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259 Computing Science Center * University of Alberta * Edmonton, Alberta * Canada T6G 2E1
Phone: (780) 492 5198 * Fax: (780) 492 1071 * E-mail: receptionist@cs.ualberta.ca

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January 24: Pablo Figueroa is giving a Seminar in Visual Computing titled Retargetable Virtual Reality Applications today at 12 noon in CSC 333.

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Computing Science Building
The newly-built computing science building

Welcome to the department of computing science at the University of Alberta. To help you in navigating through this web site, below are descriptions of the primary areas of interest.

About the Department
Contains a message from the chairman, the history and location of the department, resources such as FTP and facilities, local administrative information.

Find information on faculty staff, students, and student organizations.

Research Activities
This area contains information on our faculty research interests, research areas and organizations, publications, and awards.

Programs and Admissions
Interested in joining the Department of Computing Science? Essential information about our undergraduate and graduate programs are here.

Talks and Events
This section contains updated information on department seminars, lectures, events, and research group seminars on different topics of the computing science field.

Course Catalogue
Information on course offerings, teaching assignments, timetabling information , and final examination schedule.

Alumni and Visitors
This area contains the donor campaign and alumni information.

Interested in working for the department? Listings for positions such as academic staff, summer students, and post doctoral and visiting scholars are here.

About the Department |  People |  Research Activities |  Programs and Admissions
 Employment |  Course Catalogue |  Talks and Events |  Alumni and Visitors |  Contact Us

If you have comments regarding the web site, feel free to contact the webmaster.

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Copyright (c) Anju Tai, Department of Computing Science
This page was last update on January 25, 2001