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FILE* fp;FILE* fptr; scanf ("%d", &item);
fscanf (stdin, "%d", &item);

fp = fopen ("tally.data", "r"); fscanf (fp, "%d", &item);

printf ("%d", item);
fprintf (stdout, "%d", item);

/* as above*/

fptr = fopen ("tally.out", "w");
fprintf (fptr, "%d", item);
/* append to tally.out */

Character at a Time I/O


There are three functions for doing single character I/O:
int getc (FILE* fp);
void putc (char c, FILE* fp);
void ungetc (char c, FILE* fp);


The getc()procedure reads a single character from the stream pointed to by the parameter.  The value returned is the character read, or the special value EOF if the end- of-file is encountered.
putc()procedure writes the character c, onto the stream specified by the parameter fp
ungetc()puts the last character read by getc() back on the input stream.  Very useful



1 February, 1998


CopyrightUniversity of Alberta