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GSSZ04 Greiner et al. (2004)
GZ02 Greiner and Zhou (2002)
GD04 Domingos et al. (2004)
FGG97 Friedman et al. (1997)
Note: Here x+ELR performed comparably to C4.5 and SNB
Check out the training time information for ELR with and without tuning. with and without cross-tuning
classification accuracy
  GSSZ04     GZ02   GD04     FGG97  
australian 86.81 84.93 84.93 84.93 85.07 85.12 82.77 84.90 85.65 86.67
breast 95.74 96.32 96.32 95.54 96.12 96.61 96.49 93.90 94.73 96.19
chess 90.06 95.40 97.19 95.40 97.09 94.00 96.25 99.50 99.53 94.28
cleve 82.03 81.36 81.36 82.33 81.33 83.40 78.36 79.40 73.31 78.06
corral 100.00 86.40 100.00 90.40 100.00 87.27 92.29 98.50 97.69 83.57
crx 85.69 86.46 86.15 84.64 85.07 84.95 83.97 86.10 86.22 85.92
diabetes 76.34 75.16 73.33 75.69 75.95 75.81 76.16 74.10 76.04 76.04
flare 82.63 82.82 83.10 82.72 82.35 81.87 82.20 82.70 82.55 83.40
german 73.70 74.60 73.50 74.00 73.60 75.44 73.91 72.90 72.20 73.70
glass 44.76 44.76 44.76 41.90 41.90 57.80 49.82 59.30 69.62 71.98
glass2 78.75 81.88 80.00 77.50 76.25 80.62 77.51 76.10 76.67 79.17
heart 78.89 78.89 78.15 79.26 80.00 84.50 81.53 78.20 81.11 81.85
hepatitis 90.00 86.25 85.00 85.16 85.16 87.06 86.98 82.50 86.25 90.00
iris 92.00 94.00 92.00 95.33 95.33 95.15 92.37 96.00 94.00 94.00
letter 81.21 83.02 88.90 83.54 88.90 69.32 82.48 87.80 77.70 75.36
lymphography 78.62 86.21 84.83 83.45 79.31 85.30 82.16 78.40 77.03 77.72
mofn-3-7-10 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 86.33 100.00 84.00 85.55 87.50
pima 74.25 75.16 74.38 75.42 75.69 74.95 76.16 74.10 75.13 74.86
satimage 79.25 85.40 88.30 85.50 88.60 82.70 85.80 82.30 83.15 82.05
segment 77.40 89.48 89.22 89.74 89.74 92.99 94.29 91.80 93.64 93.25
shuttle-small 97.88 99.12 99.22 99.28 99.38 99.17 99.48 99.40 99.17 99.28
soybean-large 85.54 90.54 92.86 92.65 92.65 90.80 93.37 91.10 92.00 92.89
vehicle 51.95 64.14 66.39 62.72 64.97 65.47 72.73 68.30 69.74 61.36
vote 95.86 95.86 95.40 96.09 95.40 96.30 95.13 94.70 95.63 94.71
waveform-21 65.79 78.55 76.30 78.45 76.74 82.28 74.66 65.10 74.70 76.53