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00001 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 /** @file experiments.cpp
00003     Example program loading tiling maps from files.
00005     $Id: experiments_8cpp-source.html,v 2003/08/07 19:41:38 emarkus Exp $
00006     $Source: /usr/cvsroot/www_pathfind/libpathfind/0.1.0/doc/experiments_8cpp-source.html,v $
00007 */
00008 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00010 #include <memory>
00011 #include "pathfind.h"
00012 #include <iostream>
00013 #include <fstream>
00014 #include <sstream>
00016 using namespace std;
00017 using namespace PathFind;
00019 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00021 static const int s_numberRuns           = 400;
00022 static const long long int s_nodesLimit = 100000000L;
00024 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00026 typedef enum {A_STAR, FRINGE, IDA_STAR} SearchAlgorithm;
00028 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00030 void printHeader(SearchAlgorithm searchAlgorithm, Tiling::Type type,
00031                  const char* name)
00032 {
00033     cout << "==============================================================\n";
00034     switch (searchAlgorithm)
00035     {
00036     case A_STAR:
00037         cout << "A_STAR";
00038         break;
00039     case FRINGE:
00040         cout << "FRINGE";
00041         break;
00042     case IDA_STAR:
00043         cout << "IDA_STAR";
00044         break;
00045     }
00046     cout << "  ";
00047     switch (type)
00048     {
00049     case Tiling::TILE:
00050         cout << "TILE";
00051         break;
00052     case Tiling::OCTILE:
00053         cout << "OCTILE";
00054         break;
00055     case Tiling::OCTILE_UNICOST:
00056         cout << "OCTILE_UNICOST";
00057         break;
00058     case Tiling::HEX:
00059         cout << "HEX";
00060         break;
00061     }
00062     cout << "  ";
00063     cout << name;
00064     cout << '\n';
00065     cout << "==============================================================\n";
00066 }
00068 StatisticsCollection 
00069 runExperiment(SearchAlgorithm searchAlgorithm, Search* search,
00070               const Tiling& tiling, vector< pair<int,int> >& paths,
00071               const int fileIndex, int numberRuns, const char *fileName)
00072 {
00073     //printHeader(searchAlgorithm, tiling.getType(), fileName);
00074     //cout << tiling.getWidth() << "x" << tiling.getHeight() << '\n';
00076     SearchUtils searchUtils;
00077     StatisticsCollection statistics = search->createStatistics();
00079     if ( numberRuns > s_numberRuns )
00080         numberRuns = s_numberRuns;
00082     clock_t startTime = clock();
00083     for (int runIndex = 0; runIndex < numberRuns; ++runIndex)
00084     {
00085         // Choose random start and target
00086         int start, target;
00087         start = paths[runIndex].first;
00088         target = paths[runIndex].second;
00090         //searchUtils.findRandomStartTarget(tiling, start, target);
00091         //cout << "Run " << runIndex << ":\n";
00092         //tiling.printFormatted(cout, start, target);
00093         //cout << '\n';
00095         // Do the search
00096         search->findPath(tiling, start, target);
00097         //cout << '\n';
00098         //const vector<int>& path = search->getPath();
00099         //tiling.printFormatted(cout, path);
00100         //cout << '\n';
00101         //tiling.printPathAndLabels(cout, path, search->getVisitedNodes());
00102         //cout << '\n';
00104         // Accumulate statistics
00105         const StatisticsCollection& searchStatistics = search->getStatistics();
00107         cout << "  " << fileIndex;
00108         cout << "  " << runIndex;
00109         cout << "  " << start; 
00110         cout << "  " << target;
00111         cout << "  " << tiling.getHeuristic(start,target);
00112         cout << "  " << searchStatistics.get("path_cost").getMean();
00113         cout << "  " << search->getPath().size();
00114         cout << "  " << searchStatistics.get("nodes_expanded").getMean();
00115         cout << "  " << searchStatistics.get("cpu_time").getMean();
00116         cout << "  " << searchStatistics.get("iterations").getMean();
00118         cout << '\n';
00120         statistics.add(searchStatistics);
00121     }
00123     statistics.create("cpu_time_avg");
00124     double timeDiff =
00125         static_cast<double>(clock() - startTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
00126     statistics.get("cpu_time_avg").add( timeDiff /  numberRuns );
00127     //    cout << "cpu_time_avg = " << timeDiff /  numberRuns << endl;
00128     statistics.print(cout);
00130     return statistics;
00131 }
00134 /** Generates a file with random passable start/target locations
00135     for a given map file.
00136 */
00137 void generatePaths( const char *filename )
00138 {
00139     ifstream file(filename);
00140     LineReader reader(file);
00141     Tiling tiling(reader);
00143     string outfile;
00144     outfile = (outfile + filename) + ".paths";
00145     ofstream out(outfile.c_str());
00146     SearchUtils searchUtils;
00147     for (int runIndex = 0; runIndex < s_numberRuns; ++runIndex)
00148     {
00149         // Choose random start and target
00150         int start, target;
00151         searchUtils.findRandomStartTarget(tiling, start, target);
00152         out << runIndex << " " << start << " " << target << "\n";
00153     }
00155     out.close();
00156 } 
00159 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
00160 {
00161     try
00162     {
00164         if ( argc == 1 )
00165         {
00166             cerr <<
00167                 "Usage: experiments [RUN_ASTAR|RUN_FRINGE|RUN_IDASTAR"
00168                 "|RUN_IDASTAR_f|RUN_IDASTAR_F|GEN_PATHS]"; 
00169             cerr << " <mapfiles>" << endl;
00170             exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00171         }
00173         SearchAlgorithm searchAlgorithm = A_STAR;
00174         string command = argv[1];
00175         IDAStar::Caching caching = IDAStar::NO_CACHING;
00177         if ( command == "RUN_ASTAR" )
00178         {
00179             searchAlgorithm = A_STAR;
00180         }
00181         else if (command == "RUN_FRINGE")
00182         {
00183             searchAlgorithm = FRINGE;
00184         }
00185         else if ( command == "RUN_IDASTAR" )
00186         {
00187             searchAlgorithm = IDA_STAR;
00188             caching = IDAStar::NO_CACHING;
00189         }
00190         else if ( command == "RUN_IDASTAR_f" )
00191         {
00192             searchAlgorithm = IDA_STAR;
00193             caching = IDAStar::f_CACHING;
00194         }
00195         else if ( command == "RUN_IDASTAR_F" )
00196         {
00197             searchAlgorithm = IDA_STAR;
00198             caching = IDAStar::F_CACHING;
00199         }
00200         else if ( command == "GEN_PATHS" )
00201         {
00202             for ( int i=2 ; i<argc ; i++ ) 
00203             {
00204                 generatePaths( argv[i] );
00205             }
00206             exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
00207         }
00208         else 
00209         {
00210             cerr << "Unknown command '" << command << "'" << endl; 
00211             exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00212         }
00214         // Run either A_STAR or IDA_STAR experiments.
00215         StatisticsCollection *statisticsSum = 0;
00216         auto_ptr<Search> search;
00217         switch (searchAlgorithm)
00218         {
00219         case A_STAR:
00220             search.reset(new AStar<>());
00221             break;
00222         case FRINGE:
00223             search.reset(new FringeSearch<>());
00224             break;
00225         case IDA_STAR:
00226             search.reset(new IDAStar(caching));
00227             break;
00228         }
00229         search->setNodesLimit(s_nodesLimit);
00230         for ( int i=2 ; i<argc ; i++ ) {
00231             // Read in map when constucting tiling object.
00232             ifstream file(argv[i]);
00233             LineReader reader(file);
00234             Tiling tiling(reader);
00236             // Read in start/target states to do pathfinding on.
00237             string pathfileName;
00238             pathfileName = (pathfileName + argv[i]) + ".paths";
00239             ifstream pathfile(pathfileName.c_str());
00240             if ( !pathfile ) {
00241                 cerr << "Could not open pathfile " << pathfileName << endl;
00242                 exit(1);
00243             }   
00244             vector< pair<int,int> > paths(100);
00245             int vidx, idx, start, target;
00246             vidx = 0;
00247             while ( pathfile >> idx >> start >> target ) 
00248             {
00249                 pair<int,int> path;
00250                 path.first = start;
00251                 path.second = target;
00253                 paths[vidx++] = path;
00254                 if ( vidx >= (int) paths.size() )
00255                     paths.resize(2*paths.size());
00256             }
00258             // ... now ready to run experiments
00259             StatisticsCollection statistics =
00260                 runExperiment(searchAlgorithm, search.get(), tiling, paths,
00261                               i-1, vidx, argv[i]);
00263             // gather statstic, need to create it the first time.
00264             if ( statisticsSum == 0 )
00265                 statisticsSum = new StatisticsCollection(statistics);
00266             else
00267                 statisticsSum->add(statistics);
00268         }
00269         cout << '\n';
00270         if ( argc > 2 )
00271         {
00272             statisticsSum->print(cout);
00273         }
00274     }
00275     catch (const exception& e)
00276     {
00277         cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << '\n';
00278         return -1;
00279     }
00280     return 0;
00281 }
00283 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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