CMPUT 675 - Project Information

For this project, you will give a 20 minute presentation on the topic of your choice near the end of the semester. This is the typical length of a talk at a conference.

The topic must cover some recent research from the field of approximation algorithms. Below is a list of suggested topics. You may choose a topic not listed, but it has to meet with my approval.

Send me an email when you have chosen a topic. This must be done no later than Nov 15, but I encourage you to get started earlier as reading research papers can take time.

Presentation Tips

Some Suggestions

The following suggested papers are good suggestions. All are available online. There are many more suggestions here (some links might be outdated). We covered some of these topics in class, but any others are fair game.

This is far from a comprehensive list. Please feel free to ask me for more suggestions. If you have a particular topic in mind but cannot find a related paper, then I might be able to help.