Kishimoto's Tsume Go Explorer is the most powerful solver for life and death problems in the world. The one-eye solver solves a specialized subproblem of tsume Go: creating or destroying one eye.
A. Kishimoto and M. Müller. A solution to the GHI problem for depth-first proof-number search. Information Sciences, 175(4):296-314, 2005.
A. Kishimoto and M. Müller. Dynamic decomposition search: A divide and conquer approach and its application to the one-eye problem in Go. In IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG'05), pages 164-170, 2005.
A. Kishimoto and M. Müller. Df-pn in Go: an application to the one-eye problem. In J. van den Herik, H. Iida, and E. Heinz, editors, Advances in Computer Games 10, pages 125 - 141. Kluwer, 2004.
A. Kishimoto and M. Müller. A solution to the GHI problem for depth-first proof-number search. In Proceedings of the 7th Joint Conference on Information Sciences JCIS 2003, pages 489 - 492, 2003.
Martin Müller