p.53: in METHOD TLocalState.Search(), line 14: missing space between NOT and ContinueSearch()
p.58: In ALGORITHM PlayGo, TParameters is misspelled.
p.62: the flaw in Benson's paper was corrected in the later version of that paper which is reprinted in Levy's Computer Games II.
p.64: There is a bug in ALGORITHM FindDamePoints: the neighbor points of all stones that are not in safe must be excluded from the set unsurroundable. After line 4, insert the following:
unsurroundable := unsurroundable - NeighborPoints(All[Black] - safe[Black]); unsurroundable := unsurroundable - NeighborPoints(All[White] - safe[White]);
p.65: in ALGORITHM ExactBoardPartition on line 7, All[Empty] - safe should read All[Empty] - safe[Black] - safe[White] since safe is a ColorSET, not a POINTSET.
p.67: at the end of section 'Terminal Positions', add the following remark: A standard search method such as alpha-beta can be used for this purpose.
p.67: section 'Scoring', line 1: ...or number plus dame... should be ...or a number plus a dame...
p.68: line 3 'japanese' should be 'Japanese'
p.68: figure 'Snapback': the values are wrong. Caption should read 'Snapback: 4||5|-1 = 5'
p.69: ALGORITHM TreeToValue: the variable name 'col' should be 'color' throughout.
p.71: ALGORITHM FindMoveByIncentive: in the case where the incentive dominates some but not all of the previous Incentives(best), the dominated ones must be removed. After the line Append(...), add the call RemoveDominatedIncentives(best);
p.91: section 'Computer Go Test Collection': the URL is obsolete, it should be: http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~mmueller/cgo/cgtc.html
p.99: The Nihon Kiin version of 'Graded Go Problems for Beginners' is out of print. The books have been reprinted by Kiseido.
p.106 there should be a reference to [Kraszek 90]. Here is the BibTeX entry:
@ARTICLE{Kraszek1990, AUTHOR = "Kraszek, J.", TITLE = "Looking for Resources in Artificial Intelligence", JOURNAL = "Computer Go", VOLUME = "14", PAGES = "18--24", YEAR = "1990"}
Martin Müller