We have 22 students in the class and we need 6 groups of students for this assignment: two groups of three (3) and four groups of four (4). Students are responsible to form the groups. Please check the list of students in the "class mates" page.
The following is a list of data mining and/or data warehousing systems (in alphabetical order). In groups of 3 to 4 students select one system from the list and do a thorough evaluation of the system. No two groups can select the same system.You can access the web sites and download demo copies if available. Some of these systems were also presented in research papers in KDD conferences. Reading these papers is recommended.
- Alice (Isoft - http://www.isoft.fr)
- Clementine (SPSS - http://www.spss.com/software/clementine/)
- DBDiscover (University of Regina - H. Hamilton - http://www.cs.uregina.ca/~dbd)
- DBMiner (Simon Fraser University - J. Han - http://db.cs.sfu.ca)
- Dendronic Learning Engine (Dendronic Decision Ltd. - http://www.dendronic.com/main.htm)
- Intelligent Miner (formerly known as Quest) (IBM - http://www.software.ibm.com/data/iminer/)
- MineSet (SGI - http://www.sgi.com/software/mineset/)
- Plato server + MultiDimensional eXpressions MDX (Microsoft - http://www.microsoft.com)
- SAS (SAS Institute - http://www.sas.com)
- Write a report about the data mining/data warehousing system you selected. Explain the functionalities, capabilities, and limitations. Classify the system according to the classification scheme we discussed in class. Convert this report into HTML so that we can publish it on the course web site.
- Present your findings in a 15 minute class talk.
Due DatesReport due date: October 20th 1999
Presentation dates: October 20th and 24th 1999.