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  • After compilation your C program is put into a number
    of .o files, so all of these files must be combined into one
    file that is the executable version of the program. When
    the files are combined references between the files must
    be satisfied
  • That is, when a procedure in file1.c calls a procedure in
    file2.c, the first procedure will eventually need to know
    that address of the second procedure. When file1.c is
    compiled this address is unknown so it is left as an
    external reference
  • When the program is loaded, ld finds all the external
    references, determines where the routines and variables
    are actually located in memory and then goes back and
    fills in these addresses
  • Loading also includes library files - your program can
    reference procedures that are in a library, when the
    program is loaded the procedures in the library must also
    be loaded, and thus the external references are satisfied
  • The -l (ell) flag is used to specify the libraries that are
    to be loaded with a program, the standard C library is
    automatically loaded with your program

March 3, 1998

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