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Fundamentals of Algorithmics, by Gilles Brassard and Paul Bratley, Prentice-Hall, 1996. EMS Library Call Number: UWD 1281

Course Account




Please be sure to read the newsgroup especially before assignment due dates and before the midterm test and the final exam.


Direct questions of general interest to the newsgroup. Other questions can be asked in class, in office hours, or by sending e-mail to the course account. If you cannot attend any of the office hours, arrange an appointment at another time.

Handouts and Other Resources

Links to PostScript versions of pages handed out in class will be made available here.

Reading List

Here is a list of other algorithms texts that you might find worthwhile.

Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, McGraw Hill, 1990.

The Algorithm Design Manual, Skiena, Springer, 1998.

This page is maintained by the CS 341 course personnel.