A list of Boeing and Bell Laboratories Internal Reports for the period 1963-1970.
- "Minimum cost airlift fleet-sequence model", (with D. Ronglie and D. Rux), Boeing Co.,
#D6-9860, Nov. 1963.
- "A generalization of the roots of matrices program", Boeing Co.,
#D6-6952, Jan. 1964, 66pp.
- "An interim guide to the fleet sequence model", (with D. Rux), Boeing Co.,
#D6-6877, May 1964, 111pp.
- "A general program to simulate actuator mechanisms", Boeing Co.,
#D6-7571, April 1964, 126pp.
- "The solution of simultaneous differential equations by the Laplace and Z-transform approach", Boeing Co.,
#D6-2165, June 1965, 29pp.
- "The supersonic fighter cost effectiveness model", Boeing Co.,
#D6-17441, June 1965, 16pp.
- "Dynamic programming: An approach to the optimal solution of continuous control problems", Boeing Co.,
#D6-17448, July 1965, 66pp.
- "An adaptive computing system for the synthesis of threshold logic networks", US Airforce Rept.,
DDC #AD 663446, Sep. 1967, 130pp.
- "A program accessing scheme for the Graphic-2", Bell Labs,
MM70-1385-12, July 1970, 18pp.
- "A direct access communication package for the Graphic-2", Bell Labs,
MM70-1385-13, Aug. 1970. 16pp.
- "Changing emphasis in the Graphic-2 operating system", Bell Labs,
MM70-1385-14, Aug. 1970. 31pp.
- "Performance comparison of two time-sharing systems", M. Fridrich, T.A. Marsland and G. Neufeld:
un-numbered U of A report, Sept. 1971, 21pp.