >= 0); // No special move, see SgMove
00428     SG_ASSERT(p == SG_PASS || (IsValidPoint(p) && IsEmpty(p)));
00429     CheckConsistency();
00430     m_koPoint = SG_NULLPOINT;
00431     m_capturedStones.Clear();
00432     SgBlackWhite opp = SgOppBW(m_toPlay);
00433     if (p != SG_PASS)
00434     {
00435         AddStone(p, m_toPlay);
00436         SgSList<Block*,4> adjBlocks;
00437         if (NumNeighbors(p, SG_BLACK) > 0 || NumNeighbors(p, SG_WHITE) > 0)
00438             RemoveLibAndKill(p, opp, adjBlocks);
00439         UpdateBlocksAfterAddStone(p, m_toPlay, adjBlocks);
00440         if (m_koPoint != SG_NULLPOINT)
00441             if (NumStones(p) > 1 || NumLiberties(p) > 1)
00442                 m_koPoint = SG_NULLPOINT;
00443         SG_ASSERT(HasLiberties(p)); // Suicide not supported by GoUctBoard
00444     }
00445     m_secondLastMove = m_lastMove;
00446     m_lastMove = p;
00447     m_toPlay = opp;
00448     CheckConsistency();
00449 }
00451 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------

17 Jun 2010 Doxygen 1.4.7