
logarithms   collatz   sqrt   eg   runtime   dp   rfib   ifib   mfib  


  • log properties

  • exercise: prove that lg(1) equals 0

  • exercise: prove log(xy) equals log(x) plus log(y)


  • collatz

  • WC runtime? unknown whether loop terminates

  • runtime for n a power of 2?

  • case A: usual assumption?

    • n fits in one memory location, so each arithmetic op'n takes Theta(1) time

    • ignore printing

    • Theta(log n) loop iterations, each iteration takes Theta(1) time, so total runtime Theta(log n)

  • case B: assume n could be arbitrarily large

    • each arithmetic op'n takes Theta(log n) time, since n occupies Theta(log n) memory locations

    • so total runtime Theta(log n) * Theta(log n) = Theta( (log n)*(log n))

old-school square root


after some number of steps assume we have this

       q     say with q*q = n_0
   \/ n_0

on the next step we want this

       q  d    (10q + d) * (10q + d) = 100 * n_0 + n_1
   \/ n_0 n_1
      ***       to make things simple, assume r is 0.
m      r  n_1   we want d*(m+d) = n_1 ... what is m?

(10q + d)^2 = 100q^2 + 20qd + d^2

            = 100n_0 + d * (20q + d)

            so thats why the multiplier m is 20q+ d


\/ 13 14 06 25  = ?

***** step 1: largest x such that x*x <= 13 ?

   \/ 13 14 06 25
x     ??

x = 1 ok
x = 2 ok
x = 3 ok
x = 4 TOO BIG

   \/ 13 14 06 25
3    - 9
       4 14

***** step 2: largest y s.t. (2*10*3 + y)*y <= 414 ?

       3  y
   \/ 13 14 06 25
3      9
       4 14
6y     ? ??

y = 1 ok
y = 6 ok
y = 7 too big

       3  6
   \/ 13 14 06 25
3    - 9
       4 14
66   - 3 96
         18 06

***** step 3: largest z s.t. z*(2*10*36+z) <= 1806 ?

       3  6  z
   \/ 13 14 06 25
3     -9
       4 14
66    -3 96
         18 06
72z      ?? ??

z = 1? ok
z = 2? ok
z = 3? TOO BIG

       3  6  2
   \/ 13 14 06 25
3    - 9
       4 14
66   - 3 96
         18 06
722    - 14 44
          3 62 25

***** step 4: largest w s.t. w*(2*10*362+w) <= 3 62 25 ?

       3  6  2  w
   \/ 13 14 06 25
3     -9
       4 14
66   - 3 96
         18 06
722    - 14 44
          3 62 25
724w      ? ?? ??

w = 1 ok
w = 5 ok
w = 6 TOO BIG

       3  6  2  5
   \/ 13 14 06 25
3     -9
       4 14
66   - 3 96
         18 06
722    - 14 44
          3 62 25
7245     -3 62 25
\/ 13 14 06 25  = 3 6 2 5

sqrt WC runtime?

  • how many steps?

  • number of steps is number of decimal digits / 2, so ceiling(log-base-10 n)/2

  • so Theta(log n) steps

  • how much time per step?

  • first step: worst case, try x = 1, x = 2, x = 3, x = 4, ... x = 9 so at most 9 multiplications

  • multiplying a k-digit number times a single digit takes time Theta(k)

  • step 1, at most 9 multiplications 1-digit number times 1-digit number

  • step 2, at most 9 mults, 2-digit number times 1-digit number

  • step j, at most 9 mults, j-digit number times 1-digit number

  • so total runtime, sum(j runs from 1 to (log-base-10 n)/2) Theta(j)

  • log-base-10 n in Theta(log n), so (log-base-10 n)/2 in Theta(log n), so total runtime in Theta( (log n)*(log n) )

dynamic programming

  • wiki   geeks

  • subproblems, optimal substructure, memoization (top-down), tabulation (bottom-up)

  • e.g. fibonacci, longest increasing subsequence


def fib(n):
  if (n<=1):
    return n
  return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
  • first, we need a definition of n'th fibonacci number       f(n)

  • argue by induction

  • base cases

    • fib(n) returns f(n) for n = 0,1   (why?)

  • inductive case

    • fix n to be some integer t >= 2

    • assume fib(n) returns f(n) for all n in {0, 1, ..., t-1}

    • want to show fib(t) returns f(t)

    • exercise: finish this proof

some timing data
 n  fib(n)    s   current/prev
30  832040 0.503   1.615
31 1346269 0.815   1.619
32 2178309 1.328   1.628
33 3524578 2.164   1.629
34 5702887 3.517   1.625
runtime ?
  • within one call, contant number of arith ops, 2 recursive calls

  • total number T(n) of calls?

  • T(0) = T(1) = 1

  • for n >= 2, T(n) = 1 + T(n-1) + T(n-2)

  • similar to fibonacci

  • can we estimate asymptotic growth of fibonacci?

  • Binet formula

  • so f(n) in Theta( gn ) where g = 1.618... is golden ratio

  • turns out T(n) also in Theta( gn )

Binet formula derivation (sketch)

matrix equation

 |  f(n)  |     | 1   1 |  | f(n-1) |
 |        |  =  |       |  |        |
 | f(n-1) |     | 1   0 |  | f(n-2) |

expand equation n-2 times
 |  f(n)  |     | 1   1 |    | f(n-1) |
 |        |  =  |       |    |        |
 | f(n-1) |     | 1   0 |    | f(n-2) |

solve this equation by diagonalizing the matrix,
the two terms of the Binet equation are the two eigenvalues

iterative fibonacci

def ifib(n):
  a,b = 0,1
  for _ in range(n):
    a, b = b, a+b
  return a
  • loop invariant: after j loop iterations, a = f(j), b = f(j+1)

  • exercise: prove by induction

some timing data
  n       s    current/prev
  65536  0.096  3.641
 131072  0.320  3.333
 262144  1.205  3.756
 524288  4.645  3.853
1048576 18.215  3.920
runtime ?
  • here

  • when n doubles, expect runtime to increase by factor of 4

memoize fibonacci

def mfib(n): # top-down memoization
  if n<2:
    return n
  L = [-1] * (n+1)    # not yet computed? set to -1
  L[0], L[1]  = 0, 1  # initialize two base values
  return rmf(n, L, n+1)  # helper function

def rmf(n, M, b):  # memoization helper function
  # assert(n < b)
  if M[n] < 0:
    fibn = rmf(n-1, M, b) + rmf(n-2, M, b)
    M[n] = fibn
  return M[n]
  • exercise

some timing data
  n       s   current/prev
128 0.000151  2.174
256 0.000290  1.91522762953
512 0.000679  2.33442622951
  • much faster than recursive fibonacci (duh !) but still recursive, so not useful for computing fib(n) for large n, e.g. my python exceeds stack limit with fib(1024)