Rendering with Explicit Depth Information

Rendering with Explicit Depth Information

Rendering results of our method compared to the original VRML model.

In this project, we propose a new rendering technique for image based object.  It decomposes an object into a set of 1D displacement mapping in a preprocessing stage.  When rendering, each of these 1D displacement texture is rendered to its appropriate position in the 3D space using hardware accelerated displacement mapping approach.  Our method can represent and render complex object with accurate appearance at arbitrary viewpoints.  It can also render the object at a very high frame rate using the commodity graphics hardware.  The 1D displacement texture set is reconstructed from image with depth.


Y. Xu and Y.H. Yang, “Object Representation using 1D Displacement Mapping,” Graphics Interface, London, Ontario, May 17-19, 2004., pp. 33-40.