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By way of comparison it was once noted: "this system took
45,000 lines of Ada, not counting the comments. The
C++ version was 18,000 lines of fully commented code.''
This may reflect the verbosity of Ada, compared to the
obscure terseness of C (e.g. the forstatement)

Trivial Differences between C and C++

comments/* ........ */
Can use// ........... to end of line in C++

Simple input/output

C has three pre-defined data streams
stdin, stdout, stderr

C++ has four pre-defined data streams
cin, cout, cerr and clog

cout << "Enter a number: ";
cout << "Enter a number:\n";
cout << "Enter a number:"; << endl;

while for input the converse:
cin >> N;// automatic "format" - type
cin >> C >> I >> R >> Z;//no ampersand &!
reads C, then I, then R and then Z from standard input, using
a format conversion that is appropriate for the declared
type of each variable.
char C;
int I;
Float R;
double Z;

March 2,1998

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