Instructor: Prof. Ryan Hayward
Office Hours: Athabasca 301 M1100-1200 W 1100-1200 F 1100-1200
Prerequisites: a strong background in algorithms, theory of computation, and math
Course Outline: the story of Claude Berge and the Strong Perfect Graph Theorem
Course Objectives/Content: an introduction to algorithmic graph theory, emphasizing classes/algorithms/structures/compositions/problems related to Claude Berge and perfect graphs
Grading:*10% penalty/day late
50% quizzes (first absent quiz pro-rated; others score zero)
5% book report (Sept 28*)
15% project (proposal Oct 5, report Nov 30*)
10% presentation (Nov; to be scheduled)
20% exam (Nov 23)
Final letter grade assignment: as per UofA Marking and Grading Guidelines, final grades will be assigned as a combination of the UofA illustrative sample 600 level graduate course distribution (A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F resp.% 15 15 15 17 16 10 7 2 1 0 1 1) together with absolute cutpoints reflecting the instructor's view of the UofA graduate course descriptors: A* excellent, B/B+ good, C+/B- satisfactory, F-C fail
Text: none required; references below reference typos basic definitions