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The basic postflop strategy is based on the EHS. Two thresholds determine the postflop betting actions: a postflop-raise threshold and a postflop-call threshold. If Loki-1's EHS is greater than or equal to the postflop-raise threshold then it will raise when less than two bets have been made this round and call otherwise. When its EHS is greater than or equal to the postflop-call threshold (but not greater than the postflop-raise threshold), Loki-1 will bet if nobody else has done so and call otherwise, except when it is two or more bets to call and Loki-1 has not already called a bet this round. In the cases where Loki-1's EHS is less than the postflop-call threshold or its decision is to fold, the options of semi-bluffing, calling with pot odds, and calling with showdown odds are also considered.

Also, Loki-1's betting strategy contains the knowledge of some advanced strategies such as check-raising. This knowledge was introduced in Loki-1 as deceptive strategies to add unpredictability to its play.

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Lourdes Pena