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At the end of this semester you will:





Have seen most of the features in C++ that are not in
Know about the (minor) incompatibilities between C++
and C
Have been introduced to abstract data types (ADTs) and
have seen how C++ facilitates their use
Have been introduced to object oriented programming
and have seen how C++ supports this paradigm

However, you will NOT:





Be comfortable with C++
Be able to write even 10 line programs without a
manual! Non-trivialprograms, that is.
Be an expert on ADTs (that would take another course
or two and experience)
Be an expert in object oriented programming (ditto, or
lots of experience)
Be an expert in object design (ditto)

As an analogy, you will have been shown how to do things,
but will not have much actual practice at doing them in a
shared (team) programming environment.

There are only three known ways to get proficient at C++:


Practice, Practice, Practice

March 2,1998

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