--------- \/ 8 0 1 2 3 = ? (say to 2 decimal places) 2 8 3 . 0 6 <- x ------------------- \/ 0 8 0 1 2 3.0 0 0 0 <- n 2 4 --- 4 0 1 48 3 8 4 ----- 1 7 2 3 563 1 6 8 9 ------- 3 4 0 0 5660 ------- 3 4 0 0 0 0 56606 3 3 9 6 3 6 ----------- 3 6 4 <- r ... so n = x*x + 0.0364
------------------ \/ 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 = ? 1 0 1 0 0 <- x -------------------- \/ 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 <- n 1 1 --- 0 1 0 100 ----- 1 0 1 0 1001 1 0 0 1 ------- 1 1 1 10100 ----- 1 1 1 0 1 101000 --------- 1 1 1 0 1 <- r ... so n = x*x + r
import time def fib(n): if (n<=1): return n return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) t1 = 1.0 for n in range(100): now, fn = time.time(), fib(n) t0, t1 = t1, time.time()-now print n, fn, t1, "sec, ratio current/prev", t1/t0
test for runtime in :
test for runtime in :
e.g. if then
test for runtime in :
e.g. if then
method 1: experiment
execute program, looks like run time in where
method 2: use theory to estimate
count basic operations as function of n
e.g. count only procedure calls
C(n): number of procedure calls to execute fib(n)
fib(0): only call is fib(0), so C(0) is 1
fib(1): only call is fib(1), so C(1) is 1
fib(2): also calls fib(1), fib(0), so C(2) is 3
for n2, C(n)
prove by induction: T(n) > f(n)
prove T(n) in
prove by induction: C(n) > f(n)
prove C(n) in
pick one: recursive fibonacci computation is
easy to prove correctness ?
infeasible for ?
easy to implement quickly ?
all of the above ?
how to do better ?
write/read instead of recompute (memoization)
def ifib(n): a,b = 0,1 for _ in range(n): a, b = b, a+b # return a x = 40000 for _ in range(6): now = time.time() fx = ifib(x) print x, time.time() - now, "sec" x *= 2
I(n): number of #-line executions in ifib(n)
I(n) in (why?)
run the above program: roughly, what is time( ifib(2x) ) / time ( ifib(x) ) ?
what does this suggest about runtime of ifib(n) ?
on average, how long does one #-line execution take?
O(1) time ?
O(lg n) time ?
O(n ) time ?
all of the above ?
so runtime of ifib(n) is
in O(n) ?
in O(n lg n) ?
in O(n^2) ?
all of the above ?
f(n) ∈ O( g(n) ) means
f(n), g(n) are functions from positive integers to positive reals
for some positive real constant c, for some positive integer n0, for all positive integers n ≥ n0, f(n) ≤ c g(n)
f ∈ O( g )
f(n) = O( g(n) )
f = O( g )
f ∈ Ω( g ) means g ∈ O ( f )
f ∈ Θ( g ) means f ∈ O ( g ) and f ∈ Ω( g )
f(n) ∈ o( g(n) ) means
limit, as n gets large, of f(n)/g(n) = 0
so there is no positive constant c such that f(n) > c g(n) for all n > 0,
so f ∉ Ω( g )
f ∈ o( g )
f = o( g )
f(n) = o( g(n) )
c positive constant, f(n) = c g(n) then Θ( f ) = Θ( g )
f(n) ∈ O( g(n) ) then Θ( f(n) + g(n) ) = Θ( g )
if f ∈ o (g) then
f ∈ O( g )
f ∉ Ω( g )
constants 0 < a < b then na ∈ o( nb )
constants 0 < a, 1 < b then na ∈ o( bn )
constants 0 < a,b then (log n)a ∈ o( nb )
L'Hopital's rule
for integer , let
for positive real , let
hint: use L'Hopital's rule
for increasing function ,