University of Alberta - Department of Computing Science

CMPUT 499: Web Technologies and Applications
Winter 2001

CMPUT 499: Web-Based Information Systems
Instructor: Osmar R. Zaiane (
Course Home Page:


Expertise and skills in web technologis are very sought for in the current market place. This course is intended to present the students with the basic knowledge needed for professional web publishing and web-application development. This course will also introduce current advanced technologies used for web-application development.


The course will cover the following topics:
Internet versus the World-Wide Web: the tools and services.
Web Publishing (HTML and dynamic HTML, style sheets, etc.).
Brief introduction to relevant Protocols: HTTP, TCP/IP, PPP, ...
Building dynamic web pages, CGI programming and other technologies
Interaction and Validation with Java scripting language
SGML and XML technology (storing, exchanging and querying data)
Search engines and document indexing
Web-based applications and databases
Using Cookies for Web-based applications
Web Mining for intelligent Web-based applications
Multimedia and animation on the Web using CP, SP, Java & JavaScript
Security mechanisms, authentication, encryption, firewall, Secure Socket Links (SSL), Virtual Private Networks, etc.
Advanced topics: E-Commerce, E-Learning, etc.

GRADING: tentative, subject to change

Homeworks (7 assignments) (21%), Midterm exam (15%), Class presentation (10%), Project (39%), Epilogue (15%).



An introductory course on file and database management (CMPUT 291 or equivalent) CMPT 301 and 313, or consent of Instructor based on other 300-level courses taken. Preferred (but not required): CMPUT-391, CMPUT-414
Course could be offered in alternate years.
Distributed: April 30, 2000 (Osmar R. Zaiane)