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CS 341 Assignments


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There will be five assignments in this course, which will be available on this page as they become ready.

Please check the course newsgroup and/or the announcements section of the course homepage for late-breaking corrections/clarifications.

Assignment 1, due Fri. Oct. 1.

Assignment 2, due Fri. Oct. 15.

Assignment 3, due Fri. Nov. 5. (Note later due date.)

Assignment 4, due Fri. Nov. 19. (Note later due date.)

Assignment 5, due Fri. Dec. 3. (Note later due date.)

Late Policy

In general, assignments are due at 5 PM of the due date, and are to be placed in the assignment box for the course (NE corner, 3rd floor of MC). Make sure you get the right box! You will be allowed to hand in up to two assignments late (Monday for Friday due dates, Friday for Wednesday due dates). If serious medical or family problems prevent you from meeting a deadline, talk to the instructors.


Solutions to assignments 1--4 have been handed out in class.

Assignment 5 Solutions


Some of the assignments (probably the second, third, and fourth) will involve programming as well as the usual written answers. Please follow the programming assignment guidelines.

Collaborating, Copying, Cheating

You are encouraged to talk to one another, but each student must work out their own assignment solution. Do not take written notes during discussions with fellow students. Whatever you turn in as your solution should be your own work. You may be able to find solutions to some assignment questions in other books/papers. You are encouraged to try finding your own solution first, but not prohibited from using such sources. You must acknowledge those sources, and you must make clear that you understand the solution and are not blindly copying it.

The penalty in CS 341 for cheating is the standard CS department one:

"Cheating on assignments and projects includes copying another student's solution and submitting it as your own, allowing another student to copy your solution, or collaborating excessively with another student. The standard penalty for cheating on an assignment or project is as follows: a grade of -100% will be assigned for the piece of work, with a minimum deduction of 5% from the final course grade.

"All academic offenses are reported to the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies. A second academic offense will lead to the student being suspended from the university for at least one term and may lead to expulsion.

"Further action by the appropriate academic disciplinary committees may also be undertaken."

See the CS Undergraduate Handbook, available on the web at http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/CS_Dept/undergrad/handbook/Policies.html

If you have questions about what is or is not appropriate, please contact the instructors.

This page is maintained by the CS 341 course personnel.