import java.util.*; public class Receipt { /* Prints a receipt for Mega Store with discount etc. */ /* Instance Variables */ Vector items; Vector prices; Vector quantities; /* Program description. */ public static void main(String args[]) { /* Program statements go here. */ Receipt myReceipt=new Receipt(); System.out.println("Welcome to the Mega Store"); myReceipt.receive(); myReceipt.sort(); myReceipt.print(); } public Receipt(){ items=new Vector(); prices=new Vector(); quantities=new Vector(); } public void receive() { String item=" "; Float price; Integer quantity; while (!item.equals("")) { System.out.print("Please enter Item: ");; if (!item.equals("")) { this.items.addElement(item); System.out.print("Please enter price: ");; this.prices.addElement(price); System.out.print("Please enter quantity: ");; this.quantities.addElement(quantity); } } } public void sort() { int i; int largeIndex; for (i=0; i< this.items.size(); i++) { largeIndex = this.getLargest(i);, largeIndex); } } private int getLargest(int index){ int largestIndex; int i; Float price1, price2; largestIndex = index; for (i = index + 1; i < this.prices.size(); i++){ price1=(Float)this.prices.elementAt(i); price2=(Float)this.prices.elementAt(largestIndex); if (price1.floatValue() > price2.floatValue()) largestIndex = i; } return largestIndex; } private void exchange(int a, int b) { Float tempF; Integer tempI; String tempS; tempS = (String)this.items.elementAt(a); tempF = (Float)this.prices.elementAt(a); tempI = (Integer)this.quantities.elementAt(a); this.items.setElementAt((String)this.items.elementAt(b),a); this.items.setElementAt(tempS,b); this.prices.setElementAt((Float)this.prices.elementAt(b),a); this.prices.setElementAt(tempF,b); this.quantities.setElementAt((Integer)this.quantities.elementAt(b),a); this.quantities.setElementAt(tempI,b); } public void print() { Date today=new Date(); String item=" "; Float price; final float discount=100.0f; Integer quantity; float itemtotal; float subTotal=0f; float tax; float theDiscount=0f; int i,j,maxSize; /*printing the header of the receipt*/ System.out.println("======================"); System.out.println(" MEGA STORE"); System.out.print(today.getDate()+"/"); System.out.print((today.getMonth()+1)+"/"); System.out.print((today.getYear()+1900)+" "); System.out.print(today.getHours()+":"); System.out.println(today.getMinutes()); System.out.println("======================"); /*counting the size of the longest item*/ item=(String)this.items.elementAt(0); maxSize=item.length(); for (i=1;i=discount) { theDiscount=subTotal*0.05f; System.out.println("Discount= $"+theDiscount); } System.out.println("Total = $"+(subTotal+tax-theDiscount)); System.out.println("======================"); } }