CMPUT 410: Web-Based Information Systems

Assignment 1

CMPUT 410 (Fall 2004)

Due Date: September 24th, 2004 at 10:00am(hard deadline)
Percentage overall grade: 5%
Penalties: 20% off a day for late assignments
Maximum Marks: 10

For the term project this semester, you are asked to design and implement an on-line hotel reservation system. The system will have two parts: one part seen by users making reservations, and one part seen only by the manager.
To help you start thinking about this project, you are required to design the user interfaces for these two distinct parts. Let's call them "Reservation UI" and "Analysis UI" resprectively.
The Reservation UI should help a user select hotels and expess some constraints and preferences such as dates, starts, room/bed type, smoking, facilities in the hotel, etc.
The Analysis UI is supposed to provide the summary of the business activities to a manager organized by date and ther ways based on hotels, star level, or other.
The interactivity in this Analysis UI can be designed based on predefined queries or based on an interface that allows ad-hoc interaction.

You are not asked to create any database and real dynamic pages. Your two pages have to be static. This is just a design exercise. Do not use forms (i.e. no INPUT tag).

When designing your interface, ask yourself: "Who is supposed to access this page?"
Make sure the information is accessible and the interface is effective.

When designing your layout and styles, consider the possibility to re-use later the styles in other pages. In other words, you should be able to apply your design as a template to other pages.

As a hint for a better design, it is advised to first design your pages on paper by drawing a representation of your page and its content with the location where this content should be rendered. It is only later that you should translate your drawings into HTML code.

Since you cannot use radio-buttons, check boxes, etc. you can simulate these with tables and symbols (such as *). You can also use images such as the following:
* <IMG src="" ALT="*" width="10" height="10">
o <IMG src="" ALT="o" width="10" height="10">
* <IMG src="" ALT="*" width="10" height="10">
o <IMG src="" ALT="o" width="10" height="10">

Keep it simple. This is not necessarily your final design for the project. It is only to push you to start thinking about your project and serves as an ice breaker (in-depth introduction) for those unfamiliar with HTML.


Use HTML 4.01 transitional. Your pages should be validated by the W3C validator ( Frames could be problematic for the validator but it shouldn't be an issue.
  • The Reservation UI should be done using frames (i.e. HTML FRAME tag).
  • The Analysis UI should not contain any frame.


This assignment is to be submitted via email to your TA. Send only one tar file that contains all that you are submitting:
  1. reservation.html
  2. analysis.html
  3. All the files for the corresponding frames (named as frame1.html, frame2.html, etc.)
  4. If you are using images, do not send them but put them in an HTTP accessible address and provide their URL in your HTML tags when necessary.
Remember the deadline to send this e-mail is Friday September 24 at 10am.