Islam A. Ali

PhD Student, Computing Science

»   I publish under the names Islam Alaa, Islam A. Ali, I. Alaa, and I. Ali .
»   Publications marked with [*] was done prior to joining the U of A with affiliations from both Cairo University and Si-Ware Systems.

Refereed Journal Papers
2020 [1*] M. Mahmoud, I. Alaa, A. Wassal, A. Noureldin, “A Novel Unscented Kalman Filter Strategy to Enhance Navigation System Performance”, in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), vol. 8, Issue. 5, pp. 2446–2453, January. 2020. (DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E5649.018520)
Refereed Conference Papers
2018 [1*] Islam Alaa, Amr Wassal, “VO-Sim: A Generic Framework for Tuning and Evaluating Visual Odometry Systems”, in the proceedings of IEEE/ION Position, Location, and Navigation Symposium (PLANS 2018), Monterey, CA, April 2018, pp. 432-439.
2017 [2*] Islam Alaa, Amr Wassal, Omar Rayan, Osama Rashad, Amr ElDieb, “A Dual-Channel CAMShift Algorithm for Embedded Real-Time Visual Servoing Applications”, in the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT), May 2017, pp 42-47
[3*] Mostafa Mahmoud, Islam Alaa, Amr Wassal, Aboelmagd Noureldin, Amr ElDieb, “Tuning of The Error Covariance Parameters in EKF-Based INS/GPS Systems: A Practical Approach”, in the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT), May 2017, pp 112-117
2015 [4*] Ayman Ismail, Khaled Ashraf, Ahmed Metawea, Islam Mostfa, Ahmed Saeed, Eslam Helal, Mostafa Essawy, Mohamed Abdelazim, Mostafa Ibrahim, Ramy Raafat, Eslam Abdelbary, Islam Alaa, Marawan Nabil, Abdelrahman Mansour, Bassem Ibrahim, Ayman Elsayed, “A High-Performance Self-Clocked Digital-Output Quartz Gyroscope”, In the proceedings of IEEE Sensors Conference, 2015.

Provisional/Pending Patent Applications
2018 [1*] Islam Alaa, Amr Wassal, “Multi-Rate Algorithm for Visual Odometry”, U.S. Provisional Patent Ser. No. 62/631767, filed February 17, 2018. (renewed in Feb. 2019)

2018 [1*] Islam Alaa, “Towards a Non-Aided Monocular Visual Odometry System”, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, M.Sc. Thesis , March 2018.
2013 [2*] Amr AbdelAziz, Islam Alaa, Khould El-Garhy, Mohamed Azab, “Design and Implementation of a General Purpose Digital Signal Processor”, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, B.Sc. Thesis , May 2013.

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