set of pairwise adjacent vertices
set of pairwise non-adjacent vertices
(a.k.a. stable set, independent set)
cliquesize ω(G)
size of largest clique of G
stablesize α(G)
size of largest stable of G
chromatic number χ(G)
minimum number of colours needed to colour vertices of G
so that adjacent vertices get different colours;
equiv: min'm number of stables needed to cover vertices
(a.k.a. stable cover number)
clique cover number θ(G)
minimum number of cliques needed to cover vertices
some min/max inequalities
χ(G) ≥ ω(G)
θ(G) ≥ α(G)
induced subgraph
subgraph induced by a vertex subset (a.k.a. vertex induced subgraph)
graph G with χ(H)=ω(H)
for each induced subgraph H of G
induced cycle with k vertices
induced subgraph isomorphic to Ck with k at least four
induced subgraph isomorphic to Ck-complement
with k at least four
graph with no odd hole and no odd antihole
weak perfect graph conjecture, Berge 1960:
graph perfect iff complement perfect
(proved by Lovasz 1971, now called perfect graph theorem)
strong perfect graph conjecture, Berge 1960:
graph perfect iff graph Berge
(proved by Chudnovsky/Robertson/Seymour/Thomas 2002;
now called strong perfect graph theorem)
line graph of G
graph E(G) whose vertices are edges of G, with
edge adjacency in G corresponding to vertex adjacency in E(G)
induced path with k vertices
some perfect graph classes