These note notes have been transcribed from a December 1969 handwritten record in the first Wita-Awit research notebook. Item 1 in 2 Dec Status of WITA 2 On Sunday 17th Aug. WITA 2 began successful operation. The difference between WITA 1 and WITA 2 is very fundamental and is centered on the move listing procedure. From any given board position all the available moves for both sides is known. Such a list will also contain "illegal" moves of the type which place the King in check. Whenever a move is tried, only the pieces directly affected (the moving piece, the captured piece --if any-- and those pieces "controlling" the FROM square and the TO square) have their move list recalculated. Thus only perturbations of the board are considered. In recomputing the moves of the "controlling" pieces only the sub-list in the direction of the move is computed and then edited into the total move list for that piece. This feature was not debugged until November. The new state vector includes both mobility of a piece, as used in WITA 1, and control of a square. Special importance is given to control of the squares surrounding the King. However the most important change from WITA 1 lies in the way in which the attacking and defensive scores are computed. Instead of referring only to the moving piece, a cumulative score for all the pieces attacked and defended is maintained. By this means it is possible to ensure that the scoring function is only dependent upon the current board position and not upon the route taken to that position. There is still an inconsistency, however, since discovered attacks or blocking defences are given extra scores. Since these are relatively uncommon conditions they are unlikely to interfere severely with the ultimate goal of generating a simple "hash" table to eliminate the analysis of duplicate position in the search tree. A series of tests to determine WITA 2's effectiveness and to "tune" its scoring function will begin in December. Matches against Hans Berliner's program, Greenblatt's and Roth's (Texas A&M) will be arranged. The latest "improvement" to the scoring function, which was implemented during November, consists of making "partial" or incremental moves. Then, instead of retracting every move, account is kept of the current position of the moving piece and it is incremented to its next position. A formal retraction to the original position of the piece is made after every capture or when the move list for that piece is exhausted. signed T.A. Marsland 2 Dec. 1969