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C++ Definitions:
based on "C Programming" K.N. King, Norton, 1995.

Class Definition

Defining a CLASS in C++ is much like defining a structure, for example:

class Fraction {
int numerator

};int denominator

numerator and denominator are said to be data members. Note use of Initial case for ClassName (just a convention, not a requirement of C++). Now we are free to use the new class (type) called Fraction:

Fraction f1, f2;

f1 and f2 are instancesof the Fraction class. An instance of any class is also known as an object.

Unlike structures we cannotaccess these elements with

bottom = f2.denominator// this is illegal, private member
// again illegal

To be accessible the private data members need "public" operators. By default data members are private.

Ignoring the possible existence of public data members, let us consider now how public access functions are declared.

March 11, 1998

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