Menozzi, M., Mellert, L.,Welte,U., Frey, S., Groner, M., Bischof, W. F., Blattner, P., Ropelato, S., & Ying-Yin Huang, R. (2021). Road tunnel lighting causing perception of flicker. 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Vancouer, BC. June 13-18, 2021.

With the advance of technology, point light sources have become popular in tunnel lighting. Point light sources may generate flicker, putting drivers at risk to suffer from photosensitive epileptic seizures, visual discomfort, and from a reduced driving performance. It is therefore important to evaluate experimentally the effects of tunnel light flicker on drivers and to evaluate the appropriateness of standards addressing flicker of tunnel lighting.

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