CMPUT 695 - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
CMPUT 695 Announcements
- 07/11/12: There is no class tomorrow Since the university
announces Fall break for Tuesday November 13th.
- 07/10/23: The grades for the project proposals are on-line. They
are within the column "Project". Devide by 1.5 to have the exact
mark. What is displayed it the mark for the project as a whole.
- 07/10/22: The time slots for the oral exam can be found here or click from the schedule
page. Let me as soon as you chose a time slot. The sooner the better.
- 07/10/12: The machine that will be used for testing assignment 1
submittions is
- 07/10/11: Slides for the lectures up to web mining are now on-line
- 07/10/09: After popular demand, I decided to delay Assignment 1 by
one week. The new deadline is now October 16th.
- 07/09/26: Please select a project at your earliest
convenience. Some suggested projects are online with a short
description. Come to talk to me for more details.
The project
proposal is due October 9th.
- 07/09/25: The papers for class presentation are now
online. Let me know the
one you select. First come first served.
- 07/09/25: Slides for the lectures on Sequential Pattern Mining are
now on-line. Check the schedule.
- 07/09/25: The newsgroup for CMPUT 695 is now up and running. I tested it.
- 07/09/24: Assignment 1 and
Assignment 2 details are now on-line.
- 07/09/18: All slides for the lectures up to and including
Association rules are now on-line. Check the schedule and click
on the appropriate links.